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Ricky Reusser
More or less finished notebooks
Ricky Reusser
More or less finished notebooks
Magnetic Pendulum
Tracing Lamb Modes in the Complex Plane
Missing Fundamental Illusion
Sliced Optimal Transport
Line Integral Convolution
Shanks Transformation
Ueda's Attractor
Cubic basis vs. Hermite interpolation
Bicubic Texture Interpolation using Linear Filtering
Factor-of-Two Lanczos Image Resampling
Aperiodic Monotile
eqn [WIP]
SDF Points with regl
Knocking Down the Gates with our Friend Jacobi
Fast Generalized Winding Numbers in 2D
HTML+CSS Periodic Three-Body Orbits
Clifford and de Jong Attractors
Strange Attractors on the GPU, Part 1: Implementation
Strange Attractors on the GPU, Part 2: Fun!
Lawson's Klein Bottle
Interactive Multi-scale Turing Patterns
Computing π with the Bailey-Borwein-Plouffe Formula
The Double Pendulum Map
Malkus Waterwheel
Register Allocation and the k-Coloring Problem
Multiscale Turing Patterns in WebGL
Selecting the Right Opacity for 2D Point Clouds
Kuramoto-Sivashinsky Equation in 2D
Adaptive Contouring in Fragment Shaders
Complex function plotter
GPU Voronoi Diagrams using the Jump Flooding Algorithm
Baker's Map
Hello, g9
Dispersion in Water Surface Waves
Fake Transparency for 3D Surfaces
Uniformly Distributed Points on a Sphere
GPU Boids
Grouping Points with Principal Component Analysis
Domain Coloring for Complex Functions
Drawing indexed mesh data as screen-space normals without duplicating data
Finding Roots in the Complex Plane
Periodic Planar Three-Body Orbits
2D (Non-physical) N-body Gravity with Poisson's Equation
Half-Precision Floating-Point, Visualized
Integers in Single-Precision Floating-Point
Domain Coloring with Adaptive Contouring
Instanced WebGL Circles
Double Compound Pendulums
3D Reaction-Diffusion
Mathematical Easter Egg Coloring
Toiletpaperfullerenes and Charmin Nanotubes
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