Aug 1, 2022
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plotDistricts(districtDayCommunityInfections, dateRange)
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plotDistricts(highRiskAreas, dateRange, {
includeTotal: false,
yLabel: "Areas"
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function plotDistricts(data, dateRange, options = {}) {
options = { yLabel: "Infections", includeTotal: true, ...options };
data = filterRange(data, dateRange);
const yMax = _.max( => d.infections));
// const latestCaseCounts = Object.fromEntries(
// => [
// name,
// d3.greatest(
// data.filter((d) => d.district === name),
// (d) =>
// ).infections
// ])
// );
function memoize(fn) {
const cache = new Map();
return (arg) => {
if (cache.has(arg)) return cache.get(arg);
const value = fn(arg);
cache.set(arg, value);
return value;
const districtInfections = memoize((name) => {
return _.sum(
data.filter((d) => d.district === name).map((d) => d.infections)
// remove distrincts that don't have any infections
data = data.filter((d) => districtInfections(d.district) > 0);
const dNames = districtNames; //d3.sort(, (d) => d.district).keys());
// add indices, for faceting
const cols = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(dNames.length));
data = => ({
index: dNames.indexOf(d.district)
return Plot.plot({
grid: true,
height: 600,
marginBottom: 80,
color: {
// range: ["#282", "#c22"],
// range: ["green", "orange", "red"],
range: ["orange", "red"],
interpolate: "hcl"
facet: {
x: (d) => " ".repeat(d.index % cols),
y: (d) => " ".repeat(Math.floor(d.index / cols))
x: {
label: "Date",
// tickFormat: "%B %-d",
ticks: 10,
tickRotate: 45
// type: "utc"
y: {
label: options.yLabel,
tickFormat: ".0f"
marks: [
Plot.areaY(data, {
x: "date",
y: "infections",
curve: "step-before",
fill: (d) => districtInfections(d.district)
// Plot.lineY(data, {
// x: "date",
// y: "infections",
// curve: "step-before",
// stroke: "black"
// }),
Plot.text(data, {
text: (d) =>
options.includeTotal && districtInfections(d.district)
? `${d.district} (${districtInfections(d.district)})`
: d.district,
fontSize: 18,
y: yMax * 0.85
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dateRange = ({
start: new Date("July 1, 2022"),
end: new Date("July 31, 2022")
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function filterRange(data, dateRange) {
if (dateRange) {
data = data.filter(({ date }) => date >= dateRange.start);
data = data.filter(({ date }) => date <= dateRange.end);
return data;
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districtDayCommunityInfections = ungroupCsv(
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async function ungroupCsv(url) {
const text = await (await fetch(url)).text();
return (
.csvParse(text, (d) =>
// Remove commas
Object.entries(d).map(([k, v]) => [k, v.replace(/,/g, "")])
// Construct Dates from date strings
.map(({ Date: date, ...districts }) => ({
date: new Date(date + ", 2022"),
// Subtract one day from each date, in order to translate report dates into infection dates
// .map(({ date, ...districts }) => ({
// date: new Date(date.getTime() - 86400000),
// ...districts
// }))
// The CSV is grouped by date. Ungroup it.
.flatMap(({ date, ...districts }) =>
Object.entries(districts).map(([district, infections]) => ({
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districtDayInfections = ungroupCsv(
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highRiskAreas = {
const data = await ungroupCsv(
return data;
// return{date, district,) => d);
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mostRecentDate = d3.timeFormat("%b %-d")(
d3.max( =>
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