Jan 21, 2022
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
x: {
grid: true
/* color: {
domain: ['ctr-fns01'],
range: ['red']
}, */
y: {
grid: true,
label: "connected probe change"
marks: [
Plot.line( ctrl_timeline, {x: "ts", y: "relprbcnt", z: "controller", stroke: "controller", opacity: 0.5} ),
Insert cell
ctrl_timeline = { // test if this works (might be faster to fetch all and then filter?)
let promise = fetch(
).then(r => r.json())
let j = await promise
let ctrl_state = {} // controller counts
/* let prb_state = {} // probe state
let prb_updown = [] */ // could produce prb graphs via this as well!
let ctrl_timeline = [] // timeline, relative to the start
j.forEach( ev => {
if (! ctrl_state.hasOwnProperty( ev.controller ) ) {
ctrl_state[ ev.controller ] = 0
if (ev.event == 'disconnect') {
ctrl_state[ ev.controller ] -= 1
} else if ( ev.event == 'connect') {
ctrl_state[ ev.controller ] += 1
'controller': ev.controller,
'ts': new Date( ev.timestamp * 1000 ), /// how to deal with multiple events within same second?
'relprbcnt': ctrl_state[ ev.controller ]
ctrl_timeline.sort( (a,b) => { a.controller <= b.controller } )
return ctrl_timeline
Insert cell
import {bind} from "@observablehq/inputs"
Insert cell

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