May 15, 2023
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projection = d3.geoAlbers()
.fitSize([mapWidth, mapHeight], geoJsonUsa);
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const svg =, mapHeight));
.attr("fill", "#eee")
.attr("stroke", "#bbb")
.attr("d", d3.geoPath(projection));
return svg.node();
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scaleBar = d3.geoScaleBar()
.size([mapWidth, mapHeight]);
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const svg =, mapHeight));
.attr("fill", "#eee")
.attr("stroke", "#bbb")
.attr("d", d3.geoPath(projection));
// Call the scale bar like this.
return svg.node();
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scaleBarPositioned = d3.geoScaleBar()
.size([mapWidth, mapHeight])
.tickFormat(d3.format(",")); // A formatter function adds a comma to "1,000"
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scaleBarWapo = d3.geoScaleBar()
.size([mapWidth, mapHeight])
.units(d3.geoScaleMiles) // The units will be miles instead of kilometers
.distance(500) // The distance of the scale bar
.label("500 miles") // The label on top of the scale bar
.labelAnchor("middle") // The position of the label (you can also pass "start" and "end")
.tickSize(null) // The height of the bar
.tickValues(null); // The tick values below the bar will be removed
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scaleBarTop = d3.geoScaleBar()
.orient(d3.geoScaleTop) // The other orientation is d3.geoScaleBottom, which is the default
.tickPadding(3) // How far the tick text labels are from the lines
.tickFormat((d, i, e) => i === e.length - 1 ? `${d} Kilometers` : d)
.tickValues([0, 250])
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scaleBarBottom = d3.geoScaleBar()
.units(d3.geoScaleMiles) // Other options are d3.geoScaleFeet, d3.geoScaleKilometers, and d3.geoScaleMeters
.orient(d3.geoScaleBottom) // Redundant as this is the default
.tickPadding(3) // How far the tick text labels are from the lines
.tickFormat((d, i, e) => i === e.length - 1 ? `${d} Miles` : d)
.tickValues([0, 250]);
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projectionIndia = proj4d3(`+proj=aea +lat_2=12 +lat_1=28 +lat_0=20 +lon_0=78 +x_0=2000000 +y_0=2000000`)
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scaleBarZoom = d3.geoScaleBar()
.zoomClamp(false) // Set this to true to keep the bar's width constant
.size([mapWidth, mapHeight])
.tickFormat(d => d3.format(",")(+d.toFixed(1))); // A formatter function rounds the tick values and adds a comma to "1,000"
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const wrapper ="div"));
const svg = wrapper.append("svg")
.attr("width", mapWidth)
.attr("height", mapHeight);

const g = svg.append("g");
.attr("fill", "#eee")
.attr("stroke", "#bbb")
.attr("d", d3.geoPath(projection));
const bar = svg.append("g")
.attr("class", "scale-bar-wrapper")
// Call d3.zoom on your SVG element
.scaleExtent([1, 10])
.translateExtent([[0, 0], [mapWidth, mapHeight]])
.on("zoom", event => {
const t = event.transform;
g.attr("transform", t);
// Pass the k property of the zoom's transform
// to the scale bar's scaleFactor.
// Then call the scaleBar again.
.style("font-family", "sans-serif")
.style("font-size", "13px")
.style("color", "#555")
.text("You can zoom and pan this map.");
return wrapper.node();
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scaleBarWapoZoom = d3.geoScaleBar()
.size([mapWidth, mapHeight])
.label("500 miles")
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scaleBarBottomZoom = d3.geoScaleBar()
.size([mapWidth, mapHeight])
.tickFormat((d, i, e) => i === e.length - 1 ? `${d} mi.` : d)
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scaleBarTopZoom = d3.geoScaleBar()
.size([mapWidth, mapHeight])
.tickFormat((d, i, e) => i === e.length - 1 ? `${d} km.` : d)
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scaleBarTransition = d3.geoScaleBar()
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scaleBarMoon = d3.geoScaleBar()
.radius(1737.4) // The radius of the moon is 1,737.4 kilometers
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scaleBarDc = d3.geoScaleBar()
// .units({units: "yards", radius: 6967419.888}) // Will do the same as the previous two lines
.distance(mapWidth <= 400 ? 1200 : 1000)
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Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
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Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell

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