Jul 16, 2024
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peer_table = { // merging per RRC metadata with per peer metadata
var d = {}; // temp data structure to reduce to a table in the end
rrc_data['data']['rrcs'].forEach( (rrc_info) => {
const rrc_cc = _rrc2cc( rrc_info );
console.log( rrc_cc )
rrc_info['peers'].forEach( (peer_info) => {
var ip = peer_info['ip'].toLowerCase() // for lack of ipaddr (or other canonicisation)
d[ ip ] = peer_info
d[ ip ]['rrc'] = rrc_info['name']
d[ ip ]['rrc_cc'] = rrc_cc
d[ ip ]['is_multihop'] = rrc_info['multihop']
d[ ip ]['is_up'] = true
peer_data['data'].forEach( ( ppd ) => { // ppd = per peer data
var ip = ppd['ip'].toLowerCase()
console.log( ip )
ip in d ? undefined : d[ ip ] = {'is_up': false }
ppd['country'] ? d[ ip ]['peer_cc'] = ppd['country'] : undefined
ppd['city'] ? d[ ip ]['peer_city'] = ppd['city'] : undefined
ppd['feed_type'] ? d[ ip ]['feed_type'] = ppd['feed_type'] : undefined

console.log( "WAAH", d[ ip ] )
return Object.values( d );
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// multihop countries
mh_countries = peer_data['data'].map(
(i) => { return }
).reduce( (i,j) => {
i[j] ? ++i[j] :(i[j] = 1),
i) }
,{} )
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up_peers_per_country = { // this is so ugly!
var countries = []
console.log( "TL", peer_table.length );
peer_table.forEach( (p) => {
if ( p['is_up'] ) {
console.log( p )
if ( p['peer_cc'] !== undefined ) {
countries.push( p['peer_cc'] )
console.log( "MHO", p['peer_cc'] )
} else if ( p['rrc_cc'] !== undefined ) {
countries.push( p['rrc_cc'] )
//console.log( "RRC", p['rrc_cc'] )
} else {
countries.push( undefined )
countries = countries.reduce( (i,j) => {
i[j] ? ++i[j] :(i[j] = 1),
i) }
,{} ) // this counts the countries
// now make a nice data table
var cc_counts = []
for (const [cc, count] of Object.entries(countries)) {
cc_counts.push( {'cc': cc, 'count': count} )
//console.log( cc, count )

return cc_counts
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peer_data = fetch("").then((response) => response.json())
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rrc_data = fetch("").then((response) => response.json())
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_rrc2cc = function( rrcmeta ) {
var loc = undefined;
var gl_arr = rrcmeta.geographical_location.split(',')
gl_arr = gl_arr[ gl_arr.length - 1 ]
const ugly_map = {
' US': 'US',
' Netherlands': 'NL',
' Brazil': 'BR',
' Germany': 'DE',
' South Africa': 'ZA',
' Spain': 'ES',
' Singapore': 'SG',
' Switzerland': 'CH',
' Japan': 'JP',
' Austria': 'AT',
' Russian Federation': 'RU',
' UAE': 'AE',
' Romania': 'RO',
' Italy': 'IT',
' Sweden': 'SE',
' France': 'FR',
' United Kingdom': 'GB'
if ( rrcmeta.multihop == false ) {
// console.log( gl_arr , ugly_map[ gl_arr ] )
return ugly_map[ gl_arr ]
return loc
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cc2rir = fetch("").then((response) => response.json())
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// this didn't help
// ipaddr = require('ipaddr@0.1.0/ip.js').catch(() => window["http"])

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