Mar 1, 2023
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// From The Global Carbon Project's fossil CO2 emissions dataset
// Last updated October 17, 2022
// via
gcp = FileAttachment("GCB2022v27_MtCO2_flat.csv").csv()
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// From the U.S. Energy Information Administration's International Energy Outlook 2021
// via
eia = FileAttachment("World_carbon_dioxide_emissions_by_region.csv").text()
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// From the United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2022). World Population Prospects 2022, Online Edition.
// via
un = FileAttachment("WPP2022_Demographic_Indicators_Medium.csv").csv({ typed: true })
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// Scraped from
// Site was last updated Oct. 25, 2022
unfccc = FileAttachment("unfccc-parties@6.json").json()
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// From the World Bank, data through 2021
// via
worldbank = FileAttachment("API_NY.GDP.MKTP.CD_DS2_en_csv_v2_4770391.csv").text()
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// Email from EIA spokesman Chris Higginbotham:
// OECD Europe = Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and United Kingdom. (Note: Israel is included in OECD Europe for statistical reporting purposes.)
// Those countries' ISO-3 codes are below:
oecdEurope = ["AUT", "BEL", "CZE", "DNK", "EST", "FIN", "FRA", "DEU", "GRC", "HUN", "ISL", "IRL", "ISR", "ITA", "LVA", "LTU", "LUX", "NLD", "NOR", "POL", "PRT", "SVK", "SVN", "ESP", "SWE", "CHE", "TUR", "GBR"]
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// Parse the Global Carbon Project data, removing unused columns and calculating cumulative sums
gcpParsed = {
// column index, simplified column name, column formatter
const cols = [
[0, "entity", d => d],
[1, "code", d => d],
[2, "year", d => +d],
[3, "annual", d => +d * 1e6]

// Simplify column names and coerce data types
const parsed = gcp
.map(d => {
const o = {};
let sum = 0;
cols.forEach(([i, c, f]) => {
o[c] = f(d[gcp.columns[i]]);
if (o.entity === "USA") o.entity = "United States"
return o;

// Calculate cumulative sums
return d3
.groups(parsed, d => d.entity)
.map(([entity, entries]) => {
const cumsum = d3.cumsum(entries, d => d.annual);
entries.forEach((d, i) => (d.cumulative = cumsum[i], d));
return entries;
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// Add Europe as an entity into the Global Carbon Project data
gcpWithEurope = {
return [
...gcpParsed.filter(d => !oecdEurope.includes(d.code)),
.range(...d3.extent(gcpParsed, d => d.year).map((d, i) => i ? d + 1 : d))
.map(year => {
const filtered = gcpParsed.filter(d => d.year === year && oecdEurope.includes(d.code));
const annual = d3.sum(filtered, d => d.annual);
const cumulative = d3.sum(filtered, d => d.cumulative);
return {
entity: "Europe",
code: "EUR",
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// Parse the EIA's CSV and transform it from wide to narrow
eiaParsed = {
const rows = eia.split("\n").slice(4);
const header = rows[0].replace(`""`, "entity");
const columns = header.split(",").map(c => c.replaceAll('"', ""));
const years = columns.filter(d => !isNaN(+d));
const countries = ["United States", "Canada", "Japan", "South Korea", "Russia", "China", "India", "Brazil", "Europe"];
const wide = rows
.map(d => {
const o = {};
d.split(",").forEach((v, i) => {
o[columns[i]] = v;
return o;

return d3
.cross(wide, years)
.map(([d, year]) => ({
entity: d.entity === "OECD Europe" ? "Europe" : d.entity,
year: +year,
annual: +d[year] * 1e6
.filter(d => countries.includes(d.entity));
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// Calculate populations for relevant entities between 1950-2101
unParsed = {
const C = ["United States of America", "Canada", "Japan", "Republic of Korea", "Russian Federation", "China", "India", "Brazil"];

const pops = un
.filter(d => d.LocTypeID === 4)
.map(d => ({
entity: d.Location,
code: d.ISO3_code,
year: d.Time,
pop: d.TPopulation1Jan * 1e3
const countries = pops
.filter(d => C.includes(d.entity))
.map(d => {
d.pop = Math.round(d.pop)
d.entity =
d.entity === "United States of America" ? "United States" :
d.entity === "Republic of Korea" ? "South Korea" :
d.entity === "Russian Federation" ? "Russia" :
return d;
const europe = (() => {
const filtered = pops.filter(d => oecdEurope.includes(d.code))
return d3.range(1950, 2102).map(year => {
return {
entity: "Europe",
code: "EUR",
pop: Math.round(d3.sum(filtered.filter(d => d.year === year), d => d.pop))

return [
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// Parse the World Bank data, transforming it from wide to narrow
worldbankParsed = {
const wide = d3.csvParse(worldbank
.filter((d, i) => i > 3)

const cols = Object.keys(wide[0]).filter(d => d);
const years = cols.filter(d => !isNaN(+d));

return d3
.cross(wide, years)
.map(([d, year]) => {
return {
entity: d["Country Name"],
code: d["Country Code"],
year: +year,
gdp: +d[year]
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// Combine the datasets from the Global Carbon Project, the UN, and the EIA
emissions = d3
.groups(eiaParsed, d => d.entity)
.map(([entity, entries]) => {
const match = gcpWithEurope.filter(d => d.entity === entity)
return [...match, ...entries.filter(d => d.year > 2021)]
.map((d, i, e) => {
// Calculate cumulative sums for projected years
if (d.cumulative == null && !isFinite(d.cumulative)){
const prev = e[i - 1];
d.code = match[0].code;
d.cumulative = prev.cumulative + d.annual;

// Add populations for available years
const m = unParsed.find(f => d.year === f.year && d.entity === f.entity);
d.pop = m?.pop || null;
d.annual_percap = d.pop ? d.annual / d.pop : null;
return d;
.filter(d => d.cumulative);
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// Combine the datasets from the UNFCCC, the World Bank, and the Global Carbon Project
// There are 198 parties to the UNFCCC, but only 182 countries will be shown
// The World Bank does not have 2021 GDP data for 14 UNFCCC parties: Cuba, Cook Islands, Eritrea, European Union, Holy See, Kuwait, Liechtenstein, Niue, North Korea, South Sudan, Syria, Turkmenistan, Venezuela, Yemen
// The Global Carbon Project does not have emissions data for Monaco and San Marino
parties = unfccc
.map(d => {
const worldbankMatch = worldbankParsed.find(f => f.code === d.iso && f.year === 2021)
if (!worldbankMatch) return null;
const o = Object.assign({}, worldbankMatch);

const gcpMatch = gcp.find(f => f["ISO 3166-1 alpha-3"] === o.code && f.Year === "2021")
if (!gcpMatch) return null;
o.co2 = +gcpMatch.Total * 1e6;

const unMatch = un.find(f => f.ISO3_code === o.code && f.Time === 2021)
o.pop = unMatch.TPopulation1Jan * 1e3;

o.gdp_percap = o.gdp / o.pop;
o.co2_percap = o.co2 / o.pop;
o.type = d.type;

return o;
.filter(d => d && d.gdp);
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