Jul 24, 2023
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Insert cell
map = {
let map = Plot.plot({
color: "#ddd",
width: 900,
height: 600,
projection: d3.geoMercator().fitExtent(
[0, 0],
[900, 600]
marks: [
Plot.geo(italy, {
fill: "#eee",
stroke: "black"
}),, {
x: "lng",
y: "lat",
r: 5,
fill: "#cd212a",
stroke: "black",
// We're going to use the title channel to pass the name
// of each city to our tip generator.
title: "city"

// Convert the native tooltips generated by "title" to
// groovy Tippy tooltips.
let dots ="circle");
.each(function () {
// Grab the title generated by Plot
let t ="title").text();
// Apply tippy to the DOM element to attach groovy tooltips
tippy(this, {
content: tip(t),
theme: "light-border",
allowHTML: true,
interactive: true,
appendTo: () => document.body
// Remove the native tooltip generated by Plot.

return map;
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// This function accepts a city name and generates the tooltip.
// It should return raw HTML code.
function tip(city) {
let d = cities.filter((c) => == city)[0];
return `<h4>${city}</h4>
<li>Population: ${d.population}</li>
<li><a href="${city}" target="_blank">Wiki Link</a></li>
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tippy_style = html`<div style="display: hidden">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="${await require.resolve(
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tippy = require("tippy.js@6")
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italy = {
let italy = await FileAttachment("italy.json").json();
return topojson.feature(italy, italy.objects.Italy);
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cities = FileAttachment("it.csv").csv()
Insert cell

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