Published unlisted
Feb 8, 2022
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## Basic Classes
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### Principal-Protected
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### Principle Protected Inner Curve
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withPrincipleProtectedInnerCurve = NestedCurve => class extends NestedCurve {
* @constructor
* @param {withPrincipleProtection(BancorCurve)} innerCurve - A principle-protected bonding curve to be used
` * as the inner curve of the nested bonding curve.
constructor({ address, chain, OuterCurveClass, outerCurveConfig, innerCurve, reserveToken }) {
const OuterCurve = OuterCurveClass || withCostBasisReserves(BancorCurve)
const outerCurve = new OuterCurve(outerCurveConfig)

super({ innerCurve, outerCurve, chain, address, reserveToken })
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## Simulate2
A simulator function that accepts arbitrary actions, state, reducers & state logging.
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md`# A. Basic Bonding Curve Scenarios`
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md`## Scenario 1: Sandwich Attack`
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md`### Scenario Setup`
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md`### Experiment 1.1: Sandwich Attack w/ Base Bonding Curve`
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md`### Experiment 1.2: Sandwich Attack w/ Flat Deposit Tax`
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md `## Scenario 2: Apeing in`
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md`### Scenario Setup`
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## Scenario 3: Bonding Curve Payouts
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### Experiment A.3.1: Deposit into Bancor Reserves
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scenario_A_3_1_results = {
const { actions, initialReserveTokenBalances, recordState } = scenario_A_3_config
const chain = new Chain({})
const reserveToken = new Token({ initialBalances: initialReserveTokenBalances })
const curve = new BancorCurve({ chain, reserveRatio: (1/2), reserveToken, address: 'bonding_curve'})
const state = {

return simulate3({
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### Experiment A.3.3: Principle Protected Curve
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# B. Nested Bonding Curve Scenarios
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1. Initialize inner curve of nested curve
2. Several Curators mint on nested curve
3. Upgrade nested curve from previous inner curve to new inner curve.
4. Several Curators burn on the nested curve

Analyze profits depending on timing and the shape of the old vs. new inner curve.
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## Scenario B.1: Inner Curve Upgrade
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### Experiment B.1.1: Basic Inner Curve Upgrade
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## Scenario B.2 Front-Running Inner Curve Upgrade
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### Experiment B.2.1: Front-Running Basic Curve Upgrade
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## Scenario B.3 Principle Protected Nesting Strategies
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scenario_B_3_config = ({
initialReserveTokenBalances: [
['0x0', 0],
['protocol', 5000],
['curator1', 1000],
['curator2', 1000],
actions: [
{ type: "MINT", target: 'nestedCurve', args: ['curator1', 1000] },
{ type: "MINT", target: 'nestedCurve', args: ['curator2', 1000] },
(_, { outerShareBalances } ) =>
({ type: "BURN", target: 'nestedCurve', args: ['curator2', outerShareBalances['curator2']] }),
recordState: ({ nestedCurve, innerCurve, outerCurve, reserveToken }) => ({
outerShareBalances: Object.fromEntries(nestedCurve.outerCurve.shareToken.balances.entries()),
outerCurvePrice: outerCurve.price,
outerCurvePricePerHundredth: outerCurve.pricePerHundredth,
outerShares: outerCurve.shares,
reserveTokenBalances: Object.fromEntries(reserveToken.balances.entries()),
innerCostBases: Object.fromEntries(nestedCurve.innerCurve.shareToken.costBases.entries()),
innerShareTokenBalances: Object.fromEntries(nestedCurve.innerCurve.shareToken.balances.entries()),
innerShares: innerCurve.shares,
innerCurvePrice: innerCurve.price,
innerCurvePricePerHundredth: innerCurve.pricePerHundredth,
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md`# Imports`
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_ = require('lodash@4.17.20/lodash.js')
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