Jun 14, 2022
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
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plot = Plot.plot({
color: {
type: "linear",
domain: [0,10,100],
range: ["green","yellow","red"]
marks: [
Plot.cell(setpercountry, {
x: "cc",
y: "asn",
fill: "min_rtt",
title: d => `prb_id ${d.prb_id}`
Plot.text(setpercountry, {
x: "cc",
y: "asn",
text: "min_rtt"
Insert cell
setpercountry = {
const data = []; // contains objects of country
const countries = ccs.replace(' ','').split(",")
for (const cc of countries) {
for ( const asn of Object.keys( assets_latencies ) ) {
const lats = assets_latencies[ asn ];
console.log( lats, cc );
const lats_for_cc = lats.filter( x => cc2prb_id[ cc ].has( x.prb_id ) ).sort( (a,b) => {
return a.min_rtt - b.min_rtt
if ( lats_for_cc.length > 0 ) {
const low = lats_for_cc[0]
data.push({'cc': cc, 'asn': asn, 'prb_id': low.prb_id, 'min_rtt': low.min_rtt})

} else {
data.push({'cc': cc, 'asn': asn, 'prb_id': NaN, 'min_rtt': NaN})
const min_for_cc = Math.min(...lats.filter( x => cc2prb_id[ cc ].has( x.prb_id ) ).map( x => x.min_rtt ) ) || 0;
// data.push({'cc': cc, 'asn': asn, 'min_rtt': min_for_cc})
return data
Insert cell
assets_latencies = { // fetch latencies for asses that
var lats = {};
for( const asn of Object.keys( assets[ assets_selector ] ) ) {
//const url = `${yesterday.replaceAll('-','/')}/${asn}.json`;
const url = `${asn}.json`
let asn_latencies = await fetch( url ).then(r => r.json() );
lats[ asn ] = asn_latencies.filter(r => r.protoc != 'TCP');
return lats;
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aap = {
const url = "";
let response = await fetch(url);
return response.json()
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assets = ({
"tier1": { // from 2021-11-04
7018: 'AT&T',
3320: 'Deutsche Telekom',
3257: 'GTT',
6830: 'LGI',
3356: 'Lumen/Level3',
3549: 'Lumen/GBLX',
2914: 'NTT',
5511: 'Orange',
3491: 'PCCW',
1239: 'T-mobile/Sprint',
6453: 'TATA',
6762: 'TI/Seabone',
1299: 'Telia',
12956: 'Telxius',
701: 'Verizon',
6461: 'Zayo'
'gafam': {
15169: 'Google',
714: 'Apple',
32934: 'Facebook',
16509: 'Amazon',
8075: 'Microsoft',
13335: "cloudflare",
2906: "netflix"
'cn-ru-content': { // initial list from HMI
45102: 'Alibaba',
4134: 'China Telecom',
47541: 'VKontakte',
13238: 'Yandex'
'serbia-eyeballs': {
8400: 'telekom',
31042: 'serbia bb',
15958: 'cetin',
'jp-transit': {
2497: 'iij',
2516: 'kddi',
4713: 'ocn',
2518: 'biglobe',
17676: 'softbank',
2527: 'sonet'
Insert cell
all_probes = {
//let [yyyy, m, d] = date.split("-");
//const urlLocator = date === "" ? yesterday : `${yyyy}-${m}-${d}`; // dashes, different than the one used for the msms
const urlLocator = yesterday
const probes = await fetch(
).then((r) => r.json());
return probes["results"].filter( x => == 1 )
Insert cell
cc2prb_id = all_probes.reduce( (acc,p ) => {
// if ( probe_whitelist_set.has( ) ) {
if (! probe_blocklist_set.has( ) ) {
if ( p.country_code in acc ) {
acc[ p.country_code ].add( );
} else {
acc[ p.country_code ] = new Set([ ]);
return acc
}, {} );
Insert cell
yesterday = {
let a = new Date();
a.setDate(a.getDate() - 1);
return a.toISOString().split("T")[0];
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probe_blocklist_set = new Set([52944])
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probe_whitelist = FileAttachment("probe-whitelist.csv").csv()
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probe_whitelist_set = new Set( x => +x.prb_id ))
Insert cell
import {Plot} from "@mkfreeman/plot-tooltip"

Insert cell

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