Mar 11, 2021
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features = countries.features.flatMap(feature => {
// console.log(feature)
let coordinates;
if (feature.geometry.type == "Polygon") {
coordinates = [feature.geometry.coordinates[0].map(([lon, lat]) => polarToCartesian(lon, lat, 1))]
} else if (feature.geometry.type == "MultiPolygon") {
coordinates = => coord[0].map(([lon, lat]) => polarToCartesian(lon, lat, 1)))
} else {
throw `All elements must be polygons or multipolgyons. ${feature.geometry}`
console.log('features', coordinates)
// return => {
const all_coords = []
const all_vertices = []
// console.log(
// for (const polygon of polygons) {
const current_vertex = all_coords.length / 3
// console.log(polygon)
const { coords, vertices } = polygon_to_triangles([coordinates[0].slice(0, 61)]);
// If need to shift because we may be storing multiple triangle sets on a feature.
all_vertices.push( => d + current_vertex))
// }
// console.log(all_coords)
return {
position: gl.regl.buffer(all_coords.flat(8)),
elements: gl.regl.elements({
primitive: "triangles",
count: all_vertices.length,
data: all_vertices.flat(10),
// type: all_coords.length < 2**8 ? 'uint8' : all_coords.length < 2**16 ? 'uint16' : 'uint32'
// })
Insert cell
Insert cell
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d3 = require("d3@6", "d3-geo-projection")
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projection = d3.geoOrthographic().precision(0.1)
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createREGL = require('regl')
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function createGL (opts) {
var canvas = html`<canvas width="960" height="960">`
var regl = createREGL(Object.assign({canvas: canvas}, opts || {}))
return { canvas, regl }
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gl = createGL()
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drawSphere = gl.regl({
vert: `
precision mediump float;

attribute vec3 position;
uniform mat4 model, view, projection;

void main () {
gl_Position = projection * view * model * vec4(vec3(0.99) * position, 1);
frag: `
precision mediump float;
void main () {
gl_FragColor = vec4(0.8, 0.3, 0.2, 0.4);
attributes: {
position: gl.regl.buffer(sphere.positions)
elements: gl.regl.elements(sphere.cells),
uniforms: {
model: mat4.identity([]),
view: gl.regl.prop('view'),
projection: ({ viewportWidth, viewportHeight }) =>
Math.PI / 2,
viewportWidth / viewportHeight,
cull: {
enable: false,
face: 'back'
depth: {
enable: false
blend: {
enable: true,
func: {
srcRGB: 'src alpha',
srcAlpha: 'src alpha',
dstRGB: 'one minus src alpha',
dstAlpha: 'one minus src alpha',

Insert cell
drawCountry = gl.regl({
vert: `
precision mediump float;

attribute vec3 position;
uniform mat4 model, view, projection;

void main () {
gl_Position = projection * view * model * vec4(position, 1);
frag: `
precision mediump float;

void main () {
gl_FragColor = vec4(1, 0, 0, 1);
attributes: {
position: gl.regl.prop("position")
uniforms: {
model: mat4.identity([]),
view: gl.regl.prop('view'),
projection: ({ viewportWidth, viewportHeight }) =>
Math.PI / 2,
viewportWidth / viewportHeight,
elements: gl.regl.prop("elements"),
Insert cell
function draw (t) {
color: [1, 1, 1, 1],
depth: 1,
const view = mat4.lookAt(
[2 * Math.cos(t), 2 * Math.sin(t), 0],
[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1]

// drawSphere({
// view,
// })
drawCountry( => ({
position: feature.position,
elements: feature.elements,
Insert cell
draw(now / 10000)
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glMatrix = import('gl-matrix')
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mat4 = glMatrix.mat4
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sphere = icosphere(3)
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function icosphere(subdivisions) {
subdivisions = +subdivisions|0

var positions = []
var faces = []
var t = 0.5 + Math.sqrt(5) / 2

positions.push([-1, +t, 0])
positions.push([+1, +t, 0])
positions.push([-1, -t, 0])
positions.push([+1, -t, 0])

positions.push([ 0, -1, +t])
positions.push([ 0, +1, +t])
positions.push([ 0, -1, -t])
positions.push([ 0, +1, -t])

positions.push([+t, 0, -1])
positions.push([+t, 0, +1])
positions.push([-t, 0, -1])
positions.push([-t, 0, +1])

