makeGeneAnnotationTrack = (assembly, options = {}) => ({
name: "geneAnnotations",
description: [
"RefSeq genes scored by their citation counts",
"The scoring method:",
"Some background:"
height: options.height ?? 70,
data: {
url: `${assembly}/refSeq_genes_scored_compressed.${assembly}.tsv`,
format: {
parse: {
symbol: "string",
chrom: "string",
start: "integer",
length: "integer",
strand: "string",
score: "integer",
exons: "string"
transform: [
type: "linearizeGenomicCoordinate",
chrom: "chrom",
pos: "start",
as: "_start"
type: "formula",
expr: "datum._start + datum.length",
as: "_end"
// Centroid is used for centering the gene symbols
type: "formula",
expr: "datum._start + datum.length / 2",
as: "_centroid"
// Pileup needs sorted data
type: "collect",
sort: { field: ["_start"] }
// Choose lanes for genes.
type: "pileup",
start: "_start",
end: "_end",
as: "_lane",
preference: "strand",
preferredOrder: ["-", "+"]
// Display a maximum of three lanes to conserve space.
type: "filter",
expr: "datum._lane < 3"
encoding: {
y: {
field: "_lane",
type: "ordinal",
scale: {
type: "index",
align: 0,
paddingInner: 0.4,
paddingOuter: 0.2,
domain: [0, 3],
reverse: true,
// Index scale is zoomable by default. Prevent it.
zoom: false
axis: null
layer: [
name: "transcripts",
// Implement semantic zooming by making the layer visible only when zoomed close enough.
opacity: {
// Units per pixel = Base pairs per pixel
unitsPerPixel: [100000, 40000],
values: [0, 1]
encoding: {
color: { value: "#909090" }
layer: [
name: "exons",
transform: [
// Save memory by getting rid of extra field – Only retain the required ones
{ type: "project", fields: ["_lane", "_start", "exons"] },
// The data file uses delta encoding for alternating exon/intron lengths to compress it.
// This transform decompresses it and generates a new data item for each exon.
{ type: "flattenCompressedExons", start: "_start" }
mark: {
type: "rect",
minOpacity: 0.2,
minWidth: 0.5,
buildIndex: true,
tooltip: null
encoding: {
x: { field: "exonStart", type: "locus" },
x2: { field: "exonEnd" }
name: "bodies",
mark: {
type: "rule",
minLength: 0.5,
size: 1,
buildIndex: true,
tooltip: null
encoding: {
x: { field: "_start", type: "locus", axis: null },
x2: { field: "_end" },
search: { field: "symbol", type: "nominal" }
name: "symbols",
transform: [
// Measures the widths of the symbol labels. Used by the subsequent transform.
type: "measureText",
fontSize: 11,
field: "symbol",
as: "_textWidth"
// The following transform buffers the data items and reflows a subset of them when the scale
// domain associated with the "_centroid" field is changed, i.e., the user zooms or pans.
// The transform chooses the top n (by score) data items from the domain and eagerly tries to
// fit them into the available space. If there was no space, the next data item is tried.
type: "filterScoredLabels",
lane: "_lane",
score: "score",
width: "_textWidth",
pos: "_centroid",
padding: 5
layer: [
name: "labels",
mark: {
type: "text",
size: 11,
yOffset: 7,
tooltip: {
// Using a custom tooltip handler that fetches summary descriptions from RefSeq Gene
handler: "refseqgene"
encoding: {
x: {
field: "_centroid",
type: "locus"
text: { field: "symbol", type: "nominal" }
name: "arrows",
// Semantic zooming
opacity: {
unitsPerPixel: [100000, 40000],
values: [0, 1]
mark: {
type: "point",
yOffset: 7,
size: 50,
tooltip: null
encoding: {
x: {
field: "_centroid",
type: "locus"
dx: {
expr: "(datum._textWidth / 2 + 5) * (datum.strand == '-' ? -1 : 1)",
type: "quantitative",
scale: null
color: { value: "black" },
shape: {
field: "strand",
type: "nominal",
scale: {
domain: ["-", "+"],
range: ["triangle-left", "triangle-right"]