Jun 23, 2022
Fork of Scrubber
Insert cell
Insert cell
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// viewof i = Scrubber(numbers)
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numbers = Array.from({ length: 100 }, (_, i) => i)
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// md`The current value of *i* is ${i}.`
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// Scrubber(numbers, {autoplay: false})
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// viewof Num = Scrubber(numbers, { loop: false })
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// viewof Num.update(3)
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// Scrubber(numbers, {loop: false, alternate: true})
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// Scrubber(["red", "green", "blue"], {delay: 1000})
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dates = Array.from({length: 365}, (_, i) => {
const date = new Date(2019, 0, 1);
date.setDate(i + 1);
return date;
Insert cell
// viewof date = Scrubber(dates, {
// autoplay: false,
// loop: false,
// format: (date) => date.toLocaleString("en", { month: "long", day: "numeric" })
// })
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viewof num = Scrubber(numbers, {
initial: newNum,
delay: 1000,
autoplay: false,
loopDelay: 1000
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viewof num.value
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// mutable newNum = 0
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mutable newNum = 30
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viewof num.value
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(viewof num.o.form.value = 1)
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(viewof num.value = 1)
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(viewof num.o.value = 1)
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viewof num.o.value
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Insert cell
// mutable debug = null
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style = html`
.button {
border: 0;
background: transparent;
box-sizing: border-box;
width: 100;
height: 74px;
border-color: transparent transparent transparent #202020;
transition: 100ms all ease;
cursor: pointer;
border-style: solid;
border-width: 37px 0 37px 60px;
.paused {
border-style: double;
border-width: 0px 0 0px 60px;
.button:hover {
border-color: transparent transparent transparent #404040;

Insert cell
function Scrubber(
format = (value) => value,
index = false,
initial = 0,
delay = null,
autoplay = true,
loop = true,
loopDelay = null,
alternate = false
} = {}
) {
values = Array.from(values);
let form = html`<form style="font: 12px var(--sans-serif); font-variant-numeric: tabular-nums; display: flex; height: 50px; align-items: center;">
<button name=b class=button type=button ></button>
<label style="display: flex; align-items: center;">
<input id='dot' name=i type=range min=0 max=${
values.length - 1
} value=${initial} step=1 style="width: 0px;">
<output name=o style="margin-left: 0.4em;"></output>
let frame = null;
let timer = null;
let interval = null;
let direction = 1;
function start() {
// form.b.textContent = "Pause";
if (delay === null) frame = requestAnimationFrame(tick);
else interval = setInterval(tick, delay);
function stop() {
// form.b.textContent = "Play";
if (frame !== null) cancelAnimationFrame(frame), (frame = null);
if (timer !== null) clearTimeout(timer), (timer = null);
if (interval !== null) clearInterval(interval), (interval = null);
function running() {
return frame !== null || timer !== null || interval !== null;
// form.i.value = newNum;
function tick() {
if (
form.i.valueAsNumber ===
(direction > 0 ? values.length - 1 : direction < 0 ? 0 : NaN)
) {
if (!loop) return stop();
if (alternate) direction = -direction;
if (loopDelay !== null) {
if (frame !== null) cancelAnimationFrame(frame), (frame = null);
if (interval !== null) clearInterval(interval), (interval = null);
timer = setTimeout(() => (step(), start()), loopDelay);
if (delay === null) frame = requestAnimationFrame(tick);

function step() {
form.i.valueAsNumber =
(form.i.valueAsNumber + direction + values.length) % values.length;
form.i.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("input", { bubbles: true }));
form.i.oninput = (event) => {
if (event && event.isTrusted && running()) stop();
form.value = values[form.i.valueAsNumber];
// mutable debug = form;
form.o.value = format(form.value, form.i.valueAsNumber, values);
form.b.onclick = () => {
// console.log(form.b.className);
if (running()) return stop();

// console.log(form.b.className);
// form.b.toggleClass("paused");

direction =
alternate && form.i.valueAsNumber === values.length - 1 ? -1 : 1;
form.i.valueAsNumber = (form.i.valueAsNumber + direction) % values.length;
form.i.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("input", { bubbles: true }));
if (autoplay) start();
else stop();
return form;
Insert cell

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