Oct 9
1 fork
3 stars
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function g2(options) {
const chart = new G2.Chart();
invalidation.then((chart) => chart.render());
return chart.getContainer();
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// A basic mark.
type: "point", // Point mark, a template to generate circles.
data: athletes, // The source of template.
encode: {
// Bind column of data to visual property.
x: "weight",
y: "height",
color: "sex"
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// Different type of channels.
type: "interval",
data: profits,
paddingLeft: 50,
encode: {
x: "month",
y: ["end", "start"], // An array channels, sort for y and y1
// y: "end",
// y1: "start",
color: (d) => {
// A transform channel: derive new column data.
return d.month === "Total"
? "Total"
: d.profit > 0
? "Increase"
: "Decrease";
size: 30 // A constant channel.
axis: {
y: { labelFormatter: "~s" }
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// Multiple marks in a view.
type: "view",
children: [
// To specify multiple marks with view.children.
type: "line", // A line mark.
data: values,
encode: { x: "year", y: "value" }
type: "point", // A point mark.
data: values,
encode: { x: "year", y: "value" },
style: { fill: "white" }
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// A plot with composite and static marks.
type: "view",
children: [
type: "forceGraph", // A composite or high-order mark.
data: {
value: miserables
type: "text", // A static(non-data-driven) mark.
style: {
// Specify non-data-driven attributes.
x: 600, // Relative position.
y: "100%", // Absolute position.
text: "Force Graph",
textAnchor: "end",
fontSize: 20,
fontWeight: "bold"
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type: "line",
data: {
type: "fetch", // An online data source.
encode: {
x: "date",
y: "close"
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// Inline data with transform.
type: "geoPath",
coordinate: { type: "albersUsa" },
data: {
value: topojson.feature(us, us.objects.counties).features,
// Data transform.
transform: [
type: "join",
join: unemployment,
on: ["id", "id"],
select: ["rate"]
encode: { color: "rate" },
scale: { color: { unknown: "#fff" } }
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type: "area",
data: unemployment2,
paddingLeft: 60,
encode: {
x: (d) => new Date(,
y: "unemployed",
color: "industry",
shape: "smooth"
transform: [{ type: "stackY" }] // A transform to avoid overlap in data space.
Insert cell
type: "point",
data: countries,
encode: {
shape: "point",
color: "Continent"
transform: [{ type: "pack" }] // A transform to avoid overlap in screen space.
Insert cell
type: "rect",
data: athletes,
encode: {
x: "weight",
y: "height",
color: "sex"
transform: [
// A transform to aggregate data.
type: "bin",
opacity: "count"
legend: { opacity: false }
Insert cell
type: "rect",
data: athletes,
encode: {
x: "weight",
y: "height",
color: "sex"
transform: [
// Multiple transform.
{ type: "binX", y: "count" },
{ type: "stackY", orderBy: "series" }
style: {
insetLeft: 1
Insert cell
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type: "point",
data: countries,
encode: {
x: "GDP",
y: "LifeExpectancy",
color: "Continent",
size: "Population",
shape: "point"
scale: {
color: { range: ["red", "yellow", "blue", "black"] },
size: { type: "log", range: [4, 20] } // Specify scale type and range.
legend: { size: false },
style: { fillOpacity: 0.3, lineWidth: 1 }
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type: "interval",
height: 640,
data: {
type: "fetch",
legend: false,
encode: { y: "value", color: "name" },
transform: [{ type: "stackY" }],
scale: {
color: {
palette: "spectral",
offset: (t) => t * 0.8 + 0.1
coordinate: { type: "theta" }, // Specify coordinates.
style: { stroke: "white" },
animate: { enterType: "waveIn", enterDuration: 1000 },
labels: [
{ text: "name", radius: 0.8, fontSize: 10, fontWeight: "bold" },
text: (d, i, data) => (i < data.length - 3 ? d.value : ""),
radius: 0.8,
fontSize: 9,
dy: 12
Insert cell
const position = [
"economy (mpg)",
"displacement (cc)",
"power (hp)",
"weight (lb)",
"0-60 mph (s)",
return g2({
type: "line",
width: 800,
data: {
type: "fetch",
value: ""
coordinate: { type: "parallel" }, // Specify series of coordinates.
