Apr 17, 2024
1 fork
40 stars
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arrow = import("")
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// Load the parquet-wasm library
parquetModule = {
const parquetModule = await import(
// Need to await the default export first to initialize the WebAssembly code
const {memory} = await parquetModule.default();
return [parquetModule, memory];
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parquet = parquetModule[0]
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wasmMemory = parquetModule[1]
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arrowTable = {
// An index column with ordered integers from 0 up to 10,000 t
const indexArray = new Uint16Array(10000);
for (let i = 0; i < indexArray.length; ++i) {
indexArray[i] = i;

// Random float values between 0 and 100
const valuesArray = Float32Array.from({ length: 10000 }, () =>
Number((Math.random() * 100).toFixed(1))

// Create the Arrow Table
return arrow.tableFromArrays({
index: indexArray,
values: valuesArray
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parquetBuffer = parquet.writeParquet(arrow.tableToIPC(arrowTable, "file"));
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arrowTableFFI = parquet._readParquetFFI(parquetBuffer);
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schemaPointers = [arrowTableFFI.schemaAddr(0), arrowTableFFI.schemaAddr(1)]
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parseField = {
/** Minimal parsing of an arrow Field from an ArrowSchema FFI struct */
function parseField(buffer, ptr) {
const dataView = new DataView(buffer);

// Parse format to an Arrow JS DataType
const format = parseFormat(dataView, ptr);

// Parse name into a JS string
const namePtr = dataView.getUint32(ptr + 4, true);
const name = parseNullTerminatedString(dataView, namePtr);

// Extra 4 to be 8-byte aligned
const flags = dataView.getBigInt64(ptr + 16, true);
const nullable = Boolean(flags & 0x00000001n);

return, format, nullable);

/** Parse a pointer to the format struct attribute into an Arrow JS DataType */
function parseFormat(dataView, ptr) {
const formatPtr = dataView.getUint32(ptr, true);
const format = parseNullTerminatedString(dataView, formatPtr);

// Strings from
// In this minimal implementation, only include these two types
const formatMapping = {
S: new arrow.Uint16(),
f: new arrow.Float32()
return formatMapping[format];

/** Parse a C-style null-terminated string to a JS string */
function parseNullTerminatedString(dataView, ptr) {
// First find the end of the null-terminated string
let end = ptr;
while (end < dataView.byteLength && dataView.getUint8(end) !== 0) {
end += 1;

// Take a Uint8Array view of that buffer range and decode to a UTF8 string
return new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(
new Uint8Array(dataView.buffer, ptr, end - ptr)
return parseField;
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arrowFields = [
parseField(wasmMemory.buffer, schemaPointers[0]),
parseField(wasmMemory.buffer, schemaPointers[1])
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arrayPointers = [arrowTableFFI.arrayAddr(0, 0), arrowTableFFI.arrayAddr(0, 1)]
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parseArray = {
/** Parse Array from ArrowArray FFI */
return function parseArray(buffer, ptr, dataType) {
const dataView = new DataView(buffer);

// These functions assume bigint support
// Older browsers could work with each half and cast to a number
const length = dataView.getBigInt64(ptr, true);
const nullCount = dataView.getBigInt64(ptr + 8, true);
const offset = dataView.getBigInt64(ptr + 16, true);
const nBuffers = dataView.getBigInt64(ptr + 24, true);
const nChildren = dataView.getBigInt64(ptr + 32, true);

// We have a pointer to an array of pointers, where each of those points to an actual array of data
const ptrToBuffers = dataView.getUint32(ptr + 40, true);
const bufferPtrs = [];
for (let i = 0; i < nBuffers; i++) {
bufferPtrs.push(dataView.getUint32(ptrToBuffers + i * 4, true));

// For simplicity in this example, we only support primitive types
// For primitive types, the first pointer is the validity and the second is the data:
const validityPtr = bufferPtrs[0];
// In an actual implementation you'd want to parse this validity bitmap 😄
const nullBitmap = validityPtr === 0 ? null : null;

// Then take a view of the data
// Here ArrayType is Uint16Array and Float32Array, respectively
const dataPtr = bufferPtrs[1];
const data = new dataType.ArrayType(

// Then create Arrow JS Data objects from these low-level arrays
return arrow.makeData({
type: dataType,
offset: Number(offset),
length: Number(length),
nullCount: Number(nullCount),
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arrowArrays = [
parseArray(wasmMemory.buffer, arrayPointers[0], arrowFields[0].type),
parseArray(wasmMemory.buffer, arrayPointers[1], arrowFields[1].type)
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arrowTableFromFFI = {
const schema = new arrow.Schema(arrowFields);
const recordBatch = new arrow.RecordBatch(
arrow.makeData({ type: new arrow.Struct(), children: arrowArrays })
return new arrow.Table(schema, recordBatch);
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arraysEqual = {
return function arraysEqual(a, b) {
if (a === b) return true;
if (a == null || b == null) return false;
if (a.length !== b.length) return false;

// If you don't care about the order of the elements inside
// the array, you should sort both arrays here.
// Please note that calling sort on an array will modify that array.
// you might want to clone your array first.

for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
if (a[i] !== b[i]) return false;
return true;
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