Mar 14, 2022
2 stars
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dms = {
let dimensions = {
width: width,
height: Math.min(width * (16 / 9), 900),
heightSmall: width * (9 / 16),
marginTop: 30

dimensions.marginLeft = dimensions.marginTop;
dimensions.marginBottom = dimensions.marginTop;
dimensions.marginRight = dimensions.marginTop;

dimensions.chartWidth =
dimensions.width - dimensions.marginLeft - dimensions.marginRight;
dimensions.chartHeight =
dimensions.height - dimensions.marginTop - dimensions.marginBottom;
dimensions.chartHeightSmall =
dimensions.heightSmall - dimensions.marginTop - dimensions.marginBottom;

return dimensions;
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colors = {
return {
deaths: '#ff3333',
deathsNone: '#ff9191',
land: '#F7F7F7',
boundary: '#C0C0C0'
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timeParser = function(date) {
if (date.includes('/')) {
return d3.timeParse("%d/%m/%Y")(date);
} else {
return d3.timeParse("%d %b %Y")(date);
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timeFormatter = function(date) {
const months = [
const monthIndex = +d3.timeFormat('%m')(date) - 1;
const day = +d3.timeFormat('%e')(date);
let remainingDate = "";

if (day < 9) {
remainingDate = d3.timeFormat(`${months[monthIndex]}%e, %Y`)(date);
} else {
remainingDate = d3.timeFormat(`${months[monthIndex]} %e, %Y`)(date);

return remainingDate;
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timeParserInput = d3.timeParse("%Y-%m-%d")
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timeFormatterInput = d3.timeFormat("%Y-%m-%d")
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townsAAPP = [
dataDeaths.filter(f => f['Town_eng'].length > 0),
v => {
return {
township: v[0]['Town_eng'],
region: v[0]['State_Region']
d => d['Town_eng']
].sort((a, b) => d3.ascending(a['township'], b['township']))
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townsMIMU = {
const states = geoMyanmarTownships['features'].map(d => {
return {
township: d['properties']['TS'],
district: d['properties']['DT'],
state: d['properties']['ST']

return states.sort((a, b) => d3.ascending(a['township'], b['township']));
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crosswalk = {
const attachment = await FileAttachment("crosswalkTownships@1.csv").text();
return d3.csvParse(attachment).map(d => {
const townshipAAPP = [];

for (let i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
if (d['townshipAAPP-v' + i].length > 0) {
townshipAAPP.push(d['townshipAAPP-v' + i]);

const e = {
district: d['district'],
state: d['state'],
townshipMIMU: d['townshipMIMU']

d['townshipSFM'].length > 0 ? (e['townshipSFM'] = d['townshipSFM']) : null;
townshipAAPP.length > 0 ? (e['townshipAAPP'] = townshipAAPP) : null;

return e;
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crosswalkSFM = {
const attachment = await FileAttachment(

return d3.rollup(
v => v[0],
d => d['location:humane_id:admin']
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dataLegend = [0, 30, 60, 120]
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dataDeaths = {
const attachment = await FileAttachment(
"Myanmar Spring Revolution Data - death_cases.csv"

return d3
.map(d => {
d["DateRaw"] = timeParser(d["Incident Date"]);
d["DateFormatted"] = timeFormatter(d["DateRaw"]);

d['Location'] = {
township: d['Town_eng'] === "Mandalay" ? 'Mahaaungmyay' : d['Town_eng'],
state: d['State_Region']

return d;
.filter(d => d["DateRaw"] != null);
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dataDeathsPerDayAndTown = {
const totals = d3.rollups(
.sort((a, b) => d3.ascending(a['DateRaw'], b['DateRaw']))
.filter(f => f["Location"]["township"]),
v => v.length,
d => d['DateRaw'],
d => d['Location']['township']

const totalsProcessed = =>
d[1].map(e => {
return { date: d[0], township: e[0], deaths: e[1] };

