Jun 27, 2023
2 forks
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cloneData = await FileAttachment("y2.json").json()
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tree = createBellPlotTree(cloneData.models.XXXX_pOme1_DNA[2])
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treeToSvgDom = function (tree) {
const barWidth = 20;
const spacing = 3;

const domNode = DOM.svg(bellWidth + spacing + barWidth, bellHeight);
const svg = SVG.SVG(domNode);

const bellGroup ={
scaleX: bellWidth,
scaleY: bellHeight

// Make shaper functions for the nested logistic geometries of the subclones
const shapers = treeToShapers(tree);
// Render the subclones recursively
addTreeToSvgGroup(tree, shapers, bellGroup);

const barGroup ={
scaleX: barWidth,
scaleY: bellHeight,
translateX: bellWidth + spacing

// Stacked bar chart. Displays the proportions. Also provides attachment points for tentacles.
addStackedBarToSvgGroup(tree, shapers, barGroup);

return domNode;
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* Adds the nested subclones into an SVG group. The dimensions of tree are 1x1 pixels.
addTreeToSvgGroup = function (tree, shapers, g) {
* Draw an 1x1 "rectangle" that is shaped using the shaper function.
function drawNode(node) {
const shaper = shapers.get(;

// Segment count. Higher number produces smoother curves.
const sc = 100;

// Find the first segment where the subclone starts to emerge
let firstSegment = 0;
for (let i = 0; i <= sc; i++) {
const x = i / sc;

if (shaper(x, 0) - shaper(x, 1) != 0) {
// The one where upper and lower edges collide
firstSegment = Math.max(0, i - 1);

const p = d3.path();
// Start the path
p.moveTo(firstSegment / sc, shaper(firstSegment / sc, 1));

// Upper part of the bell path
for (let i = firstSegment + 1; i <= sc; i++) {
const x = i / sc;
p.lineTo(x, shaper(x, 1));
// Lower part of the bell path
for (let i = sc; i >= firstSegment; i--) {
const x = i / sc;
p.lineTo(x, shaper(x, 0));

.attr("stroke-opacity", 0.3)
.attr("vector-effect", "non-scaling-stroke")

for (const child of node.children) {


return g;
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* Creates shaper functions for each subclone
treeToShapers = function (tree) {
const totalDepth = getDepth(tree);

/** @type {Map<string, function>} */
const shapers = new Map();

function process(node, shaper, depth = 0) {
if (!shaper) {
shaper = (x, y) => y; // Make an initial shaper. Just a rectangle, no bell shape

shapers.set(, shaper);

// Children emerge as spread to better emphasize what their parent is
const spreadPositions = stackChildren(node, true);
// They end up as stacked to make the perception of the proportions easier
const stackedPositions = stackChildren(node, false);

const childDepth = depth + 1;
const fractionalChildDepth = childDepth / totalDepth;

// Make an interpolator that smoothly interpolates between the spread and stacked positions
const interpolatePositions = (childIdx, x) => {
let a = smoothstep(fractionalChildDepth, 1, x);
const s = 1 - spreadStrength;
a = a * (1 - s) + s;
return lerp(spreadPositions[childIdx], stackedPositions[childIdx], a);

for (let i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) {
const childNode = node.children[i];
// Fractions indicate the proportion of the subclone in the whole sample.
// However, we need the fraction within its parent.
const childFraction = childNode.fraction / node.fraction;

// Create a new shaper for each children. Also apply parent's shaper.
const childShaper = (x, y) => {
// The fractionalChildDepth defines when the bell starts to appear
const v = fancystep(fractionalChildDepth, 1, x) * childFraction;
y = v * (y - 0.5) + 0.5 + interpolatePositions(i, x);
return shaper(x, y);

process(childNode, childShaper, childDepth);

// Make a pseudo root that contains the actual root.
// Rationale: the drawNode function provides shapers for node's children.
// We need an imaginary node so that we get a shaper for the root node.
const pseudoRoot = {
id: "pseudoRoot",
fraction: 1,
children: [tree]

pseudoRoot, // root node
null, // no initial shaper. One is created for the true root node.
-1 // initial depth

return shapers;
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stackChildren = function (node, spread = false) {
// Fractions wrt. the parent
const fractions = => n.fraction / node.fraction);

const remainingSpace = 1 - fractions.reduce((a, c) => a + c, 0);

// Stack or spread?
const spacing = spread ? remainingSpace / (fractions.length + 1) : 0;
let cumSum = spread ? spacing : remainingSpace;

const positions = [];
for (const x of fractions) {
positions.push(cumSum + (x - 1) / 2);
cumSum += x + spacing;
return positions;
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* Take the tree stucture and shapers. Render a stacked bar.
addStackedBarToSvgGroup = function (tree, shapers, g) {
const stackedNodes = stackTree(tree, shapers);

function process(node) {
const [top, bottom] = stackedNodes.get(;

console.log("foo", [top, bottom]);
g.rect(1, bottom - top)
.move(0, top)
.attr("stroke-opacity", 0.3)
.attr("vector-effect", "non-scaling-stroke");

for (const child of node.children) {


return g;
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* Takes the shapers and builds stacked extents of the subclone
* proportions visible at the right edge of the bells.
* Returns a Map that maps node id to an extent.
* This has two use cases:
* 1. Render a pretty stacked bar chart
* 2. Get attachment areas for the tentacles
stackTree = function (tree, shapers) {
const stackedNodes = new Map();

function process(node) {
const nodeShaper = shapers.get(;
const top = nodeShaper(1, 0);

let bottom = nodeShaper(1, 1);
for (const child of node.children) {
bottom = Math.min(bottom, process(child));
stackedNodes.set(, [top, bottom]);

return top;

return stackedNodes;
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lerp = (a, b, x) => (1 - x) * a + x * b
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clamp = (lower, upper, x) => Math.max(lower, Math.min(upper, x))
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SVG = import("@svgdotjs/svg.js")
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d3scaleChromatic = require('d3-scale-chromatic')
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import {slider} from '@jashkenas/inputs'
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d3 = require("d3")
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