encode: { position, color: "cylinders" },
style: {
strokeWidth: 1.5,
strokeOpacity: 0.4
scale: { color: { palette: "brBG", offset: (t) => 1 - t } },
axis: Object.fromEntries(
Array.from({ length: position.length }, (_, i) => [
`position${i === 0 ? "" : i}`,
zIndex: 1,
titlePosition: "right",
line: true,
labelStroke: "#fff",
labelStrokeWidth: 5,
labelFontSize: 10,
labelStrokeLineJoin: "round",
titleStroke: "#fff",
titleFontSize: 10,
titleStrokeWidth: 5,
titleStrokeLineJoin: "round",
titleTransform: "translate(-50%, 0) rotate(-90)",
lineStroke: "black",
tickStroke: "black",
lineStrokeWidth: 1
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// A space composition example.
type: "spaceFlex",
width: 900,
ratio: [1, 2],
direction: "col",
data: {
type: "fetch",
value: ""
children: [
type: "interval",
paddingBottom: 0,
paddingRight: 300,
encode: {
x: (d) => new Date(,
y: "temp_max",
color: "steelblue"
transform: [{ type: "groupX", y: "max" }],
axis: { x: false }
type: "spaceFlex",
paddingBottom: 60,
ratio: [2, 1],
children: [
type: "cell",
paddingBottom: 60,
paddingRight: 0,
encode: {
x: (d) => new Date(,
y: (d) => new Date(,
color: "temp_max"
transform: [{ type: "group", color: "max" }],
scale: { color: { palette: "gnBu" } },
style: { inset: 0.5 },
axis: { x: { title: "Date" }, y: { title: "Month" } },
legend: { color: false }
type: "interval",
encode: {
x: (d) => new Date(,
y: "temp_max",
color: "steelblue"
transform: [{ type: "groupX", y: "max" }],
coordinate: { transform: [{ type: "transpose" }] },
axis: { x: false }
Insert cell
// A facet composition example.
type: "facetRect",
data: countries,
paddingLeft: 40,
paddingBottom: 40,
height: 360,
encode: {
x: "Continent"
children: [
type: "point",
inset: 15,
encode: {
x: "GDP",
y: "LifeExpectancy",
size: "Population",
shape: "point"
scale: {
size: { type: "log", range: [4, 20] } // Specify scale type and range.
style: {
fillOpacity: 0.3,
lineWidth: 1
Insert cell
// A nested facet composition.
type: "facetRect",
height: 600,
paddingLeft: 85,
paddingBottom: 60,
shareSize: true,
data: {
type: "fetch",
value: "",
transform: [
{ type: "sortBy", fields: ["survived", "sex"] },
type: "map",
callback: ({ survived, ...d }) => ({
survived: survived + ""
encode: { y: "pclass" },
children: [
type: "facetRect",
shareSize: true,
encode: { x: "survived" },
axis: {
y: false,
x: {
labelFormatter: (d) => (d === "1" ? "Yes" : "No"),
position: "bottom"
children: [
type: "facetRect",
shareSize: true,
encode: { y: "sex" },
axis: { x: false, y: { position: "left" } },
children: [
type: "point",
encode: { color: "survived", shape: "point", size: 3 },
transform: [{ type: "pack" }],
legend: {
color: { labelFormatter: (d) => (d === "1" ? "Yes" : "No") }
tooltip: { title: "", items: ["pclass", "survived", "sex"] }
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type: "interval",
width: 720,
data: events,
coordinate: { transform: [{ type: "transpose" }] },
scale: {
enterDuration: {
zero: true,
range: [0, 10000]
encode: {
x: "name",
y: ["endTime", "startTime"],
color: "name",
enterDuration: (d) => d.endTime - d.startTime,
enterDelay: "startTime"
Insert cell
type: "interval",
data: fruits,
encode: {
x: "year",
y: "value",
color: "type",
series: "type",
enterDuration: 1000
transform: [{ type: "stackEnter", groupBy: ["x", "color"] }]
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type: "timingKeyframe",
duration: 1000,
direction: "reverse",
iterationCount: 2,
children: [
type: "interval",
transform: [{ type: "groupX", y: "mean" }],
data: people,
encode: {
x: "gender",
y: "weight",
color: "gender",
key: "gender"
type: "point",
data: people,
encode: {
x: "height",
y: "weight",
color: "gender",
shape: "point",
groupKey: "gender"
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type: "point",
data: {
type: "fetch",
value: ""
encode: { x: "weight", y: "height", color: "gender", shape: "point" },
style: {
fillOpacity: 0.7,
transform: "scale(1, 1)",
transformOrigin: "center center"
state: {
inactive: { fill: "black", fillOpacity: 0.5, transform: "scale(0.5, 0.5)" }
interaction: { brushXHighlight: {} }
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Type JavaScript, then Shift-Enter. Ctrl-space for more options. Arrow ↑/↓ to switch modes.

Insert cell
Insert cell

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