Oct 14
9 stars
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sda = import("")
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sdb = new sda.SimpleWebDB().start()
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provinces = {
// We create a new table.
const provinces = sdb.newTable("provinces");

// We fetch the provinces' boundaries.
await provinces.fetchGeoData(

// We return the table.
return provinces;
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provincesGeoData = await provinces.getGeoData()
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fires = {
// We create a new table.
const fires = sdb.newTable("fires");

// We fetch the wildfires data.
await fires.fetchData(

// We create point geometries from the lat and lon columns
// and we store the points in the new column geom.
await fires.points("lat", "lon", "geom");

return fires;
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firesGeoData = await fires.getGeoData()
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firesInsideProvinces = {
// We match fires inside provinces
// and we output the results in a new table.
// By default, joinGeo will automatically look
// for columns storing geometries in the tables,
// do a left join, and put the results
// in the left table.
const firesInsideProvinces = await fires.joinGeo(provinces, "inside", {
outputTable: "firesInsideProvinces"

// We remove fires that could not be matched
await firesInsideProvinces.removeMissing();

// We summarize to count the number of fires
// and sum up the area burnt in each province.
await firesInsideProvinces.summarize({
values: "hectares",
categories: "nameEnglish",
summaries: ["count", "sum"],
decimals: 0

// We rename columns.
await firesInsideProvinces.renameColumns({
count: "nbFires",
sum: "burntArea"

// We want the province with
// the greatest burnt area first.
await firesInsideProvinces.sort({ burntArea: "desc" });

return firesInsideProvinces;
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Inputs.table(await firesInsideProvinces.getData())
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