return d3
.sort((a, b) => d3.descending(a['deaths'], b['deaths']));
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dataDeathsPerDay = d3.rollup(
dataDeaths.sort((a, b) => d3.ascending(a['DateRaw'], b['DateRaw'])),
v => {
return {
date: v[0]['DateRaw'],
total: v.length,
gunshot: v.filter(f => f['Type'].includes('gunshot')).length,
other: v.filter(
f => f['Type'].includes('gunshot') == false && f['Type'].length > 0
unknown: v.filter(f => f['Type'].length < 1).length
d => d["DateRaw"]
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dataDeathsPerTown = [
.filter(f => f["Location"]["township"])
f =>
timeParserInput(dateStart) <= f['DateRaw'] &&
f['DateRaw'] <= timeParserInput(dateEnd)
v => {
const deaths = v.length;
const deathsGunshot = v.filter(
f => f['Type'].includes('gunshot') && f['Type'].length > 0
const township = v[0]["Location"]["township"];
const state = v[0]["Location"]["state"];

return { township, state, deaths, deathsGunshot };
d => d["Location"]["township"]
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dataDeathsPerTownTotal = [
dataDeaths.filter(f => f["Location"]["township"]),
v => {
const deaths = v.length;
const deathsGunshot = v.filter(
f => f['Type'].includes('gunshot') && f['Type'].length > 0
const township = v[0]["Location"]["township"];
const state = v[0]["Location"]["state"];
const deathsArray = v;

return { township, state, deaths, deathsGunshot, deathsArray };
d => d["Location"]["township"]
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geoMyanmarBorder = {
const attachment = await FileAttachment("ne10.topo.json").json();

// return attachment;

const converted = topojson.feature(

// return converted;

return converted['features'].filter(
f => f['properties']['ISO_A3'] == 'MMR'
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geoMyanmarTownships = {
const attachment = await FileAttachment(

return topojson.feature(
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projection = {
// "+proj=laea +lon_0=96.328125 +lat_0=18.2744487 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"

// return d3
// .geoMercator()
// .fitExtent(
// [[dms.marginLeft, dms.marginTop], [dms.chartWidth, dms.chartHeight]],
// geoMyanmarBorder
// );

return proj4d3(
`+proj=laea +lon_0=96.328125 +lat_0=18.2744487 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs`
[[dms.marginLeft, dms.marginTop], [dms.chartWidth, dms.chartHeight]],
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path = d3.geoPath(projection)
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// {
// const dates = [...dataDeathsPerDay.keys()];
// // return dates[dates.length - 1];
// return d3.timeDay.offset(dates[dates.length - 1], 1);
// }
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scaleTime = {
const dates = [...dataDeathsPerDay.keys()];

return d3
.domain([dates[0], d3.timeDay.offset(dates[dates.length - 1], 1)])
.range([0, dms.chartWidth]);
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rangeDates = {
const range = d3.timeDay.range(


return range;
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scaleDeaths = {
const deaths = [...dataDeathsPerDay.values()];

return d3
.domain([0, d3.max(deaths, d => d['total'])])
.range([dms.chartHeightSmall, 0])
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scaleDeathsGradient = {
const deaths = dataDeathsPerTown;

// return d3.max(deaths, d => +d['deaths']);

return d3
.domain([0, d3.max(deaths, d => +d['deaths'])])
.range(['#fff', colors.deaths]);
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scaleDeathsRadius = {
const deaths = dataDeathsPerTownTotal;

// return d3.max(deaths, d => +d['deaths']);

return d3
.domain([0, d3.max(deaths, d => +d['deaths'])])
.range([0, 300]);
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scaleDeathsSpike = {
const deaths = dataDeathsPerTownTotal;

// return d3.max(deaths, d => +d['deaths']);

return d3
.domain([0, d3.max(deaths, d => +d['deaths'])])
.range([0, 50]);
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spike = function(heightInput, widthInput) {
return `M ${-widthInput / 2},0 0,${-heightInput} ${widthInput / 2},0`;
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