Nov 12, 2020
1 fork
10 stars
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selectedDataSource = dataSources[selectedDataSourceIndex]
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// fetch the data from the edelweiss REST api (latest will make sure we get the newest dataset, updated daily)
raw_data = {
const query = countryFilter
const encodedQuery = JSON.stringify({condition: query})
let url = new URL(selectedDataSource.url)
url.searchParams.append('query', encodedQuery);
const data = fetch(url)
.then(response => {
if (!response.ok) throw new Error(response.status);
return response.json();})
return data
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countryFilter = ({
exactSearch: [ { column: ["location"]}, country ]
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data =
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metadata = fetch(selectedDataSource.metadataUrl)
.then(response => {
if (!response.ok) throw new Error(response.status);
return response.json();})
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calculateAndMergeTrueProjectedCases = {
return function(rows) {
// filter out days before the graphStartDAte
const filteredRows = _.filter(rows, row => moment(row[]).isBetween(graphStartDate, artificialTimeSeriesEnd, null, "[]"))
console.log("filtered", filteredRows)
const filteredStartDate = moment.max(moment(_.first(rows)[]), graphStartDate)
const endDate = moment.max([moment(_.last(rows)[]), artificialTimeSeriesEnd])
const startDate = moment.min([filteredStartDate, moment(endDate).subtract(averageDaysToDeathAfterInfection, 'days')])
const numDays = endDate.diff(startDate, "days")
const days =, numDays + 1), diff => moment(startDate).add(diff, "days"))
console.log("days", days)
const dateIndexedFilteredRows = _.fromPairs(, row => [(moment(row[]).format("YYYY-MM-DD")), row]))
let projectedDays = []
let lastDaysCases = undefined
for (const day of days) {
const currentDateData = dateIndexedFilteredRows[day.format("YYYY-MM-DD")]
const xDaysInFutureData = dateIndexedFilteredRows[moment(day).add(averageDaysToDeathAfterInfection, "days").format("YYYY-MM-DD")]
if (xDaysInFutureData) {
const projected = xDaysInFutureData[fields["total-deaths"]] / (infectedFatalityRate/100)
lastDaysCases = projected
if (currentDateData) {
projectedDays.push(assemblyFinalDataRow(currentDateData, projected))
else {
projectedDays.push(assemblyFinalDataRow({[]: day.format("YYYY-MM-DD")}, projected))
else {
if (lastDaysCases === undefined) {
console.log("lastdayscases was not defined!")
else {
// decide if we are before or after the lockdown and choose the correct doubling rate
let doublingTime = doublingTimeBeforeLockdown
let projected = lastDaysCases * 2**(1/doublingTime)
lastDaysCases = projected
if (currentDateData) {
projectedDays.push(assemblyFinalDataRow(currentDateData, projected))
else {
projectedDays.push(assemblyFinalDataRow({[]: day.format("YYYY-MM-DD")}, projected))
console.log("projected", projectedDays)
return projectedDays
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assemblyFinalDataRow = function(data, projected) {
const formattedCases = _.isNil(data[fields.cases]) ? "no data" : data[fields.cases].toLocaleString()
return {, [fields.projected]: projected, [fields.projectedFormatted]: (Math.round(projected, 0)).toLocaleString(), [fields.casesFormatted]: formattedCases}
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artificialTimeSeriesEnd = moment(latestDate).subtract((50-artificialTimeSeriesEndSlider), "days")
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fields = ({...metadata.columnNames,...projectedFields})
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countries = metadata.regions
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// Pick the country selected in the dropdown and calculate the projection for it
targetCountryData = calculateAndMergeTrueProjectedCases(data_by_countries[country])
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latestDate = moment(_.chain(data_by_countries[country]).map(datum => datum[] ).max().value())
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countryDailyDeathsGrowthRateAverageLastThreeDays =
{ if (data_by_countries[country].length > 3) {
const len = data_by_countries[country].length
const offset = _.slice(data_by_countries[country], len-4, len-1)
return _.chain(data_by_countries[country]).takeRight(3).zip(offset).map(pair => pair[0][fields["total-deaths"]]/pair[1][fields["total-deaths"]]*100 - 100).sum().value()/3
return 15.0
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confirmedCasesGrowthRate = { const ratio = targetCountryData[targetCountryData.length-1][fields["total-cases"]] / targetCountryData[targetCountryData.length-averageDaysToDeathAfterInfection-1][fields["total-cases"]]
return (Math.pow(ratio, 1/averageDaysToDeathAfterInfection)-1.0)*100
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md`### Imports`
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import {slider, select, checkbox} from "@jashkenas/inputs"
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import { vl } from "@vega/vega-lite-api"
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moment = require("moment");
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import { inputsGroup } from "@bumbeishvili/input-groups"
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_ = require("lodash");

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vegalite = require("@observablehq/vega-lite")
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