Oct 5, 2019
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md`# Point Gauge`
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viewof value = slider({min:0, max:50, step:0.1, title:"input value" })
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config = {
return [
{id:"gauge1" , xtype:"pointgauge", x:70, y:60, min:0, max:50},
{id:"gauge2" , xtype:"pointgauge", x:210, y:60, min:0, max:80, repaint:0},
{id:"gauge3" , xtype:"pointgauge", x:350, y:60, min:30, max:70, repaint:0},
{id:"gauge4" , xtype:"pointgauge", x:490, y:60, min:0, max:100},
{id:"gauge5" , xtype:"pointgauge", x:630, y:60, min:0, max:100},
{id:"gauge6" , xtype:"pointgauge", x:770, y:60, min:0, max:100},
{id:"gauge7" , xtype:"pointgauge", x:910, y:60, min:0, max:100},
Insert cell
data = {
return [
{id:"gauge1" , value:value},
{id:"gauge2" , value:24+value},
{id:"gauge3" , value:60-value},
{id:"gauge4" , value:10+value},
{id:"gauge5" , value:0+value},
{id:"gauge6" , value:40-value},
{id:"gauge7" , value:40+value},
Insert cell
joined_data = {
let jdata = config.leftJoinWith( data , "id" ) ;
vzPanel.updateAll( jdata );
return jdata ;
Insert cell
shapeStore ={
let xtype = {}
xtype.pointgauge = pointgauge();
return xtype
Insert cell
pointgauge = conf => {
const gauge = {};
const _f1 = d3.format(".1f");
const _config = conf ? conf : {min:0, max:100, radius:40, segments:15, x:0, y:0} //default config
function translateAlong(path,from,to,f,scale) {
var l = to - from;
return function(d, i, a) {
return function(t) {
var x = from + t * l ;
var p = path.getPointAtLength( scale(x) );
if( typeof f === "function" ){
return f(x,p) ;
gauge.updateShape = function(node,config){
//console.log("update shape");
config = Object.assign({},_config,config);"*").remove();
gauge.render(node,config) ;
gauge.updateValue = function(node,value){
//console.log("update valuve:"+value);
let from = node.prevalue ? node.prevalue : 0, to = value;
node.prevalue = value ;
let g =;
// static text
// guick move
//var position = node.pnode.getPointAtLength(node.scale(value)) ;
//"circle.curpoint").attr("cx",position.x).attr("cy",position.y) ;
// animate
var curvalue ="text.curvalue"), curpoint ="circle.curpoint") ;
curvalue.text(_f1(x)) ;
curpoint.attr("cx",p.x).attr("cy",p.y) ;}, node.scale));
gauge.render = function(node,config){
//console.log("render:"+ node);
config = Object.assign({},_config,config);
.attr("transform","translate("+[config.x,config.y]+")") ;

let path = d3.path();
let tpath = d3.path();
let startAngle=-Math.PI-1, endAngle=0+1

let p = g.append("path")
.attr("d", path.toString() )
.attr("stroke-width", 0)
node.pnode = p.node();
let t = g.append("path")
.attr("d", tpath.toString() )
.attr("stroke-width", 0)
node.tnode = t.node();

//def scale function
let segmentScale = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0, config.segments]).range([0, node.pnode.getTotalLength()]);
let txtScale = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0, config.segments]).range([0, node.tnode.getTotalLength()]);
let scale = d3.scaleLinear().domain([config.min, config.max]).range([0, node.pnode.getTotalLength()]);
node.scale =scale ;

//generate background points
let bkPoints = [] ;
let bkTxt = [];

for(let i=0 ; i<=config.segments; i++){
let len = segmentScale(i) ;
let point = node.pnode.getPointAtLength(len);
let v = scale.invert(len) ;
point.r = 3;
bkPoints.push( point ) ;

if( v === parseInt(v,10) ) {
point.r = 6;
let tpoint = node.tnode.getPointAtLength( txtScale(i) );
tpoint.y = tpoint.y + 3;
tpoint.text = v ;
bkTxt.push( tpoint );

.attr("cx", d=>{return d.x} )
.attr("cy", d=>{return d.y} )
.attr("r", d=>{return d.r} )

.attr("class","bktxt unselectable")
.attr("x", d=>{return d.x} )
.attr("y", d=>{return d.y} )
.attr("text-anchor", "middle")
.style("font-size", "10px")
.text( d=>{return d.text} );
// current value and point
.attr("class","curvalue unselectable")
.attr("text-anchor", "middle")
.style("font-size", "28px");
gauge.updateValue(node, config.value) ;
return gauge;
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
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