May 7, 2023
1 fork
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viewof dataAggregationSelected = Map([["All Passwords", allDataSorted], ["Group by Password Type", rollupData], ["Count by Crack Difficulty", rollupDataByDifficulty]]), {value: allDataSorted, label: "Select one:"})

// Is there a way to make
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viewof sortField =["length", "password_type", "crack_difficulty"], {label: "Sort By:", value: "password_type"})
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UvaPasswords = FileAttachment("pass1000@2.csv").csv()
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// UvaPasswords.forEach(d => {
// if (d.alphabet_size == "10") {d.password_type = "numeric"}
// else if (d.alphabet_size == "26") {d.password_type = "alphabetic"}
// else if (d.alphabet_size == "36") {d.password_type = "alphanumeric"}
// else if (d.alphabet_size == "43") {d.password_type = "numeric-symbolic"}
// else if (d.alphabet_size == "59") {d.password_type = "alphabetic-symbolic"}
// else if (d.alphabet_size == "69") {d.password_type = "alphanumeric-symbolic"}
// })
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//slicedData = d3.shuffle(UvaPasswords).slice(0,1000)
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sortedData = d3.sort(UvaPasswords, (a,b) => d3.ascending(a[sortField],b[sortField]))
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import {layoutChildren} from "@emfielduva/dvlib_layout"
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dataLayout = layoutChildren("passwords", sortedData);
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allDataSorted = d3.sort(UvaPasswords, (a,b)=>d3.ascending(a[sortField], b[sortField]))
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rollupData = d3.rollups(UvaPasswords, v => d3.count(v, d => toNum(d["search_space_count"])), d => d["password_type"]).sort((a,b) => d3.ascending(a[1],b[1]))
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rollupDataByDifficulty = d3.rollups(UvaPasswords, v => d3.count(v, d => toNum(d["search_space_count"])), d => d["crack_difficulty"], d => ["password_type"]);
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import {dvPackCircles} from "@emfielduva/dvlib_layout"
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pcElem ='#layer1')
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pc = dvPackCircles(pcElem,dataLayout,600,600,"alphabet_size",options); // alphabet_size works fine
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//pc = dvPackCircles(pcElem,dataLayout,600,600,"search_space_count",options); // for some reason doesn't like search_space_count
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options = ({
transitionMS: 1000,
padding: 1,
classField: "password_type",
textLabelField: "password"
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import {toNum} from "@emfielduva/dvlib_layout"
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rollupData2 = d3.rollups(UvaPasswords, v => d3.count(v, d => toNum(d["search_space_count"])), d => d["password_type"]).sort((a,b) => d3.ascending(a[1],b[1])) //use d3.count to count how many of each type of password
//.sort(a,b) --> compares each a and b value and sorts them
//a[1] --> sorts by column 1 (numeric value)
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// rollupData = d3.rollups(UvaPasswords, v=> d3.sum(v,
// d => d["password"]),
// d => d["length"]),
// d => d["alphabet_size"]),
// d => d["search_space_count"]).sort((a,b,c,d) => d3.ascending(a[1],b[1]),c[1],d[1])
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viewof tableRollup = Inputs.table(rollupData)
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dataLayoutFullSum = layoutChildren("passwords",rollupData);
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pc2Elem ="#layer1")
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pc2 = dvPackCircles(pc2Elem,dataLayoutFullSum,600,600,'',options)
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dataLayoutByDifficulty = layoutChildren("passwords", rollupDataByDifficulty);
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pc3Elem ="#bydifficulty")
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pc3 = dvPackCircles(pc3Elem,dataLayoutByDifficulty,800,800,'',options)
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