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async function queryAPI(route, params = {}) {
// Strip any leading dashes, as those would cause the query to fail.
route = route.replace(/^\/+/, '');
// Turns the params object into a series of query arguments and properly escapes values.
// See for more examples.
params = new URLSearchParams(params);
const url = `${route}?${params}`;
const response = await fetchp(url, {
// Cache responses aggressively, so that previous API requests don't get sent again
// when rerunning a query.
cache: 'force-cache',
// docs says it's better to access with 'Bearer' and the accessToken through a header
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}`
return response.json();
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// Example search result:
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results = {
// Comment the following line to run a new search.
return yield FileAttachment('results.json').json();
// Some options for convenience:
// - the maximum number of pages to retrieve (set to 0 for unlimited)
const limit = 3;
// - artificial delay between requests (see below for details)
const delay = 500;
// - the search term
const query = 'swag';
const results = [];
let page = 1, result;
do {
// Get the next set of results ...
result = await search(query, page++);
// ... and add them to the pile.
// Not strictly necessary, but we need some way to break the loop when this cell
// gets invalidated.
// Alternatively we could have used the invalidation promise to set (and check) an "aborted" variable.
yield results;
// The Genius API has a rate limit of 5000 requests per day.
// This delay here prevents bursts (in case there's also a limit per minute) and allows us
// to react/abort if we somehow messed up, before tons of requests get sent.
await Promises.delay(delay);
} while(
// Allows to retrieve a limited number of pages.
(!limit || page <= limit)
// Just a precaution, because the fetch itself would have likely failed already.
&& result.meta.status === 200
// We can actually get less than {per_page} results on a page, likely because some results
// are protected. It's unfortunate that Genius' API doesn't account for those in its paging.
&& result.response.hits.length
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// Let's pull out the information that we want to display in the UI, while also keeping the original data.
swagResults ={result}) => ({
title: result.title,
year: result.release_date_components?.year ?? null,
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// our parser function that uses cors and the url to grab the element from the dom and bring into the notebook
parseLyrics = async function(url) {
const markup = await fetchp(url).then(r => r.text());
const data = new DOMParser().parseFromString(markup, 'text/html');
// This attribute selector lets us target the text container directly.
const root = data.querySelector('[data-lyrics-container="true"]');

// A few convenience functions:
// Creates a text node that contains a line break (actual newline, not the <br> tag).
const nl = () => document.createTextNode('\n');
// .querySelectorAll returns a "live" collection that changes as we add and remove elements.
// By turning it into an array we ensure that it remains unchanged, so that we can safely
// modify the DOM while iterating over the list's elements.
const selectAll = tag => Array.from(root.querySelectorAll(tag));
// Replace all <br> tags with newlines.
for(const n of selectAll('br')) n.replaceWith(nl());
// Insert a newline after each <p>.
