Feb 17, 2020
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md`# Learning React part 1 - ES6 Syntax`
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md`# const
Like \`const\` in other languages.`
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var pizza = true
pizza = false
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const pizza = true
pizza = false
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var topic = "Javascript"

if (topic) {
var topic = "React"
console.log('block', topic)
console.log('global', topic)

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var topic = "Javascript (ES6)"
if(topic) {
let topic = "React"
console.log("block", topic)
console.log("global", topic)
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const container = d3.create("div")
var div;
// var creates a global variable i that is overwritten each time the loop is run
// then the console.log function looks in the higher scope for i and finds 5
for (var i=0; i<5; i++)
div = document.createElement("div")
div.onclick = function() {
console.log("This is box #" + i )
div.setAttribute("style","background: white; width:100px; height:50px; border:1px solid")
return container.node()
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const container = d3.create("div")
var div;
// if instead we use lexical scoping, i does not get overwritten
// then the console.log function looks in the higher scope for i
// and finds the number that was there at the time of execution
for (let i=0; i<5; i++)
div = document.createElement("div")
div.onclick = function() {
console.log("This is box #" + i )
div.setAttribute("style","background: white; width:100px; height:50px; border:1px solid")
return container.node()
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console.log(lastName + ", " + firstName + " " + middleName)
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console.log(`${lastName}, ${firstName} ${middleName}`)
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Hello ${firstName},

Thanks for ordering ${qty} tickets to ${event},

Order Details
${firstName} ${middleName} ${lastName}
${qty} x $${price} = $${qty*price} to ${event}

You can pick your tickes up at will call 30 minutes before the show,


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ticketAgent = "Jritch"

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price = 4.20
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qty = 69
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event = "Glastonbury"
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var iframe = d3.create("iframe").attr("sandbox", "allow-scripts")
return iframe.node()
// can't figure out how to append content to the iframe,
// but the takeaway from this example is that you can use format strings
// to embed formatted HTML text within javascript code blocks

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function logActivity(name="Shane McGowan", activity="drinking") {
return `${name} loves ${activity}`
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function personBuilder()
let defaultPerson = {
name : {
first: "Shane",
last: "McGowan"
'favActivity' : "drinking"
return defaultPerson
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defaultPerson = personBuilder()
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function logActivity2(p=defaultPerson) {
return(`${} loves ${p.favActivity}`)
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md `# Arrow Functions
Arrow functions are new in ES6.`
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// traditional syntax

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lordify = function(firstname) {
return `${firstname} of Canterbury`
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lordify2 = firstname => `${firstname} of Canterbury`
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lordify3 = (firstname,land) => `${firstname} of ${land}`
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lordify4 = (firstName, land) => {
if (!firstName) {
throw new Error("A firstName is required to lordify.")
if (!land) {
throw new Error("A lord must have a land.")
return `${firstName} of ${land}`
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// lordify4("kelly") // Error: A lord must have a land.
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// lordify4(false,"Argentina") // Error: A firstName is required to lordify.
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var tahoe = {
resorts: ["Kirkwood","Squaw","Alpine"],
print: function(delay=1000) {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log(this.resorts.join(", "))
}, delay)
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sandwich = ({
bread: "dutch crunch",
meat: "tuna",
cheese: "swiss",
toppings: ["lettuce","tomato","mustard"]
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var {bread, meat} = sandwich
return {bread: bread, meat: meat}
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var lordify = regularPerson => {
return(`${regularPerson.firstname} of Canterbury`)
var regularPerson = {
firstname : "Bill",
lastname : "Watson"
return lordify(regularPerson)
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var lordify = ({firstname}) =>{
return(`${regularPerson.firstname} of Canterbury`)
var regularPerson = {
firstname : "Bill",
lastname : "Watson"
return lordify(regularPerson)
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// Destructuring is more declarative

// Code describes what we want to accomplish (we will only use the firstname variable)
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{var [firstResort] = ["Kirkwood","Squaw","Alpine"]; return firstResort}
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md `
# Object Literal Enhancement

The opposite of destructuring. The process of restructuring or putting back together.

We grab variables from the global scope and turn them into an object.

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var name = "Tallac"
var elevation = 9738;

var funHike = {name, elevation};
return funHike
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var name = "Tallac"
var elevation = 9738
var print = function() {
console.log(`Mt ${} is ${this.elevation} feet tall`)
var funHike = {name,elevation,print}
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// OLD
var name = "John"
var sound = "Oy"
var skier = {
name: name,
sound: sound,
powderYell: function() {
var yell = this.sound.toUpperCase()
console.log(`${yell} ${yell} ${yell}!!!`)
speed: function(mph) {
this.speed = mph,
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// NEW
let name = "John"
let sound = "Oy"
const skier = {
powderYell() {
let yell = this.sound.toUpperCase()
console.log(`${yell} ${yell} ${yell}!!!`)
speed(mph) {
this.speed = mph,
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// Object literal enhancement allows us to pull global variables into objects and reduces typing by making the `function` keyword unnecessary
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let peaks = ["Tallac","Ralston","Rose"]
let canyons = ["Ward","Blackwood"]
let tahoe = [...peaks, ...canyons]
return(tahoe.join(", "))
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let peaks = ["Tallac","Ralston","Rose"]
let canyons = ["Ward","Blackwood"]
let tahoe = [...peaks, ...canyons]
return(tahoe.join(", "))
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let peaks = ["Tallac","Ralston","Rose"]

var [last] = peaks.reverse()
return("\n" + peaks.join(", ")) // bad bc array reversed in-place
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let peaks = ["Tallac","Ralston","Rose"]

var [last] = [...peaks].reverse()
return(peaks.join(", ")) // all gucci
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//just take the first
let lakes = ["A","B","C","D"]
let [first,] = lakes
return rest
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function directions(...args) {
var [start, ...remaining] = args
var [finish, penultimate, ...stops] = remaining.reverse()

console.log(`drive through ${args.length} towns`)
console.log(`start in ${start}`)
console.log(`the penultimate town is ${penultimate}`)
console.log(`the destination is ${finish}`)
console.log(`stopping ${stops.length + 1} times in between`)

return directions(
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// Using spread with objects
var morning = {
breakfast: "oatmeal",
lunch: "peanut butter and jelly"
var dinner = "mac and cheese"
var backpackingMeals = {
return (backpackingMeals)
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md` # Promises
Help make sense of asynchronous behavior.

Out of all the things that could happen in an async call, promises simplify to a pass/fail.

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getFakeMembers = count => new Promise((resolves,rejects) => {
const api = `${count}`
const request = new XMLHttpRequest()'GET',api)
request.onload = () =>
((request.status === 200) ? resolves(JSON.parse(request.response).results) : reject(Error(request.statusText)))
request.onerror = (err) => rejects(err)
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Seamlessly deploy to Observable. Test before you ship, use automatic deploy-on-commit, and ensure your projects are always up-to-date.
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