Nov 6, 2021
1 star
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limit = 1000;
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base = 0;
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width = 500
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height = Math.min(640, width)
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computeChart = function(data = contentComputed) {
const svg = d3.create("svg")
.attr("viewBox", [-width, -height, width*2, height*2])
.attr("font-size", 10)
.attr("font-family", "sans-serif");

const chords = chord(data.matrix);

const group = svg.append("g")

.attr("fill", d => color(d.index))
.attr("stroke", d => d3.rgb(color(d.index)).darker())
.attr("d", arc);

.each(d => { d.angle = (d.startAngle + d.endAngle) / 2; })
.attr("dy", ".35em")
.attr("transform", d => `
rotate(${(d.angle * 180 / Math.PI - 90)})
translate(${innerRadius + 26})
${d.angle > Math.PI ? "rotate(180)" : ""}
.attr("text-anchor", d => d.angle > Math.PI ? "end" : null)
.text(d => { var text = data.nameByIndex.get(d.index);
console.log("data text: ", text)

.attr("fill-opacity", 0.67)
.attr("d", ribbon)
.attr("fill", d => color(
.attr("stroke", d => d3.rgb(color(;

return svg.node();
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function groupTicks(d, step) {
const k = (d.endAngle - d.startAngle) / d.value;
return d3.range(0, d.value, step).map(value => {
return {value: value, angle: value * k + d.startAngle};
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formatValue = d3.formatPrefix(",.0", 1e3)
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chord = d3.chord()
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arc = d3.arc()
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ribbon = d3.ribbon()
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color = d3.scaleOrdinal()
.range(["#000000", "#FFDD89", "#957244", "#F26223"])
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outerRadius = Math.min(width, height) * 0.5 - 30
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innerRadius = outerRadius - 20
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d3 = require("d3@5")
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resource = ""
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import { resourceAPI } from "@datagenous/resource-protocol-library"
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sparqlPost = resourceAPI(resource, "POST");
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gspGet = resourceAPI(resource+".nt", "GET");
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knownTypes = [""];
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requestResults =
// getRepresentationAsNT();
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getRepresentationAsNT = function() {
return( gspGet({"Accept": "application/n-triples"}) );
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getRepresentationAsSparqlResults = function() {
return( sparqlPost("select ?s ?p ?o where { ?s ?p ?o }",
{"Content-Type": "application/sparql-query",
"Accept": "application/sparql-results+json"}) );
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components = translateGraphDocument(requestResults)
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context = ({"type": "",
"href": ["",
"link": "",
"title": ""})
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iriFieldMap = { var map = new Map();
for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(context)) {
console.log(name, value);
if (typeof(value) == "string") {map.set(value, name);}
else { value.forEach(function(iri) { map.set(iri, name); })}
return ( map );
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translateNextGraphDocument = function(document) {
var contentType = document.contentType || document.mediaType;
console.log(contentType, document);
switch (contentType) {
case "application/sparql-results+json":
return (translateSparqlResultsToGraph(document));
case "application/n-triples":
case "application/n-quad":
case "text/turtle":
case "application/turtle":
return (translateRDFTriplesToGraph(document));
throw ( new Error(`translateGraphDocument: no implementation for '${contentType}'`) );
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translateGraphDocument = function(document) {
return ( translateNextGraphDocument(document) );

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translateRDFTriplesToGraph = function(representation = requestResults) {
var data = representation.statements;
if (!data) { throw new Error("invalid rdf document: ", representation); }

function interpretStatement(stmt) {
var subject = stmt.subject.lexicalForm || stmt.subject.label || stmt.subject.value;
var predicate = stmt.predicate.lexicalForm || stmt.subject.value;
var object = stmt.object;
object = (typeof(object) == "object"
? (object.lexicalForm || object.label || object.value)
: object);
addAssertion(subject, predicate, object);
for (var stmt of data.slice(0,limit)) {interpretStatement(stmt)};
var nodes = Array.from(nodeMap.values()).filter(testNode).reverse();
links.length = 0;
return ({nodes, links});
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/** chord occurrence matrix requires cross reference between node objects in
order the use the index numbers.
translateSparqlResultsToGraph = function(representation = requestResults) {
var data = representation.results.bindings;
if (!data) { throw new Error("invalid sparql results document: ", representation); }

function interpretSolution(solution) {
var subject = solutionSubjectValue(solution);
var predicate = solutionPredicateValue(solution);
var object = solutionObjectValue(solution);
addAssertion(subject, predicate, object);
for (var stmt of data.slice(0,limit)) {interpretSolution(stmt)};
var nodes = Array.from(nodeMap.values()).filter(testNode).reverse();
links.length = 0;
return ({nodes, links});

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nodeMap = new Map();
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solutionObjectValue = function(solution) {
var term = solution.o;
return (typeof(term) == "object"
? (term.lexicalForm || term.label || term.value)
: term);
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solutionPredicateValue = function(solution) {
var term = solution.p;
if (typeof(term) == "object") {
return (term.lexicalForm || term.value);
} else {
throw new Error("invalid predicate: ", term);
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solutionSubjectValue = function(solution) {
var term = solution.s;
if (typeof(term) == "object") {
return ( term.lexicalForm || term.label || term.value );
} else {
throw new Error("invalid subject: ", term);
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ensureNode = function (id) {
// console.log("ensure: ", id);
var n = nodeMap.get(id);
if (!n) {
n = {id: id,
group: ((typeof(id) == "number") ? id : id.replace(RegExp("^([^:]+):(.+)$"), "$1"))};
nodeMap.set(id, n);
return (n);

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addAssertion = function(subject, predicate, object) {
var node = ensureNode(subject);
// augment fields
var fieldName = iriFieldMap.get(predicate);
if (fieldName) {
var fieldValue = node[fieldName];
if (undefined == fieldValue) {
node[fieldName] = object;
} else if (Array.isArray(fieldValue)) {
if (!fieldValue.includes(object)) {
} else {
node[fieldName] = [fieldValue, object];
console.log("fieldValue after", node[fieldName]);
} else {
// skip
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testNode = function (node) {
// console.log("known type: ", node.type);
var type = node.type;
if (typeof(type) == "string") {
return (knownTypes.includes(type));
} else if (Array.isArray(type)) {
for (type of type) { if (knownTypes.includes(type)) { return(true); } }
return (false);
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contentStatic = [
[11975, 5871, 8916, 2868],
[ 1951, 10048, 2060, 6171],
[ 8010, 16145, 8090, 8045],
[ 1013, 990, 940, 6907]
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contentComputed = computeContent(translateGraphDocument(requestResults))

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computeContent = function(components = translateGraphDocument(requestResults)) {
console.log("computeContent", components)
var {nodes, links} = components;
var count = nodes.length;
var matrix = new Array(count);
const indexByName = new Map;
const nameByIndex = new Map;
nodes.forEach(function(node, index) {node.index = index});
for (var index = 0; index < count; index ++) {
matrix[index] = Array.from({length: count}).fill(0);;
// console.log("matrix", matrix);
for (var node of nodes) {
indexByName.set(node.title, node.index);
nameByIndex.set(node.index, node.title);
// console.log("links: ", links);
for (var link of links) {
// console.log(link);
var source = link.source;
var target =;
var vector = matrix[source.index];
vector[target.index] = vector[target.index]+1;
return ( {matrix, indexByName, nameByIndex} );

Insert cell

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