Mar 1, 2022
2 stars
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class State {
constructor({ inclusions, exclusions }) {
this.inclusions = inclusions;
this.exclusions = exclusions;

static empty() {
return new State({ inclusions: [], exclusions: [] });

isEmpty() {
return !this.inclusions.length && !this.exclusions.length;

static fromGuessesAndResults({ guesses, results }) {
let s = State.empty();, results).forEach(([guess, result]) => {
// min uneven length lists
if (!guess || !result) {

s = s.addGuessResult({ guess, result });

return s;

addGuessResult({ guess, result }) {
// result is a string of emojis so its length is not necessarily 5,
// as emojis may occupy more than 1 code point in a string.
// We have to break the string into a list so that each emoji
// gets its own index.
result = [...result];

let positionalInclusions = "";
let positionalExclusions = [];
const globalInclusions = [];
let globalExclusions = [];

for (let i = 0; i < guess.length; ++i) {
const letter = guess[i];
const color = result[i];

switch (color) {
case "🟩":
case "g":
positionalInclusions += letter;
case "🟨":
case "y":
positionalInclusions += ".";
positionalExclusions.push([i, letter]);
case "⬛":
case "b":
positionalInclusions += ".";
positionalExclusions.push([i, letter]);

// global exclusions should never override inclusions
// strip out global exclusions that are marked as needed to be included
globalExclusions = globalExclusions.filter(
(exclusion) =>
!globalInclusions.includes(exclusion) &&

const newInclusions = [...this.inclusions];
const newExclusions = [...this.exclusions];

// positional inclusions
newInclusions.unshift(new RegExp(`^${positionalInclusions}$`));
// PERFORMANCE: We're using unshift here because new Regexes will be used first
// by the _.every and the _.some that we use later on.

// positional exclusions
for (const [i, letter] of positionalExclusions) {
// split on every character
const base = ".....".split("");
base[i] = letter;
newExclusions.unshift(new RegExp(`^${_.sum(base)}$`));

// global inclusions
if (globalInclusions.length !== 0) {
// match at least the characters anywhere in the string
new RegExp(

// global exclusions
if (globalExclusions.length !== 0) {
newExclusions.unshift(new RegExp(`[${_.sum(globalExclusions)}]`));

return new State({ inclusions: newInclusions, exclusions: newExclusions });

getPossibleQuarries(oldQuarryPool) {
// PERFORMANCE: don't traverse the dictionary every time when we can use the old candidate pool
const pool = oldQuarryPool ? oldQuarryPool : dictionary;

return pool.filter(
(word) =>
// PERFORMANCE: _.some will fail fast, _.every will not
// Do not reorder
!_.some(this.exclusions, (regex) => regex.test(word)) &&
_.every(this.inclusions, (regex) => regex.test(word))
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State.empty().addGuessResult({ guess: "wrong", result: "bbygb" })
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.addGuessResult({ guess: "wrong", result: "bbygb" })
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testCandidates = State.empty()
.addGuessResult({ guess: "wrong", result: "bbygb" })
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function scoreGuess({ guess, quarry }) {
if (guess === undefined) {
throw new Error("Unable to score undefined guess");
const zipped = guess.split("").map((guessChar, i) => ({
color: guessChar === quarry[i] ? "🟩" : "⬛",
quarryChar: quarry[i],
// burned === true if the quarry cannot be used to trigger yellow detection
burned: guessChar === quarry[i] ? true : false

for (const row of zipped) {
if (row.color === "⬛" && quarry.includes(row.guessChar)) {
// try and find a non-burned pairing
const maybePair = zipped.find(
(anotherRow) =>
!anotherRow.burned && row.guessChar === anotherRow.quarryChar

// if we find it, mark the quarry burned and the guess yellow
if (maybePair) {
row.color = "🟨";
maybePair.burned = true;

// extract only color results
return _.sum( => row.color));
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scoreGuess({ guess: "slate", quarry: "rebus" })
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d3.range(0, 10)
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R = require("ramda")
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R.aperture(2, d3.range(0, 10, 3))
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sortByHighestInformationGainWord = async ({ state }) => {
if (state.isEmpty()) {
// PERFORMANCE: hardcode the top results to avoid expensive computation on first load
return ["raise", "slate", "crate", "arise", "trace"];

// PERFORMANCE: Run computation in worker so we don't hang the UI
let informationGains = await spawnCalculateInformationGainsWorker({

// strip annotation assigned by worker
informationGains = _.omit(informationGains, "_time");

// sort highest to lowest
informationGains = Object.fromEntries(
// highest to lowest
.sort(([, a], [, b]) => b - a)


// yield words
return Object.keys(informationGains);
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function calculateInformationGains({ state }) {
// Class prototypes do not cross the Web Worker boundary.
// We need to clone the State to get a State with a full prototype that
// has been imported into the Web Worker.
state = new State(state);
// Given the current pool of possible quarries...
const oldQuarryPool = state.getPossibleQuarries();

// HACK: When we've found the quarry, _no_ choice gives us more information.
// We hardcode the information gains to maximise our only valid choice.
if (oldQuarryPool.length === 1) {
return { [oldQuarryPool[0]]: 1 };

const informationGains = {};

// ...choose a guess
for (const guess of oldQuarryPool) {
let informationGainSum = 0;

// ...and compare it against every quarry
for (const quarry of oldQuarryPool) {
if (guess === quarry) {

const result = scoreGuess({ guess, quarry });
// ...see what happens to the candidate pool size if we guess it
const newQuarryPool = state
// PERFORMANCE: Don't retraverse the entire dictionary when we
// know previous non-exclusions

// ...and record the information gain
const I = Math.log2(oldQuarryPool.length / newQuarryPool.length);
informationGainSum += I;

const averageInformationGain = (informationGains[guess] =
informationGainSum / oldQuarryPool.length);
return informationGains;
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