Jan 14, 2022
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facet: {
data: updown,
y: "prb_id",
marginLeft: 70,
grid: true,
fy: {
domain: ordered_probe_id_list,
color: { // needed otherwise Plot.plot will do a color conversion
domain: color_arr,
range: color_arr
x: {
grid: true
marks: [
Plot.tickX(updown, {x: "start", stroke: "black"}),
Plot.tickX(updown, {x: "stop", stroke: "black"}),
Plot.ruleY(updown, {x1: "start", x2: "stop", y: null, strokeWidth: 7, stroke: d => p2c[ d.prb_id ].color })
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ordered_probe_id_list = {
return probes.sort( (a,b) => p2c[ ].dists[0] - p2c[ ].dists[0] ).map( x => )
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fade_dist = { // the maximum distance in the triangle between the cities. this is the 0 in the color channel
return Math.max(
haversine( loc2coords[0], loc2coords[1] ),
haversine( loc2coords[0], loc2coords[2] ),
haversine( loc2coords[1], loc2coords[2] )
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async function nom_coordinates( loc_name ) {
let coords = fetch(
`${ loc_name }&format=json`
.then(response => response.json())
.then(json => json[0])
.then(j => [+(j.lon), +(])
.catch(error => {
// Nominatim might be down
// flalback to pin-on-the-map selection
// mutable nominatim_down = true;
// return _coordinates;
return coords;
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function paginated_fetch(url = "", previousResponse = []) {
return fetch(url)
.then(response => response.json())
.then(newResponse => {
const response = [...previousResponse, ...newResponse['results']]; // Combine the two arrays
if (newResponse['next']) {
url = newResponse['next'];
return paginated_fetch(url, response);
return response;
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async function fetch_probes_for_county( ccode ) {
var url = `${ ccode }`;
/* var probes = []
// while( url !== undefined ) {
let p_chunk = fetch( url )
.then( r => r.json() )
.then( r => r['results'] )
probes.push( p_chunk )
} */
var prbs = paginated_fetch( url )
return prbs;
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color_arr = {
function onlyUnique(value, index, self) {
return self.indexOf(value) === index;
return Object.keys(p2c).map( d => p2c[ d ].color ).sort().filter( onlyUnique ) // jump through hoops to do an identity color
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p2c = { // matrix of [loc][prb]. (by index)
var p2c = {}
var range_f = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0, fade_dist]).range([0,252]).clamp(true);
//console.log( range_f( 5000 ) );
probes.forEach( p => {
const h0 = haversine( p.geometry.coordinates, loc2coords[ 0 ] )
const h1 = haversine( p.geometry.coordinates, loc2coords[ 1 ] )
const h2 = haversine( p.geometry.coordinates, loc2coords[ 2 ] )
const r = parseInt( range_f( h0 ) )
const g = parseInt( range_f( h1 ) )
const b = parseInt( range_f( h2 ) )
//p2c[ ] = `rgb( ${r}, ${g}, ${b} )`
p2c[ ] = {
color: '#' + rgbToHex(r) + rgbToHex(g) + rgbToHex(b),
dists: [h0,h1,h2]
return p2c;
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rgbToHex = function (rgb) {
var hex = Number(rgb).toString(16);
if (hex.length < 2) {
hex = "0" + hex;
return hex;
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probes = fetch_probes_for_county( cc ).then( p => p.filter( d => ( == 1) || ( == 2) ) )
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start = _start.toISOString().split("T")[0]
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stop = _stop.toISOString().split("T")[0]
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viewof _stop = new Input(
new Date(
(() => {
let a = new Date();
a.setDate(a.getDate() + 1);
return a.toISOString().split("T")[0];
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updown = {
var updown = []; // list of updown
var state = {};
const ts_start = Math.floor( _start.getTime() / 1000)
const ts_stop = Math.floor( _stop.getTime() / 1000)

connections.forEach( d => {
if ( d.event == "connect" ) {
state[ d.prb_id ] = d.timestamp
} else if ( d.event == "disconnect" ) {
var ev_start = ts_start
if ( d.prb_id in state ) { // we have a beginning
ev_start = state[ d.prb_id ]
start: new Date( ev_start * 1000 ),
stop: new Date( d.timestamp * 1000 ),
prb_id: d.prb_id
for ( var prb_id in state ) {
start: new Date( state[ prb_id ] * 1000 ),
stop: new Date( ts_stop * 1000 ),
prb_id: +prb_id
return updown
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connections = { // adapted/stolen from Agustin :)
let connections = [];
const page_size = 10;
let ended = false;
let i = 0;
let chunk;
let chunks = [];
while (!ended) {
chunk = probes.slice(i, i + page_size).map( d => );
console.log( chunk )

i += page_size;
ended = i >= probes.length;

let promises = =>
).then(r => r.json())

let conns = await Promise.all(promises);

return conns.flat();
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L = {
const L = await require("leaflet@1/dist/leaflet.js");
if (!L._style) {
const href = await require.resolve("leaflet@1/dist/leaflet.css");
document.head.appendChild(L._style = html`<link href=${href} rel=stylesheet>`);
return L;
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function haversine(coord1, coord2 ) {
// adapted from
function rad( x ) {
return x * Math.PI / 180
var lon1 = coord1[0]
var lat1 = coord1[1]
var lon2 = coord2[0]
var lat2 = coord2[1]
console.log( lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2 )
var R = 6371; // km
//has a problem with the .toRad() method below.
var x1 = lat2-lat1;
var dLat = rad( x1 );
var x2 = lon2-lon1;
var dLon = rad( x2 )
var a = Math.sin(dLat/2) * Math.sin(dLat/2) +
Math.cos( rad( lat1 )) * Math.cos( rad( lat2 )) *
Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.sin(dLon/2);
var c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a));
return R * c;
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# Below this are tests
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haversine( await nom_coordinates("Nur Sultan,KZ"), await nom_coordinates("Almaty,KZ") )
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import {Text, Input, bind} from "@observablehq/inputs"
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d3 = require('d3@6')
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