May 11, 2022
9 stars
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top5 = ["Palau", "Panama", "Marshall Islands", "Singapore", "Liberia"]
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multiples = brokenByCountryandYear
Insert cell
// bars = Plot.plot({
// height: 160,
// width,
// x: {
// label: null,
// domain: [
// "Panama",
// "St. Kitts and Nevis",
// "Liberia",
// "Togo",
// "Comoros",
// "Singapore",

// "Hong Kong",
// "South Korea",
// "Palau",

// "Marshall Is."
// ]
// },
// y: {
// label: "↑ Last Voyage flags",
// grid: true
// },
// color: {
// domain: ["highlight", "normal"],
// range: ["#93003a", "#dd4c65"]
// },
// marks: [
// Plot.barY(
// barData,
// Plot.groupX(
// { y: "count" },
// {
// x: "flag",
// fill: (d) => (highlight.includes(d.flag) ? "highlight" : "normal")
// }
// )
// ),
// Plot.ruleY([0])
// ]
// })

Insert cell
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y: {
percent: true
marks: [Plot.barY(byWeightSumm, { x: "year", y: "total", fill: "foc" })]
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// data used for heat map
sData = FileAttachment("sData.json").json()
Insert cell
retirement_date = "2015-01" // all ships retired after this date
Insert cell
start_animation_date = "2014-11"
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highlight = ["Comoros", "Palau"]
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colorScale = ["#9e0142", "rgb(225, 87, 89)"]
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callAnnotations ="g.annotation-group").call(makeMyAnnotations)
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makeMyAnnotations = {
return d3_svg_annotation
.type(d3_svg_annotation.annotationCalloutElbow) //annotationCalloutCircle
x: d => projection(d.coord)[0] + d.shiftBy[0],
y: d => projection(d.coord)[1] + d.shiftBy[1]
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annotationTextColor = "#dc143c"
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import { color } from "@jashkenas/inputs"
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mutable debug = 1
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// debug[0].date
Insert cell
update = chart.update(currData)
Insert cell
currData = chartData.filter(d => +new Date( === +new Date(currentDate))
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dismantledCount = T.tidy(dismanteled, T.groupBy("COUNTRY", T.count("COUNTRY")))
Insert cell
dismanteled = dismantled2019.concat(dismantled2020).map((d) => {
if (d.COUNTRY === "China " || d.COUNTRY === "China ") {
d.COUNTRY = "China";
return d;
Insert cell
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dismantled2020 = FileAttachment("2020 List of all ships dismantled@1.csv").csv()
Insert cell
dismantled2019 = FileAttachment(
"2019-List-of-all-ships-dismantled-all-over-the-world (1).csv"
typed: true
Insert cell
deadweight = FileAttachment("Deadweight (3).csv").csv({ typed: true })
Insert cell
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byWeight = {
return T.tidy(
cols: ["-Country", "-SHIP TYPE"],
namesTo: ["year"],
valuesTo: ["val"]
T.filter((d) => d["SHIP TYPE"] === "Container ships")
).map((d) => {
d.val = d.val === ".." ? 0 : d.val;
d.Country = d.Country.trim();
d.year = d.year.slice(1);
// console.log(d.Country);
? (d.foc = "foc")
: (d.foc = "other");
return d;
Insert cell
Insert cell
[ Set(
.filter((d) => d.foc === "foc" && d.year === "1980")
.map((d) => d.Country)
Insert cell
byWeightSumm = T.tidy(

T.groupBy(["year", "foc"], [T.summarize({ total: T.sum("val") })]),
T.mutate({ date: (d) => new Date(d.year) })
Insert cell
T = require("@tidyjs/tidy@2.4.2/dist/umd/tidy.min.js")
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world.features.find(d => === "Zimbabwe")
Insert cell
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// shipsEndDate.filter(d => d.year === 2018)
Insert cell
barColors = ["#add2da", "#1f5e70"]
Insert cell
ITF_flags_of_convenience = [
"Antigua and Barbuda",
"Cayman Islands",
"Equatorial Guinea",
"Faroe Islands",
"French International Ship Registry (FIS)",
"German International Ship Registry (GIS)",
"Marshall Islands",
"North Korea",
"Sao Tome and Principe",
"St Vincent",
"Sri Lanka",
Insert cell
[ Set(byWeight.filter((d) => d.foc === "other").map((d) => d.Country))
].filter((d) => d.includes("Guinea"))
Insert cell
[ Set(byWeight.filter((d) => d.foc === "foc").map((d) => d.Country))]
Insert cell
Insert cell
shipsEndDate = FileAttachment("filledDates.json").json()
Insert cell
// shipsEndDate = FileAttachment("dates90-10.json").json()
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// chartData.filter(d => +new Date( === +new Date(currentDate))
Insert cell
forceX = d => {

return projection(d.feature.centroid)[0];
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forceY = d => {
return projection(d.feature.centroid)[1]
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// plotData = chartData.filter(d => +new Date( === +new Date(currentDate))
Insert cell
// simulation.nodes()
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height = width * 0.49
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path = d3.geoPath(projection);
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projection = d3.geoEqualEarth()
.rotate([-10, 0, 0])
.fitSize([width, height], { type: "Sphere" });
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import { cecilieMap } from "e4970ee26ad6ff38"
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import { viewof mapDismanteled } from "25c507d48522c13a"
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d3 = require("d3@6", "d3-array@2", "d3-force@2", "d3-geo@1", "d3-scale@3", "d3-selection@1")
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import { Plot } from "@observablehq/plot"
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import { chart as sankey } from '7b52aad50642c28c'
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_ = require("lodash")
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import { brokenByCountryandYear } from 'f2028122b8903c76'
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import { Scrubber } from "@mbostock/scrubber"
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topojson = require("topojson-client@3");
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import { legend as leg, swatches } from "c6baa6befbd5e04a"
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import { legendCircle } from "@harrystevens/circle-legend";
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// import { swatches } from "@d3/color-legend"
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import { toc } from "@harrystevens/toc";
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d3_svg_annotation = require("d3-svg-annotation")
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r = d3
.domain([0, 1379302771])
.range([0, Math.sqrt(width * height) / 10])
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// Find the centroid of the largest polygon
centroid = (feature) => {
const geometry = feature.geometry;
if (geometry.type === "Polygon"){
return d3.geoCentroid(feature);
else {
let largestPolygon = {}, largestArea = 0;
geometry.coordinates.forEach(coordinates => {
const polygon = { type: "Polygon", coordinates },
area = d3.geoArea(polygon);
if (area > largestArea) {
largestPolygon = polygon;
largestArea = area;
return d3.geoCentroid(largestPolygon);
Insert cell

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