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Saneef H. Ansari
Consultant Designer & Developer
re(plicas + mixes)
Saneef H. Ansari
re(plicas + mixes)
067 Tessellated tangrams
066 Side walk on a rainy day
065 144 Trapeziums
064 Blank arcade
063 Transmogrifying circles
062 Mugshots
061 Last 30 seconds
060 Overprinted discs
059 Lazy polygons
058 Hexmaze
057 Dreaming shapes
056 Connections
055 Letter grid
054 Koch curve
053 Fizzled grid
052 Lines on a 5×5 grid
051 Sol Lewitt’s ‘Lines of One Inch, Four Directions, Four Colours’
050 Sol Lewitt’s wall drawing 289
049 Dots and lines
048 Blending ratios
047 Squares using pen on paper
046 Tetrahedrons
045 Monochromatic squares
044 Fifteen silly ways to draw a line
043 One way to arrange lines
042 Misregistered
041 Running in circles
040 Dancing to the noise
039 Deformed Rectangles
038 x raised to y mod n
037 Shapes on a QuadTree
036 Wolfram’s Rules 30, 90, 110 and 184
035 Dancing Lines
034 Sol LeWitt’s Successive Lines
033 Directional Tiles
032 A Bunch of Lines
031 Lorenz Attractor
030 Karel Martens’s Kinetic Work
029 Map of Somewhere
028 Piet Mondrian
027 Peaks of Shards
026 Dots in Motion
025 A Pack of Circles
024 Squares on Markov Chain
023 Moon rise
022 Tensile Roof
021 Arrangements
020 Squares and Arcs
019 Sierpiński carpet
018 Squiggles II
017 Squiggles
016 Some Triangles
015 Some Rectangles
014 Joy Division
013 Study in Lightness
012 Truchet tiles
011 Triangles
010 Shapes with Shapes
009 Lines #3
008 Perlin Noise Halftones
007 '10 PRINT' Pattern
006 Wandered Dot
005 Wandering Dot
004 Lines #2
003 Lines #1
002 Circles #2
001 Circles #1
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