Aug 16, 2023
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parquetBuffer = {
const ab = await fetch(buildingsUrl).then((response) =>
return ab;
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arrowTable = {
console.log("started parsing");
const parquetBytes = new Uint8Array(parquetBuffer);

console.time("parse to ffi table");
const wasmArrowTable = parquet.readParquetFFI(parquetBytes);
console.timeEnd("parse to ffi table");

const recordBatches = [];
for (let i = 0; i < wasmArrowTable.numBatches(); i++) {
// Note: Unless you know what you're doing, setting `true` below is recommended to _copy_
// table data from WebAssembly into JavaScript memory. This may become the default in the
// future.
console.time("parse record batch");
const recordBatch = arrowJsFFI.parseRecordBatch(
console.timeEnd("parse record batch");


const table = new arrow.Table(recordBatches);

return table;
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geometryColumn = arrowTable.getChildAt(0)
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flatCoordinateArray = {
const flatCoordinateVector = geometryColumn
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polygonOffsets = geometryColumn.getChildAt(0).data[0].valueOffsets
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geomOffsets =[0].valueOffsets
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areaArray = {
// Copy `flatCoordinateArray` into WebAssembly memory and construct a
// `geoarrow.CoordBuffer` object. In JavaScript, this object is just a
// pointer to the array in the Wasm memory space.
console.time("memory allocation");
const coordBuffer = geoarrow.CoordBuffer.from_interleaved_coords(
new geoarrow.InterleavedCoordBuffer(flatCoordinateArray)
console.timeEnd("memory allocation");

// Construct a `geoarrow.PolygonArray` from the coordinates and offsets
const polygonArray = new geoarrow.PolygonArray(

// Reproject the array of polygons from WGS84 to UTM
// ~3000ms on my machine for 1 million buildings.
// Check your browser console for the timing on your machine.
const utmPolygonArray = polygonArray.reproject_rs(
"utm zone=12",

// Compute the area
// ~290ms (on full 1M buildings)
const areaWasmArray = utmPolygonArray.area();

// "Export" the array from Wasm memory
const areaFFIArray = areaWasmArray.to_ffi();

// Use arrow-js-ffi to parse the field metadata from Wasm memory
const areaField = arrowJsFFI.parseField(

// Use arrow-js-ffi to copy the array back to JavaScript
// <2ms even for 1M buildings
console.time("parse vector");
const areaArray = arrowJsFFI.parseVector(
console.timeEnd("parse vector");

// Manually free the memory from WebAssembly to avoid memory leaks
// This sucks but WebAssembly does not have a garbage collector,
// so a certain level of manual memory management is required.
// Freeing the `arrowJsFFI` array is safe because we passed `copy=true`
// into `parseVector`, so we're no longer using the WebAssembly memory.
// `` does not need to be run (and will in fact error!)
// because passing the coordinateBuffer into `geoarrow.PolygonArray` takes
// ownership of the coordinateBuffer, so `` also frees
// the coordinate buffer. This is indeed complex but hopefully will get easier
// to use over time.
console.time("memory freeing");;;;;
console.timeEnd("memory freeing");

return areaArray;
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colorScale = {
// Convert from value to RGB values
const lowerBound = 10;
const upperBound = 5000;
const linearScale = d3
.domain([parseFloat(lowerBound), parseFloat(upperBound)])
.range([0, 1]);

// This is a fast vectorized approach: we store all colors in a single Float32Array instead of many small JS buffers
// Indices maps from geometry to vertex index
return (values, indices) => {
const vertexArrayLength = indices[indices.length - 1];
const outputArray = new Float32Array(vertexArrayLength * 3);
let lastIndex = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) {
let nextIndex = indices[i + 1];
const value = values[i];
const color = d3.color(d3.interpolateViridis(linearScale(Math.sqrt(value))));
const r = color.r / 255;
const g = color.g / 255;
const b = color.b / 255;
for (let j = lastIndex; j < nextIndex; ++j) {
outputArray[j * 3] = r;
outputArray[j * 3 + 1] = g;
outputArray[j * 3 + 2] = b;
lastIndex = nextIndex;

return outputArray;
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colorAttribute = {
// On my computer, generating the color scale from the area array takes ~130ms.
// Check your browser console for your timing.
const result = colorScale(areaArray.toArray(), resolvedPolygonIndices);
return result;
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resolvedPolygonIndices = {
console.time("prepare deckgl")
const resolvedIndices = new Int32Array(geomOffsets.length);
for (let i = 0; i < resolvedIndices.length; ++i) {
// Perform the lookup into the polygonOffsets array using the geomOffsets array
resolvedIndices[i] = polygonOffsets[geomOffsets[i]];
console.timeEnd("prepare deckgl")
return resolvedIndices;
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deckglLayer = {
// Refer to
const data = {
// Number of geometries
length: geometryColumn.length,
// Indices into coordinateArray where each polygon starts
startIndices: resolvedPolygonIndices,
attributes: {
// Flat coordinates array
getPolygon: { value: flatCoordinateArray, size: 2 },
// Pass in the color values per coordinate vertex
getFillColor: { value: colorAttribute, size: 3 }
const layer = new deck.SolidPolygonLayer({
// This is an Observable hack - changing the id will force the layer to refresh when the cell reevaluates
id: `layer-${}`,
// Skip normalization for binary data
_normalize: false,
// Counter-clockwise winding order
_windingOrder: "CCW"

deckglMap.setProps({ layers: [layer] });

return layer;
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// Load the parquet-wasm library
geoarrowModule = {
const geoarrowModule = await import(
// Need to await the default export first to initialize the WebAssembly code
const { memory } = await geoarrowModule.default();
return [geoarrowModule, memory];
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geoarrow = geoarrowModule[0]
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geoarrowMemory = geoarrowModule[1]
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// Load the parquet-wasm library
parquetModule = {
const parquetModule = await import(
// Need to await the default export first to initialize the WebAssembly code
const { memory } = await parquetModule.default();
return [parquetModule, memory];
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parquet = parquetModule[0]
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parquetMemory = parquetModule[1]
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