Feb 1, 2023
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// Adobe Color Wheel (originally “Adobe Kuler”)
// see:
// code:
function mapAdobeWheel(i) {
const a = { R:0, O:30, Y:60, G:120, C:180, B:240, M:300, R2:360 } // hsl degrees
const b = { R:0, O:45, Y:120, G:180, C:220, B:275, M:320, R2:360 } // adobe degrees

const n = 360
const h = (i%1)*n
if (h<a.O) return map(h, [a.R,a.O], [b.R,b.O])/n
if (h<a.Y) return map(h, [a.O,a.Y], [b.O,b.Y])/n
if (h<a.G) return map(h, [a.Y,a.G], [b.Y,b.G])/n
if (h<a.C) return map(h, [a.G,a.C], [b.G,b.C])/n
if (h<a.B) return map(h, [a.C,a.B], [b.C,b.B])/n
if (h<a.M) return map(h, [a.B,a.M], [b.B,b.M])/n
if (h<a.R2) return map(h, [a.M,a.R2], [b.M,b.R2])/n
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hueCanvas(Oklch, "OkLCh 2021")
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// Oklch
// We use the `ac-colors` library to perform this transformation from sRGB -> XYZ -> LAB
// (extra effort to put red at 0)
Oklch = i => ((oklch(hue_culori(i)).h - oklch(hue_culori(0)).h)/360 + 1) % 1
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// We use the `ac-colors` library to perform this transformation from sRGB -> XYZ -> LAB
// (extra effort to put red at 0)
mapHCLab = i => ((hue(i).lchab[2] - hue(0).lchab[2])/360 + 1) % 1
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// We use the `ac-colors` library to perform this transformation from sRGB -> XYZ -> LUV
// (extra effort to put red at 0)
mapHCLuv = i => ((hue(i).lchuv[2] - hue(0).lchuv[2])/360 + 1) % 1
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// HCL as designed by Sarifuddin and Missaou in 2005.
// Paper:
// (formula corrected below, since the one in the paper has an error)
mapHCLsm = i => {
const {atan2,PI} = Math
const [r,g,b] = hue(i).rgb
const h = atan2((g-b),(r-g))
return h>=0 ?
map(h, [0,PI], [0,0.5]) :
map(h, [-PI,0], [0.5,1])
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// sRGB hue angle -> wavelength
// Uses a piecewise linear approximation.
// (derived from:
function mapWavelength(i) {
const a = { R:0, Y:60, G:120, C:180, B:240, M:300 } // hsl degrees
const b = { R:645, Y:580, G:510, C:490, B:440, M:380 } // wavelengths
// NOTE: magenta is only 30% bright on spectrum^
// (according to the referenced model)

const h = (i%1)*360
let w
if (h<a.Y) w=map(h, [a.R,a.Y], [b.R,b.Y])
else if (h<a.G) w=map(h, [a.Y,a.G], [b.Y,b.G])
else if (h<a.C) w=map(h, [a.G,a.C], [b.G,b.C])
else if (h<a.B) w=map(h, [a.C,a.B], [b.C,b.B])
else if (h<=a.M) w=map(h, [a.B,a.M], [b.B,b.M])

return map(w, [b.R,b.M], [hueI.R,hueI.M])
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// hue index (fraction from 0 to 1)
hueI = ({
R: 0/6, // red
O: 1/12, // orange
Y: 1/6, // yellow
G: 2/6, // green
B: 3/6, // blue (“cyan” is historically blue, like the sky)
I: 4/6, // indigo
V: 9/12, // violet
M: 5/6, // magenta
R2: 6/6, // red loopback
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// use for evenly distributing the rainbow by the Roy G Biv names
function mapRoygbiv(t) { // 0 ≤ t ≤ 1
const hues = Object.values(hueI)
const n = hues.length
t = t%1
for (let i=0; i<n; i++) {
if (t < hues[i+1]) {
return map(t, [hues[i], hues[i+1]], [i,i+1])/(n-1)
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function hueToRgb(i) {
const a = i*6%6
const t = a%1
const s = 1-t
if (a < 1) return [1, t, 0] // r->y
if (a < 2) return [s, 1, 0] // y->g
if (a < 3) return [0, 1, t] // g->c
if (a < 4) return [0, s, 1] // c->b
if (a < 5) return [t, 0, 1] // b->m
if (a < 6) return [1, 0, s] // m->r
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// extreme point on sRGB with the given hue (for ac-colors library)
// 0 <= i <= 1
hue = i => new Color({type:'rgb', color:hueToRgb(i).map(c => 255*c)})
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// extreme point on sRGB with the given hue (for culori library)
// 0 <= i <= 1
hue_culori = i => ({mode:'hsv', h:i*360, s:1, v:1})
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Color = require('ac-colors@1.4.2/dist/ac-colors.min.js') // needed for CIE LUV
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chroma = require('chroma-js') // needed for clamped CIE HCLab
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// Re-maps a number from one range to another:
function map(n, [start1, stop1], [start2, stop2]) {
return (n - start1) / (stop1 - start1) * (stop2 - start2) + start2
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culori = require('culori') // needed for OkLCh
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oklch = culori.converter('oklch')
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function hueCanvas(f,label,max=1) {
const w = width
const tickH = 6
const gradH = 25
const unigradH = 6
const labelH = 20
const h = gradH + tickH + (label ? labelH : 0) + unigradH
const ctx = DOM.context2d(w,h)

const y = h - gradH - unigradH

ctx.font = '16px sans-serif'
if (label) {
ctx.fillStyle = '#3558'
ctx.textAlign = 'left'
ctx.textBaseline = 'top'
ctx.fillText(label, 10, 0)

ctx.shadowColor = '#000'
ctx.shadowBlur = 1.4

// get ticks
const tickRes = 4
const tickN = 6 * 2**tickRes
const tickStops = []
for (let j=0; j<tickN; j++) {
const i = j/tickN
if (i > max) break
tickStops.push([i,f(i), hue(i).hex])
if (max == 1) tickStops.push([1,1, hue(0).hex])

// draw ticks
if (!cleanMode) {
for (const [i,j,color] of tickStops.slice(1,-1)) {
const x = j*w
ctx.strokeStyle = color; ctx.stroke()

// draw gradients drawn between each tick
const g = ctx.createLinearGradient(0,0,w,0)
for (const [i,j,color] of tickStops) {
ctx.fillStyle = g
const g2 = ctx.createLinearGradient(0,0,w,0)
for (const [i,j] of tickStops) {
const h = hue(i).lchab[2]
g2.addColorStop(j, chroma.hcl(h,80,80).hex())
ctx.fillStyle = g2

// draw labels
if (!cleanMode) {
ctx.textBaseline = 'middle'
for (const [label,i] of Object.entries(hueI)) {
if (max < 1 && label=='R2') break
const j = i==max ? max : f(i)
const col = hue(i).hex
const tx = j*w
const ty = y+gradH/2
const text = ' '+label[0]+' '
ctx.textAlign = i==0 ? 'left' : i==max ? 'right' : 'center'
ctx.lineWidth = 3
ctx.strokeStyle = '#0004'; ctx.strokeText(text,tx,ty)
ctx.fillStyle = '#fff'; ctx.fillText(text,tx,ty)
return ctx.canvas
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