Feb 6, 2023
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username = "microsoft"
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repo = "typescript"
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artifacts = fetchGithub(`/repos/${username}/${repo}/actions/artifacts`)
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artifact = artifacts?.artifacts?.length &&
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userEvents = fetchGithub(`/users/${username}/events/public`)
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repoEvents = fetchGithub(`/repos/${username}/${repo}/events`)
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stargazers = fetchGithub(`/repos/${username}/${repo}/stargazers`)
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gists = fetchGithub(`/users/${username}/gists`)
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gist = gistPick && fetchGithub(`/gists/${gistPick?.id}`)
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gistCommits = gistPick && fetchGithub(`/gists/${gistPick?.id}/commits`)
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gitignores = fetchGithub(`/gitignore/templates`)
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gitignore = fetchGithub(`/gitignore/templates/${gitignoresPick}`)
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issues = fetchGithub(
{ state: "all" }, // default: "open"
{ headers: { accept: "application/vnd.github.squirrel-girl-preview" } } // to get reactions
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issueComments = issues && fetchGithub(`/repos/${username}/${repo}/issues/${issuesPick?.number}/comments`)
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issues && issues.filter(d => d.pull_request)
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licenses = fetchGithub(`/licenses`)
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repoLicense = fetchGithub(`/repos/${username}/${repo}/license`)
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repoLicenseSource = repoLicense && fetchGithub(`/licenses/${repoLicense.license.key}`)
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(await fetchGithubResponse(`/octocat`)).text()
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(await fetchGithubResponse(`/zen`)).text()
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organization = fetchGithub(`/orgs/${username}`)
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organizations = fetchGithub(`/users/${username}/orgs`)
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projectsMediaType = ({ headers: { accept: "application/vnd.github.inertia-preview+json" } })
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projects = fetchGithub(`/repos/${username}/${repo}/projects`, {}, projectsMediaType)
// projects = fetchGithub(`/orgs/${username}/projects`, {}, projectsMediaType)
// projects = fetchGithub(`/users/${username}/projects`, {}, projectsMediaType)
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columns = fetchGithub(`/projects/${}/columns`, {}, projectsMediaType)
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cards = fetchGithub(`/projects/columns/${}/cards`, {}, projectsMediaType)
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pullRequests = fetchGithub(`/repos/${username}/${repo}/pulls`)
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pullRequestCommits = pullRequests && fetchGithub(`/repos/${username}/${repo}/pulls/${pullRequestsPick?.number}/commits`)
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pullRequestComments = pullRequests && fetchGithub(`/repos/${username}/${repo}/pulls/${pullRequestsPick?.number}/comments`)
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repos = fetchGithub(`/users/${username}/repos`)
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branches = fetchGithub(`/repos/${username}/${repo}/branches`)
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collaborators = fetchGithub(`/repos/${username}/${repo}/collaborators`)
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commits = fetchGithub(`/repos/${username}/${repo}/commits`)
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forks = fetchGithub(`/repos/${username}/${repo}/forks`)
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pages = fetchGithub(`/repos/${username}/${repo}/pages`)
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releases = fetchGithub(`/repos/${username}/${repo}/releases`)
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referrers = fetchGithub(`/repos/${username}/${repo}/traffic/popular/referrers`)
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searchResults = fetchGithub(`/search/repositories`, {q: searchQuery})
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you = fetchGithub(`/user`)
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yourFollowers = fetchGithub(`/user/followers`)
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yourFollowing = fetchGithub(`/user/following`)
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user = fetchGithub(`/user/${username}`)
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userFollowers = fetchGithub(`/user/${username}/followers`)
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userFollowing = fetchGithub(`/user/${username}/following`)
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import {toc} from "@mbostock/toc"
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import {fetchGithub, fetchGithubResponse, hasApiKey, rateLimitSummary} from "@observablehq/github-actions-workflows-api"
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// For a notebook to access Secrets, it must statically reference one; this cell grants Secret access to the notebook from which we import the GitHub API helpers. `undefined &&` prevents the Secret from appearing in plaintext in the Inspector.
undefined && Secret("GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN")
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