faces.push([0, 11, 5])
faces.push([0, 5, 1])
faces.push([0, 1, 7])
faces.push([0, 7, 10])
faces.push([0, 10, 11])

faces.push([1, 5, 9])
faces.push([5, 11, 4])
faces.push([11, 10, 2])
faces.push([10, 7, 6])
faces.push([7, 1, 8])

faces.push([3, 9, 4])
faces.push([3, 4, 2])
faces.push([3, 2, 6])
faces.push([3, 6, 8])
faces.push([3, 8, 9])

faces.push([4, 9, 5])
faces.push([2, 4, 11])
faces.push([6, 2, 10])
faces.push([8, 6, 7])
faces.push([9, 8, 1])

var complex = {
cells: faces
, positions: positions

while (subdivisions-- > 0) {
complex = subdivide(complex)

positions = complex.positions
for (var i = 0; i < positions.length; i++) {

return complex

Insert cell

// TODO: work out the second half of loop subdivision
// and extract this into its own module.
function subdivide(complex) {
var positions = complex.positions
var cells = complex.cells

var newCells = []
var newPositions = []
var midpoints = {}
var f = [0, 1, 2]
var l = 0

for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) {
var cell = cells[i]
var c0 = cell[0]
var c1 = cell[1]
var c2 = cell[2]
var v0 = positions[c0]
var v1 = positions[c1]
var v2 = positions[c2]

var a = getMidpoint(v0, v1)
var b = getMidpoint(v1, v2)
var c = getMidpoint(v2, v0)

var ai = newPositions.indexOf(a)
if (ai === -1) ai = l++, newPositions.push(a)
var bi = newPositions.indexOf(b)
if (bi === -1) bi = l++, newPositions.push(b)
var ci = newPositions.indexOf(c)
if (ci === -1) ci = l++, newPositions.push(c)

var v0i = newPositions.indexOf(v0)
if (v0i === -1) v0i = l++, newPositions.push(v0)
var v1i = newPositions.indexOf(v1)
if (v1i === -1) v1i = l++, newPositions.push(v1)
var v2i = newPositions.indexOf(v2)
if (v2i === -1) v2i = l++, newPositions.push(v2)

newCells.push([v0i, ai, ci])
newCells.push([v1i, bi, ai])
newCells.push([v2i, ci, bi])
newCells.push([ai, bi, ci])

return {
cells: newCells
, positions: newPositions

// reuse midpoint vertices between iterations.
// Otherwise, there'll be duplicate vertices in the final
// mesh, resulting in sharp edges.
function getMidpoint(a, b) {
var point = midpoint(a, b)
var pointKey = pointToKey(point)
var cachedPoint = midpoints[pointKey]
if (cachedPoint) {
return cachedPoint
} else {
return midpoints[pointKey] = point

function pointToKey(point) {
return point[0].toPrecision(6) + ','
+ point[1].toPrecision(6) + ','
+ point[2].toPrecision(6)

function midpoint(a, b) {
return [
(a[0] + b[0]) / 2
, (a[1] + b[1]) / 2
, (a[2] + b[2]) / 2
Insert cell
function normalize(vec) {
var mag = 0
for (var n = 0; n < vec.length; n++) {
mag += vec[n] * vec[n]
mag = Math.sqrt(mag)

// avoid dividing by zero
if (mag === 0) {
return Array.apply(null, new Array(vec.length)).map(Number.prototype.valueOf, 0)

for (var n = 0; n < vec.length; n++) {
vec[n] /= mag

return vec
Insert cell
function polarToCartesian(lon0, lat0, R) {
const lat = lat0 * Math.PI / 180
const lon = lon0 * Math.PI / 180
const x = R * Math.cos(lat) * Math.cos(lon)
const y = R * Math.cos(lat) * Math.sin(lon)
const z = R * Math.sin(lat)

return [x, y, z];
Insert cell
function polygon_to_triangles(polygon0) {
const polygon = => {
const ret = [];
for (const p of points) {
if (true || ret.every(x => !(x[0] === p[0] && x[1] === p[1] && x[2] == p[2]))) {
// return ret.slice(0, 70);
// ret.push(points[0])
return ret
// Actually perform the earcut work
const data = earcut.flatten(polygon)
// console.log(data)
const coords = polygon
const vertices = earcut(data.vertices, data.holes, data.dimensions)
// console.log(vertices);
return { coords, vertices }
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell

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