Mar 30, 2024
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
<svg width="1100" height="1100">
/* edit these styles as you need */
rect {stroke: white; stroke-width: 2px;}
text {fill: white; font-family: 'Rajdhani', sans-serif;}
.maintitle {font-size: 39px; fill: black;}
.mainsubtitle {font-size: 18px; fill: black;}
.title {text-anchor: end; font-size: 32px;}
.subtext1, .subtext2, .subtext3 {text-anchor: end; font-size: 18px;}
.footprint {font-size: 15px;}
line {stroke: white; stroke-width: 1.5px;}

<text x="0" y="27" class="maintitle">Main title-this can be static</text>
<text x="0" y="50" class="mainsubtitle">Subtitle...</text>

<!-- the rest will be drawn by the data using D3 below -->
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
let landguzzlersViz = // select the cell called svgContainer and make it a d3 object.
.data(land_guzzlers) // the name of the data object (see table below)
.attr("width", d => Math.sqrt(d.footprint) * 1000)
.attr("height", d => Math.sqrt(d.footprint) * 1000)
.attr("x", 0)
.attr("y", d => 1100 - (Math.sqrt(d.footprint) * 1000))
.style("fill", (d,i) => colors[i]); // I'll give you this one. Can you see how it works? See colors below.
landguzzlersViz.selectAll(".title") // notice that I'm selectingAll objects of a class called .title, to only get those text.
.data(land_guzzlers) // same dataset
.join("text") // new object type created
.attr("x", d => (Math.sqrt(d.footprint) * 1000) - 2.5)
.attr("y", d => 1100 - (Math.sqrt(d.footprint) * 1000) + 26)
.text(d => d.title) // this is how we actually write the text content
.attr("class", "title"); // tag it with the style class 'title'

.attr("x", d => (Math.sqrt(d.footprint) * 1000) - 15)
.attr("y", d => 1100 - (Math.sqrt(d.footprint) * 1000) + 33)
.text(d => "Eco-footprint: " + d["footprint"] + " hectares")
.attr("transform", (d,i,nodes) => "rotate(90 " + nodes[i].getAttribute("x") + " " + nodes[i].getAttribute("y") + ")")
// ^^ OK, so you would not have gotten this one on your own easily. See if you can figure it out.
// also compare this back against your manual SVG code for the rotate. Similar?
.attr("class", "footprint"); // tag it with the style class 'title'

// ... what other objects

landguzzlersViz.selectAll(".subtext1") // notice that I'm selectingAll objects of a class called .title, to only get those text.
.data(land_guzzlers) // same dataset
.join("text") // new object type created
.attr("x", d => (Math.sqrt(d.footprint) * 1000) - 27)
.attr("y", d => 1100 - (Math.sqrt(d.footprint) * 1000) + 55)
.text(d => d.subtitle) // this is how we actually write the text content
.attr("class", "subtext1"); // tag it with the style class 'title'

landguzzlersViz.selectAll(".subtext2") // notice that I'm selectingAll objects of a class called .title, to only get those text.
.data(land_guzzlers) // same dataset
.join("text") // new object type created
.attr("x", d => (Math.sqrt(d.footprint) * 1000) - 27)
.attr("y", d => 1100 - (Math.sqrt(d.footprint) * 1000) + 70)
.text(d => d.subtitle2) // this is how we actually write the text content
.attr("class", "subtext1"); // tag it with the style class 'title'

landguzzlersViz.selectAll(".subtext3") // notice that I'm selectingAll objects of a class called .title, to only get those text.
.data(land_guzzlers) // same dataset
.join("text") // new object type created
.attr("x", d => (Math.sqrt(d.footprint) * 1000) - 27)
.attr("y", d => 1100 - (Math.sqrt(d.footprint) * 1000) + 90)
.text(d => d.subtitle3) // this is how we actually write the text content
.attr("class", "subtext1"); // tag it with the style class 'title'

//horizonta line
.attr("x1", "640") //left part of horizontal line. Larger # the shorter line gets from left
.attr("y1", "219") //horizontal, larger # lower it gets
.attr("x2", "896") //right part of horizontal line. Larger # the longer line gets from the right
.attr("y2", "219") //horizontal, larger # lower it gets
//vertical line
.attr("x1", "895") // vertical line, lesser #= shift left
.attr("y1", "218") //top part of the vertical line, smaller # the line gets longer on the top
.attr("x2", "895") // vertical line, less #= shiftleft
.attr("y2", "270") // bottom part of vertica line, larger the line gets longer in the bottom

.attr("x1", "320")
.attr("y1", "490")
.attr("x2", "620")
.attr("y2", "490")
.attr("x1", "620")
.attr("y1", "490")
.attr("x2", "620")
.attr("y2", "530")

Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
colors = ["#a5620b","#c29657","#cc1f5e","#a71949","#f7991d","#231f20"]; // in order Large Dog to Hamster. Reference as colors[i]
Insert cell
Type Table, then Shift-Enter. Ctrl-space for more options.

Insert cell
Insert cell

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