Feb 23, 2024
1 fork
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/* plot3 = Plot.plot({
marginLeft: 150,
y: {
label: "RIS peers seeing",
grid: true
//domain: d3.groupSort(msgs, (a, b) => a.rrc <= b.rrc, e => e.peer) // #TODO doesn't work yet
x: {
label: "Time (UTC)",
grid: true
marks: [
Plot.line( bgp_parsed.visibility, {x: d=> parseTime( d['ts']), y: 'cnt', stroke: "orange"} )
}) */
Insert cell
/* {
const zoom = d3.zoom().on("zoom", allZoom);

function allZoom(e) {
handleZoom(e, plot);
//handleZoom(e, plot2);

function handleZoom(e, plt) {
const scale = plt.scale("x");
const x = d3.scaleLinear().domain(scale.domain).range(scale.range);
const startDate = new Date(
// Math.max(e.transform.rescaleX(x).domain()[0], extent[0].getTime())

const endDate = new Date(
//Math.min(e.transform.rescaleX(x).domain()[1], extent[1])

mutable domain = [startDate, endDate];

function initZoom() {;
} */

Insert cell
bgp_raw = {
const url=`${pfx}&rrcs=0%2C1%2C3%2C5%2C6%2C7%2C10%2C11%2C13%2C14%2C15%2C16%2C18%2C20%2C25&starttime=${timeFmt( domain[0] ) - 1800 }&endtime=${ timeFmt( domain[1] ) + 1800 }&unix_timestamps=TRUE`
console.log( url );
const data = fetch( url ).then((response) => response.json());
return data
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bgp_parsed = { // need to split fetch and parse (ie. bgp_raw and bgp_parsed cells) because of reactiveness of await/response stuff that I don't really grok
const bgp = {'initial_peers': 0, 'update_msg': [], 'visibility': [], 'po_vis': {}};
const peer_state = new Set(); // TODO remove
const po_state = new Object; // contains prefix/origin state
for (const idx in {
const init_state =[ idx ];
peer_state.add( init_state.source_id );
var po = init_state.target_prefix + " " + init_state.path[ init_state.path.length - 1 ];
if (! po_state.hasOwnProperty( po ) ) {
po_state[ po ] = new Set();
po_state[ po ].add( init_state.source_id );
bgp.initial_peers += 1;
bgp.visibility.push({'ts':, 'cnt': peer_state.size});
for ( var po in po_state ) {
bgp.po_vis[ po ] = [];
bgp.po_vis[ po ].push({'ts':, 'cnt': po_state[po].size})
for (var idx in {
const msg =[ idx ];
const ts = msg.timestamp;
if( msg.type == 'A' ) {
peer_state.add( msg.attrs.source_id );
var po = msg.attrs.target_prefix + " " + msg.attrs.path[ msg.attrs.path.length - 1 ];
if (! po_state.hasOwnProperty( po ) ) {
po_state[ po ] = new Set();
po_state[ po ].add( msg.attrs.source_id )
if( msg.type == 'W' ) { // now we need more work, since we don't know the original origin
for ( var po in po_state ) {
po_state[ po ].delete( msg.attrs.source_id )
peer_state.delete( msg.attrs.source_id )
if ( peer_state.size != bgp.visibility[ bgp.visibility.length - 1 ]['cnt'] ) {
if ( msg.timestamp != bgp.visibility[ bgp.visibility.length - 1]['ts'] ) { // only chance once per ts granularity (seconds) # need to keep as string for this to work
bgp.visibility.push({'ts': ts, 'cnt': peer_state.size});
bgp.update_msg.push({'ts': parseTimeStat( msg['timestamp'] )
// update the per prefix/origin visibility timelines
for ( var po in po_state ) {
if (! bgp.po_vis.hasOwnProperty( po ) ) {
bgp.po_vis[ po ] = [];
bgp.po_vis[ po ].push({'ts': ts, 'cnt': po_state[ po ].size });
} else {
var old_rec = bgp.po_vis[ po ][ bgp.po_vis[ po ].length - 1 ];
if ( old_rec['ts'] != ts && old_rec['cnt'] != po_state[ po ].size ) {
bgp.po_vis[ po ].push({'ts': ts, 'cnt': po_state[ po ].size });

} // end processing each event
// put a stopper at the end
bgp.visibility.push({'ts':, 'cnt': peer_state.size});
for ( var po in bgp.po_vis ) {
const cnt = bgp.po_vis[ po ][ bgp.po_vis[po].length - 1 ]['cnt'];
bgp.po_vis[ po ].push({'ts':, 'cnt': cnt });
return bgp
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pfx = selected_vrp.split(' ')[1]
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extent = d3.extent( data.vrps[ selected_vrp ].timeline, d => parseTime( d[0] ) )
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mutable domain = extent;
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vrps = Object.keys( data.vrps )
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data = fetch("").then((response) => response.json())
//data = fetch("").then((response) => response.json())
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parseTime = d3.utcParse("%s");
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parseTimeStat = d3.utcParse('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
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timeFmt = d3.timeFormat("%s")
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timeFmtHuman = d3.timeFormat('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
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timeFmtDots = d3.timeFormat('%Y.%m.%d')
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sel_date_dots = date
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Insert cell

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