Doing data work is hard enough as it is — you don’t need your tech stack to add to the complexity. In addition to streamlining your data workflow, we are improving the experience of using Observable so you can stay focused and keep moving your business forward with data. This month’s releases will help you do just that.
Better workspace navigation
You’ll notice that we’ve changed the workspace navigation to help you focus on the content, settings, and people that you work with in Observable. We’ve modified the top navigation to remove and relocate links that distracted users from the workspace context. The side navigation was also re-worked so you can more easily focus on data work and team management.
In addition to the navigation refresh, we’ve also provided the ability for users who work in multiple workspaces to select a default workspace that will remain consistent as they move through the platform. Less toggling between workspaces means more productivity.
Download as PNG
The new navigation updates make it easier to dive back into your work. Once you’re in a notebook, there’s also a new feature to discover in the cell menu — Download as PNG. Rather than taking screenshots, you can download graphical cells as PNG files. The magic of this feature lies in the fact that the image is captured locally, by your browser, which means you can zoom on a Leaflet map, interact with a data visualization, let a WebGL animation run its course, and take a picture of its current state. You can learn more about this improvement in the release notes.
We hope these new releases help you maintain your data flow and keep uncovering insights and moving your work forward. To keep tabs on updates on an ongoing basis, be sure to check out our release notes. As always, we want to hear from you, so please share your thoughts or suggestions in our feedback repo.