Mar 15, 2023
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VDreponses = FileAttachment("VDreponses4.csv").csv({typed: true})
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viewof view1 = Inputs.table(VDreponses)
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const [Horodateur, Nom, Diplome, Visualisation, Exemples, Attentes, Supplement, Consentement, Annee, Ville, OS, Langage, Motivation] = []
return VDreponses.columns
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viewof date ={label: "Start", value: "2023-02-22"})
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viewof time = Inputs.datetime({label: "Start", value: "2023-02-22T08:40Z"})
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// YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ

dates = => {
const datetime = reponse.Horodateur.split(" ")
let [year, month, day] = datetime[0].split(".").reverse()
if (year < 100) {
year = Number(year) + 2000
const date = `${year}-${month}-${day}`
let [hour, minute, second] = datetime[1].split(":")
if (typeof second === "undefined") {
second = "00"
let remaining = null
if (second.includes(".")) {
[second, remaining] = second.split(".")
const time = (remaining) ?
return new Date(`${date}T${time}`)
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_ = require("lodash")
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delays = => (x - new Date("2023-02-22T09:30Z")) / 1000 / 60)
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marks: [
Plot.dotY(VDreponses, {x: "Nom", y: "Annee", fill: "Annee", label: "Annee", sort: {x: "y"}}),
Plot.text(VDreponses, {x: "Nom", y: "Annee", text: "Annee"}),
Plot.ruleY([d3.min( => r.Annee))]),
style: {
background: d3.hsl(0,0,0.25),
color: "whitesmoke",
strokeWidth: 0.6,
y: {
label: "Année",
axis: null,
color: {
type: "categorical",
scheme: "accent",
marginTop: 60,
marginBottom: 50,
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marks: [
Plot.barY(VDreponses, {x: "Nom", y: delays, fill: VDreponses, sort: {x: "y", reverse: false}}),
style: {
background: d3.hsl(0,0,0.25),
color: "whitesmoke",
strokeWidth: 0.6,
caption: "Meilleur en bas",
y: {
label: "t (min)",
color: {
type: "categorical",
scheme: "accent",
marginTop: 60,
marginBottom: 50,
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diplomes = _.partition(VDreponses, r => r.Diplome.toUpperCase().includes("CFC"))

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VDdiplomes = [
{diplome: "CFC", count: diplomes[0].length},
{diplome: "Autre", count: diplomes[1].length},
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marks: [
Plot.barY(VDdiplomes, {x: "diplome", y: "count", fill: "diplome", sort: {x: "y", reverse: false}, sort: {x: "y", reverse: true}}),
Plot.text(VDdiplomes, {x: "diplome", y: "count", text: "count", dy: -10}),
style: {
background: d3.hsl(0,0,0.25),
color: "whitesmoke",
strokeWidth: 0.6,
x: {
label: "Diplome",
y: {
nice: true,
ticks: 3,
padding: 0,
margin: 0,
label: "Total",
axis: null,
color: {
type: "categorical",
scheme: "accent",
marginTop: 50,
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windows = _.partition(VDreponses, r => r.OS.toLowerCase().includes("windows"))[0]
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linux = _.partition(VDreponses, r => r.OS.toLowerCase().includes("linux"))[0]
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macos = _.partition(VDreponses, r => r.OS.toLowerCase().includes("macos"))[0]
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VDoses = [
{os: "Windows", count: windows.length},
{os: "GNU/Linux", count: linux.length},
{os: "MacOS", count: macos.length}
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marks: [
Plot.barY(VDoses, {x: "os", y: "count", fill: "os", sort: {x: "y", reverse: false}, sort: {x: "y", reverse: true}}),
Plot.text(VDoses, {x: "os", y: "count", text: "count", dy: -10}),
style: {
background: d3.hsl(0,0,0.25),
color: "whitesmoke",
strokeWidth: 0.6,
x: {
label: "OS",
y: {
nice: true,
ticks: 3,
padding: 0,
margin: 0,
label: "Total",
axis: null,
color: {
type: "categorical",
scheme: "accent",
marginTop: 50,
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VDlangages = [
{lang: "Enseignés dans l'école", count: VDreponses.length},
{lang: "Non enseignés dans l'école", count: 2},
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marks: [
Plot.barY(VDlangages, {x: "lang", y: "count", fill: "lang", sort: {x: "y", reverse: false}, sort: {x: "y", reverse: true}}),
Plot.text(VDlangages, {x: "lang", y: "count", text: "count", dy: -10}),
style: {
background: d3.hsl(0,0,0.25),
color: "whitesmoke",
strokeWidth: 0.6,
caption: "Tendances en matière de langage de programmation",
x: {
label: "Langages",
y: {
nice: true,
ticks: 3,
padding: 0,
margin: 0,
label: "Total",
axis: null,
color: {
type: "categorical",
scheme: "accent",
marginTop: 50,
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htl.html`<iframe src="" width="640" height="480"></iframe>`
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