Mar 30, 2020
58 stars
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projection = d3.geoMercator().fitExtent([[margin, margin], [width - margin, height - margin]], streets)
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pathGenerator = d3.geoPath().projection(projection)
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color = d3.scaleOrdinal().domain(['neutral','male','female']).range(['#bbbbbb','#4444ff','#ee0000'])
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yCoord = d3.scaleOrdinal().domain(['neutral','male','female']).range([margin, margin + 40, margin + 80])
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stats = {
let stats = {
length: { neutral: 0, male: 0, female: 0 }, // total length in meters
count: { neutral: 0, male: 0, female: 0 } // number of streets
streets.features.forEach(street => {
let gender =;

stats.length[gender] +=;
stats.count[gender] += 1;

return stats
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xCoord = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0,stats.length.neutral]).range([margin, width - margin])
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function xCoordinateGenerator(xMin, xMax, y) {
let delta = xMax-xMin;
return function(pos) {
return [xMin + delta*pos, y];
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function prepareStreets(streetsArray) {
// keep track of the length of streets processed so far
let lengthCounter = {
male: 0,
female: 0,
neutral: 0
// calculate the path geometries for each street
streetsArray.forEach(d => {
// the path for drawing the street on the map = pathGenerator(d)
let xGen = xCoordinateGenerator(
xCoord(lengthCounter[] +,
// the path for drawing the street in the diagram = normalizePath(, xGen)
lengthCounter[] +=
return streetsArray
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preparedStreets = prepareStreets(streets.features)
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let button = html`<input type="button" value="Transition to Diagram">` = "1.2em";
// keep track of map state
let isMap = true
button.addEventListener('click', function() {'path')
.interrupt() // cancel any ongoing transitions
.delay((d,i)=>i*2) // use a staggered delay, depending on the street's position in the data
.ease(d3.easeLinear) // use linear motion
// use the appropriate path for the current state
.attr('d',d => isMap ? :
button.value = isMap ? "Transition to Map" : "Transition to Diagram"
isMap = !isMap
return button
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// Sorting function for going from diagram to map
function mapOrder(a,b) {
// first compare gender
if ((genderOrder[]) > (genderOrder[])) return 1;
if ((genderOrder[]) < (genderOrder[])) return -1;
// then latitude
if (getFirstPoint(a.geometry)[1] > getFirstPoint(b.geometry)[1]) return 1;
if (getFirstPoint(a.geometry)[1] < getFirstPoint(b.geometry)[1]) return -1;
return 0;
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// Sorting function for going from map to diagram
function chartOrder(a,b) {
// first compare gender
if ((genderOrder[]) > (genderOrder[])) return 1;
if ((genderOrder[]) < (genderOrder[])) return -1;
// then latitude - note that this is the reverse order than above
if (getFirstPoint(a.geometry)[1] > getFirstPoint(b.geometry)[1]) return -1;
if (getFirstPoint(a.geometry)[1] < getFirstPoint(b.geometry)[1]) return 1;
return 0;
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sortedStreets = {
// make a copy of the original data, to avoid overwriting the properties set by part 2
let streets2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(streets.features))
// use sorted arrays to assign a chartOrder and mapOrder property to each street
streets2.forEach((d,i) => = i)
streets2.forEach((d,i) => = i)
// prepare streets like in part 2
return streets2
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button = {
let button = html`<input type="button" value="Transition to Diagram">` = "1.2em";
let isMap = true
button.addEventListener('click', function() {
button.disabled = true'path')
.interrupt() // cancel any ongoing transitions
// stagger the transitions and introduce a delay of 1.5 seconds between each group of streets
.delay(d => (isMap ? : + genderOrder[] * 1500)
.ease(d3.easeLinear) // use linear motion
.attr('d',d => isMap ? :
.on('end', function(d,i){
if (i == sortedStreets.length-1) {
// last element has transitioned
button.value = isMap ? "Transition to Diagram" : "Transition to Map";
button.disabled = false;
isMap = !isMap
button.value = "... in transition ...";
return button
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