Dec 11, 2019
1 star
Insert cell
md`# Shape Management`
Insert cell
Insert cell
config = {
let group=[
{id:"gauge1" , value:250, xtype:"sample", x:40, y:0},
{id:"gauge2" , value:200, xtype:"sample", x:40, y:30},
{id:"gauge3" , value:30, xtype:"sample", x:40, y:60},
{id:"gauge4" , value:100, xtype:"bargauge", x:400, y:150, repaint:0},
{id:"gauge6", value:10, xtype:"arcgauge", x:150, y:200, startAngle:-1},
//{id:"gauge7", value:0, xtype:"arcgauge", x:300, y:200},
{id:"gauge8", value:20, xtype:"arcgauge", x:50, y:200, repaint:0},
{id:"gauge10" , xtype:"pointgauge", x:270, y:160, min:0, max:50, repaint:0},
{id:"gauge11" , xtype:"statusicon", x:550, y:220, repaint:0},
{id:"gauge12" , xtype:"statusicon2", x:750, y:220, repaint:0},
{id:"gauge13" , xtype:"statusicon2", x:850, y:220, activeFill:"#a4bb71", activeStroke:"#a4cc71", repaint:0},
{id:"wall_1" , value:250, xtype:"wall", x:550, y:0, color:"yellow", repaint:1},
//wall: [lty,d,w,rty,h]
{id:"wall_2" , value:250, xtype:"wall2", x:750, y:0, color:"yellow", wall:[0,20,20,20,150], repaint:1},
{id:"wall_3" , value:250, xtype:"wall2", x:720, y:0, color:"blue", wall:[0,20,20,20,150], repaint:1},
{id:"tank_1" , value:70, xtype:"tank", x:0, y:300, color:"blue", title:"Tank1", repaint:0},
{id:"ball_1" , value:50, xtype:"ball", x:600, y:400, color:"blue", title:"ball", repaint:1},
{id:"gauge5" , xtype:"bargauge", x:200, y:310, min:0, max:100, ftWidth:7, ftHeight:94 , ftX:4, ftRx:8, ftRy:4, bgWidth:15, bgRx:10, bgRy:6, bgY:-3, bgFill:"none", bgStroke:"#7c9f41", bgStrokeWidth:2, repaint:1},
return group ;
Insert cell
data = {
let c=[
{id:"gauge1" , value:160},
{id:"gauge2" , value:250},
{id:"gauge3" , value:600},
{id:"gauge4" , value:151},
{id:"gauge5" , value:23},
{id:"gauge6" , value:34},
{id:"gauge7" , value:75},
{id:"gauge10" , value:12},
{id:"gauge11" , value:1},
{id:"gauge12" , value:1},
{id:"gauge13" , value:2},
return c ;
Insert cell
let m = html`Update Value and Configuration`
let joined_data = config.leftJoinWith( data , "id" );
return m;
Insert cell
let m = html`Only Update Value`;
vzPanel.updateValue([{id:"gauge1",value:47},{id:"gauge10",value:30}]) ;
return m;
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
shape_ball = {

const ball = function(conf){
const obj = {}
const _config = conf ? conf:{value:20, max:100, min:0, color:"#717e29", width:300, height:200, depth:100} ;'body').append("svg").node().innerHTML = `<defs>
<filter id="filter1">
<feGaussianBlur in="SourceAlpha" stdDeviation="4" result="blurOut" />
<!-- We cut off the parts that overlap the source graphic… -->
<feComposite operator="in" in="blurOut" in2="SourceAlpha" result="COMPOSITE"/>
<!-- … and then merge source graphic and lighting effect: -->
<feMergeNode in="SourceGraphic" />
<feMergeNode in="COMPOSITE"/>

<!-- -->
<filter id="Steelfilter">
<!--We create a heightmap by blurring the source: -->
<feGaussianBlur stdDeviation="10" in="SourceAlpha" result="BLUR"/>
<!-- We then define a lighting effect with a point light that is positioned at virtual 3D coordinates x: 40px, y: -30px, z: 200px: -->
<feSpecularLighting surfaceScale="6" specularConstant="1" specularExponent="20" lighting-color="#ffffff" in="BLUR" result="SPECULAR">
<fePointLight x="40" y="40" z="2000" />
<!-- We cut off the parts that overlap the source graphic… -->
<feComposite operator="in" in="SPECULAR" in2="SourceAlpha" result="COMPOSITE"/>
<!-- … and then merge source graphic and lighting effect: -->
<feMergeNode in="SourceGraphic" />
<feMergeNode in="COMPOSITE"/>
</defs>` ;

obj.updateShape = function(node,config){"*").remove();
this.render(node,config) ;
obj.updateValue = function(node,v){
node.value = v;
let conf = node.config ;
let ballsGroup ="circle")
obj.render = function(node,config){
config = Object.assign({},_config,config);
node.config = config;
//All of the "official" planets in our Solar System
var planets = [
{planet: "Mercury", diameter: 0.383, color: "#A17F5D"},
{planet: "Venus", diameter: 0.949, color: "#E89624"},
{planet: "Earth", diameter: 1, color: "#518E87"},
{planet: "Mars", diameter: 0.532, color: "#964120"},
{planet: "Jupiter", diameter: 11.21, color: "#F8800F"},
{planet: "Saturn", diameter: 9.45, color: "#E0B463"},
{planet: "Uranus", diameter: 4.01, color: "#D1E3F4"},
{planet: "Neptune", diameter: 3.88, color: "#515CA8"}
let ballsGroup =
//Create a radial gradient for each of the planets
var planetGradients = ballsGroup.append("defs").selectAll("radialGradient")
//Create a unique id per "planet"
.attr("id", function(d){ return "gradient-" + d.planet; })
.attr("cx", "35%") //Move the x-center location towards the left
.attr("cy", "35%") //Move the y-center location towards the top
.attr("r", "60%"); //Increase the size of the "spread" of the gradient
//Add colors to the gradient
//First a lighter color in the center
.attr("offset", "0%")
.attr("stop-color", function(d) {
return d3.rgb(d.color).brighter(1);

//Then the actual color almost halfway
.attr("offset", "50%")
.attr("stop-color", function(d) {
return d.color;

//Finally a darker color at the outside
.attr("offset", "100%")
.attr("stop-color", function(d) {
return d3.rgb(d.color).darker(1.75);
//Apply to a circle by referencing its unique id in the fill
.attr("r", 0)
.style("fill", "url(#gradient-Venus)");
.data([{d:"M-40,100 h150 a20,20 0 0,0 20,-20 v-150"}])
.attr("d", d=>d.d)
return obj;
return ball;
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell

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