Jun 11, 2021
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
viewof republican = color({
title: "Republican color",
value: "#cc3d3d"
Insert cell
viewof democratic = color({
title: "Democratic color",
value: "#1d81c5"
Insert cell
viewof maxArrowLength = slider({
value: 40,
step: 1,
min: 1,
max: 100,
title: "Maximum arrow length"
Insert cell
changescale = d3
// .scaleSqrt()
.domain([govminchange, govmaxchange])
.range([1, 2])
Insert cell
widthscale = d3
// .scaleSqrt()
.domain([govminwidth, govmaxwidth])
.range([1, 5])
Insert cell
govminwidth = Math.min(...govsizes)
Insert cell
govminchange = Math.min(...govchanges)
Insert cell
govmaxwidth = Math.max(...govsizes)
Insert cell
govmaxchange = Math.max(...govchanges)
Insert cell
govraw = FileAttachment("presidential_change_2000_2020.json").json()
Insert cell
govsizes = => d.total_votes)
Insert cell
govchanges = => d.diff_2000_2020)
Insert cell
selectedCities = cityList.filter(d => cities.includes(
Insert cell
viewof cities = checkbox({
title: "Cities",
options: =>,
value: =>
Insert cell
cityList = [
name: "Los Angeles",
type: 'city',
coordinates: [-118.243683, 34.052235],
name: "San Fransisco",
type: "city",
coordinates: [-122.431297, 37.773972],
name: "Bakersfield",
type: "city",
coordinates: [-119.043732, 35.493528],
y: "-3",
anchor: "begin"
name: "Sacramento",
type: "city",
y: "-4",
coordinates: [-121.478851, 38.575764]
name: "Redding",
type: "city",
coordinates: [-122.4327698, 40.5743177]
name: "San Diego",
type: "city",
coordinates: [-117.161087, 32.715736]
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell

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