for(const n of selectAll('p')) n.after(nl(), nl());
return root.textContent;
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// And run it over the the song:
// lyrics = parseLyrics(songToParse)
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souljaBoySongs = [
{title: "Booty Got Swag", lyrics: bootygotswagConcat, swagCount: (bootygotswag.match(/swag/g) || []).length, freq: (((bootygotswag.match(/swag/g) || []).length)/(bootygotswagConcat.length))},
{title: "Broad Day [Swag]", lyrics: broaddayswagConcat, swagCount: (broaddayswag.match(/swag/g) || []).length, totalCount: broaddayswag.length, concatLength: broaddayswagConcat.length, freq: (((broaddayswag.match(/swag/g) || []).length)/(broaddayswagConcat.length))},
{title: "Cheat Code Swag", lyrics: cheatcodeswagConcat, swagCount: (cheatcodeswag.match(/swag | Swag/g) || []).length, freq: (((cheatcodeswag.match(/swag | Swag/g) || []).length)/(cheatcodeswagConcat.length))},
{title: "Da Swag", lyrics: daswagConcat, swagCount: (daswag.match(/swag | Swag/g) || []).length, freq: (((daswag.match(/swag | Swag/g) || []).length)/(daswagConcat.length))},
{title: "I'm Swaggin'", lyrics: imswagginConcat, swagCount: (imswaggin.match(/swag | Swag/g) || []).length, freq: (((imswaggin.match(/swag | Swag/g) || []).length)/(imswagginConcat.length))},
{title: "Lingo (Watch Me Swag/Juice)", lyrics: lingowatchmeswagjuiceConcat, swagCount: (lingowatchmeswagjuice.match(/swag | Swag/g) || []).length, freq: (((lingowatchmeswagjuice.match(/swag | Swag/g) || []).length)/(lingowatchmeswagjuiceConcat.length))},
{title: "Pretty Boy Swag", lyrics: prettyboyswagConcat, swagCount: (prettyboyswag.match(/swag | Swag/g) || []).length, freq: (((prettyboyswag.match(/swag | Swag/g) || []).length)/(prettyboyswagConcat.length))},
{title: "Pretty Boy Swag (Remix)", lyrics: prettyboyswagremixConcat, swagCount: (prettyboyswagremix.match(/swag | Swag/g) || []).length, freq: (((prettyboyswagremix.match(/swag | Swag/g) || []).length)/(prettyboyswagremixConcat.length))},
{title: "Swag Daddy", lyrics: swagdaddyConcat, swagCount: (swagdaddy.match(/swag | Swag/g) || []).length, freq: (((swagdaddy.match(/swag | Swag/g) || []).length)/(swagdaddyConcat.length))},
{title: "Swag Flu (Remix)", lyrics: swagfluremixConcat, swagCount: (swagfluremix.match(/swag | Swag/g) || []).length, freq: (((swagfluremix.match(/swag | Swag/g) || []).length)/(swagfluremixConcat.length))},
{title: "Swag Get At You", lyrics: swaggetatyouConcat, swagCount: (swaggetatyou.match(/swag | Swag/g) || []).length, freq: (((swaggetatyou.match(/swag | Swag/g) || []).length)/(swaggetatyouConcat.length))},
{title: "Swag OD", lyrics: swagodConcat, swagCount: (swagod.match(/swag | Swag/g) || []).length, freq: (((swagod.match(/swag | Swag/g) || []).length)/(swagodConcat.length))},
{title: "Swag on My Dick (Remix)", lyrics: swagonmydickremixConcat, swagCount: (swagonmydickremix.match(/swag | Swag/g) || []).length, freq: (((swagonmydickremix.match(/swag | Swag/g) || []).length)/(swagonmydickremixConcat.length))},
{title: "Swisher Sweet Swag", lyrics: swishersweetswagConcat, swagCount: (swishersweetswag.match(/swag | Swag/g) || []).length, freq: (((swishersweetswag.match(/swag | Swag/g) || []).length)/(swishersweetswagConcat.length))},
{title: "Trap Swag", lyrics: trapswagConcat, swagCount: (trapswag.match(/swag | Swag/g) || []).length, freq: (((trapswag.match(/swag | Swag/g) || []).length)/(trapswagConcat.length))},
{title: "Turn My Swag On", lyrics: turnmyswagonConcat, swagCount: (turnmyswagon.match(/swag | Swag/g) || []).length, freq: (((turnmyswagon.match(/swag | Swag/g) || []).length)/(turnmyswagonConcat.length))},
{title: "Turn My Swag On (Remix)", lyrics: turnmyswagonremixConcat, swagCount: (turnmyswagonremix.match(/swag | Swag/g) || []).length, freq: (((turnmyswagonremix.match(/swag | Swag/g) || []).length)/(turnmyswagonremixConcat.length))},
{title: "Video Game Swag", lyrics: videogameswagConcat, swagCount: (videogameswag.match(/swag | Swag/g) || []).length, freq: (((videogameswag.match(/swag | Swag/g) || []).length)/(videogameswagConcat.length))},
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