Insert cell
md`# Typortrait`
Insert cell
Insert cell
textSpiral = {// bg: #fffaf6
const height = width*.7
const svg = DOM.svg(width, height)
const color = d3.scaleOrdinal(['red','green','blue'])
yield svg
const layers = d3.nest()
.key( ({m}) => String(1 + m))
const layer =
.attr('width', '10in')
.attr('height', '7in')
.attr('transform', `translate(${width * .5}, ${height * .5+6}) scale(${.69})`)
.attr('id', ({key}) => key)
.attr(':inkscape:groupmode', 'layer')
.attr(':inkscape:label', l => l.key)
.data(d => d.values)
.attr('stroke', ({c,m}) => color(m) && '#333')
// .attr('stroke-width', ({f,s}) => (.35 + Math.round(1 * (2*f)))/1/s)
.attr('stroke-width', ({f,s,m}) => (1 + m)/s)
.attr('fill', 'none')
.attr('d', ({d, w}) => d /*+ `M0,${b} L20,${b}`*/)
.style('display', ({type}) => type === '_' ? 'none' : null)
.attr('transform', ({a,r,s,f,type}, i) => {
return `
rotate(${a * 180 / Math.PI})
translate(${0}, ${(-r + (type === '.' ? 3 : 0)) / s + (1 - s) * b / s})
return svg
Insert cell
ht = require('')
Insert cell
Insert cell
example = {
const canvas = DOM.svg(width, 40)
const letters = ht.renderTextArray('Lorem Ipsum', { font: 'scripts' || 'cursive' })
letters.reduce((a, l) => {
canvas.appendChild(svg`<path d='${l.d}' fill=none stroke=black transform='translate(${a},0)' />`)
return a + 6.2 + (isNaN(l.o) ? 10 : l.o)
}, 0)
return canvas
Insert cell
Insert cell
stream = ht.renderTextArray(words, { font: 'cursive' || 'scriptc' })
Insert cell
spiral = {
const spiral = []
// let r0 = width * .4175, r = r0
let r0 = width * .5, r = r0
let a = 0
let d
for (let i = 0; i < stream.length; i++) {
// let f = .5 + .3 * Math.pow(Math.sin(a * 5.08) + 1, 2)
// f = (f > 1 ? 1.5 : .5)
const px = [
Math.sin(a) * r / (2 * r0) + .5,
-Math.cos(a) * r / (2 * r0) + .5
let f = (1 - sample(px)) // factor, 0..1
if (stream[i].type === '_') { f *= .8 }
// let s = f * 1.3 + .215 // scale
let s = f * .6 + .4 // scale
let m = Math.floor(3*Math.max(0, f))
let c = `rgb(${f*255}, ${f*255}, ${f*255})`
// f = .5875
// f = f * 1.3 + .215
// let f = .2 + .8 * (1 - i / stream.length)
spiral.push(d = {[i], a, r, f, c, s, m })
// const w = d.o * 1.6 * s
const w = (d.o * 1.5 + 1) * s
const da = Math.atan(w/r)
a += da
r = r0 - (a / (2 * Math.PI)) * (15.15 || 23)
if (r < 24) break;
return spiral
Insert cell
rez = 60*1.5//*10
Insert cell
Insert cell
viewof pow = slider({value:1.8, min:0.8, max:3})
Insert cell
words = (lorem+'_'+lorem+'_'+lorem.substr(0,10000520)) || `Half_an_hour._Multiple_boxes_were_there..._You_can't_run_on_that_as_a_platform.`
Insert cell
Insert cell
image = {
const image = html`<img src=${URL.createObjectURL(imageFile)}>`
return new Promise(r => image.onload = r.bind(null, image))
Insert cell
sample = {
const sz = rez//width / 2
const img = image
const imgSz = [img.width, img.height]
const imgSz0 = Math.min.apply(null, imgSz)
const context = DOM.context2d(sz, sz)
const canvas = context.canvas
context.drawImage(image, (imgSz[0] - imgSz0) / 2, (imgSz[1] - imgSz0) / 2, imgSz0, imgSz0, 0, 0, sz, sz)
const pixels = context.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
let min = 0
let max = 1
function fn([x, y], _pow=pow) {
const i = (Math.floor(x * canvas.width) + Math.floor(y * canvas.height) * canvas.width) * 4
let v = d3.lab(d3.rgb([i],[i+1],[i+2]).toString()).l / 255
return Math.pow(min + v / (max - min), _pow)
const minMax = d3.extent(d3.cross(d3.range(0,1,1/60), d3.range(0,1,1/60)).map(px => fn(px, 1)))
min = minMax[0]
max = minMax[1]
return fn
Insert cell
import { slider } from '@jashkenas/inputs'
Insert cell
b = 22 || 16 // line height
Insert cell
d3 = require('d3')
Insert cell

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