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d3 = require("d3@5")
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topojson = require("topojson-client@3")
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states = FileAttachment("states.json").json()
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states_features = topojson.feature(states, states.objects.states)
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csv_data = d3.csvParse(await FileAttachment("iowa_counties.csv").text(),({FIPS, FEMALES, POP2010}) => [FIPS, [+FEMALES, +FEMALES/+POP2010]])
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//this is how to take the values of a variable (column) from all variables you created from the csv file
femalepct = Array.from(csv_data.values(), d => d[1][1])
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//this is how you map the id column to the values. We will use this for joining with topojson later.
data = Object.assign(new Map(csv_data), {title: ["Females", "Female Pct"]})
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quantile = d3.scaleQuantile()
.range(["white", "#99d594", "green"])
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naturalbreaks = simple.ckmeans(femalepct, 3).map(v => v.pop())
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jenks = d3
.range(["white", "#99d594", "green"])
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quantize = d3.scaleQuantize()
.range(["#fde0dd", "#fa9fb5", "#c51b8a"])
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threshold = d3.scaleThreshold()
.domain([0.05, 0.1, 0.2])
.range(["white", "#99d594", "green"])
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GADF_GVF = calculateGADF_GVF(femalepct, quantizeBreakIDs)
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//TODO: there is a bug in the data
quantizeBreakIDs = getBreakIDs(femalepct, quantize.domain())
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quantileGADF_GVF = classifications(femalepct, 3, 11)
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// Convert your array into a format that Plotly can use more directly
formattedData = => ({x: d[0], y: d[2]}));
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// Create the line chart
marks: [
Plot.line(formattedData, {x: "x", y: "y"}) // Adjusted to use the mapped data
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classifications = function(mydata, minNumOfC, maxNumOfClas){
let quantileArray = [];
for (let i = minNumOfC; i <= maxNumOfClas; i++) {
const mycolor = d3.schemeSpectral[i];
const nbreaks = simple.ckmeans(mydata, i).map(v => v.pop());
const jenks = d3.scaleThreshold().domain(nbreaks).range(mycolor);
const nBreakIDs = getBreakIDs(mydata, jenks.domain());
const gadf_gvf = calculateGADF_GVF(mydata, nBreakIDs);
quantileArray.push([i, gadf_gvf[0], gadf_gvf[1]]);
return quantileArray;
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getBreakIDs = function(data, breaks){
let breakids = [];
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < breaks.length-1; j++) {
if(data[i].toFixed(5) == breaks[j].toFixed(5))
return breakids;
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//calculate the sum of absolute devisations from median
getSumOfAbsoluteDeviationsFromMedian = function(data){
let ADAM = 0;
let median = d3.median(data)
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
ADAM += Math.abs(data[i] - median);
return ADAM;
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//This method is used in calculating the sum of squared difference from the mean
getSumOfSquaredDifferenceFromMean = function(data){
let GVF_dev = 0;
let mean = d3.mean(data)
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
GVF_dev += Math.pow((data[i] - mean), 2);
return GVF_dev;
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calculateGADF_GVF = function(data, breakIDs){

// The measure of central tendency using the median.
let GADF = NaN;
// the sum of absolute deviations about class medians for a particular number of
// classes
let ADCM = 0;
// the sum of absolute deviations about the median for the entire data set.
let ADAM = 0;

// The measure of central tendency using the mean. The error in a class is the
// sum of squared deviations about the mean.
let GVF = 0;
// the sum of squared difference from the mean for a particular number of
// classes
let SSDcMean = 0;
// the sum of squared difference from the mean for the entire data set.
let SSDAMean = 0;
ADAM = getSumOfAbsoluteDeviationsFromMedian(data);
SSDAMean = getSumOfSquaredDifferenceFromMean(data);
for (let i = 0; i < breakIDs.length; i++) {
let min_idx = breakIDs[i];
let max_idx = -1;
if (i < breakIDs.length - 1)
max_idx = breakIDs[i + 1];
max_idx = data.length - 1;
let data_class = [] ;
let cnt = 0;
for (let j = min_idx; j < max_idx; j++) {
// sum of all ADCMS for each classFs
if (data_class.length != 0) {
ADCM += getSumOfAbsoluteDeviationsFromMedian(data_class);
SSDcMean += getSumOfSquaredDifferenceFromMean(data_class);
GADF = 1 - (ADCM / ADAM);
GVF = 1 - (SSDcMean / SSDAMean);
return [GADF, GVF];
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simple = require("simple-statistics@7.0.7/dist/simple-statistics.min.js")
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