Dec 5, 2019
1 fork
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md`# Notebook 2 IAT 355 Parks`
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import {data} from "@zavenanarsh/park-data-wrangling"
Insert cell
d3 = require('d3@5')
Insert cell
VegaLite = require('vega-embed@5')
Insert cell
data: {values: data.unionByYear},
mark: "line",
encoding: {
x: {field: "year", type: "quantitative", sort: {encoding: "x", order: "assending"}},
y: {field: "parkVisits", type: "quantitative", aggregate:"sum"},
color: {field: "parkType"}
Insert cell
data: {values: data.unionInbound},
mark: "circle",
encoding: {
x: {field: "population", type: "quantitative"},
y: {field: "parkVisits", type: "quantitative", aggregate:"sum"},
color: {field: "year"}
Insert cell
data: {values: data.unionByYear},
mark: "area",
encoding: {
x: {field: "year", type: "quantitative"},
y: {field: "percentPerTypePerYear", type: "quantitative", aggregate:"mean"},
color: {field: "parkType", type: "nominal"}
Insert cell
viewof Population = VegaLite({
width: 800,
height: 100,
data: {values: data.unionByYear},
layer: [{
mark: {type: "area", clip: true, orient: "vertical"},
encoding: {
x: {
field: "year",
type: "quantitative",
scale: {
zero: false,
nice: false
y: {
field: "population", type: "quantitative",
scale: {domain: [0,100000000]}
opacity: { value: 0.3 }
transform: [
calculate: "datum.population - 100000000",
as: "popShifted"
mark: {type: "area", clip: true, orient: "vertical"},

encoding: {
x: {
field: "year",
type: "quantitative",
y: {
field: "popShifted", type: "quantitative",
scale: {domain: [0,100000000]}
opacity: { value: 0.3 }
transform: [
calculate: "datum.population - 200000000",
as: "popShifted2"
mark: {type: "area", clip: true, orient: "vertical"},

encoding: {
x: {
field: "year",
type: "quantitative",
y: {
field: "popShifted2", type: "quantitative",
scale: {domain: [0,100000000]}
opacity: { value: 0.3 }
transform: [
calculate: "datum.population - 300000000",
as: "popShifted3"
mark: {type: "area", clip: true, orient: "vertical"},

encoding: {
x: {
field: "year",
type: "quantitative",
y: {
field: "popShifted3", type: "quantitative",
scale: {domain: [0,100000000]},
axis: {title: "population"}

opacity: { value: 0.3 }
config: {
area: {interpolate: "monotone"}
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
viewof Graphs = VegaLite({
data: { values: data.unionByYear },
hconcat: [
title: "Relationship of Park Visits to Gas Prices",
width: 300,
height: 280,
transform: [
{filter: {field: "year", lte: range[1]}},
{filter: {field: "year", gte: range[0]}},
selection: {
area: { type: "interval" }
mark: { type: "circle", clip: true },
encoding: {
x: {
field: "gasPrice",
type: "quantitative",
scale: { domain: [1, d3.max(data.unionByYear, function(d) { return d.gasPrice; })]}

y: {
field: "parkVisits",
type: "quantitative",
axis: {title: "park visits"},
size: {
condition: {
selection: "area",
value: 20,
value: 5
color: {
condition: {
selection: "area",
value: "green",
value: "lightgray"

title: "Relationship of Park Visits to US Population",

width: 300,
height: 280,
transform: [
{filter: {field: "year", lte: range[1]}},
{filter: {field: "year", gte: range[0]}},
selection: {
area: { type: "interval" }
mark: { type: "circle", clip: true },
encoding: {
x: {
field: "population",
type: "quantitative",
scale: { domain: [80000000, d3.max(data.unionByYear, function(d) { return d.population; })]
y: {
field: "parkVisits",
type: "quantitative",
axis: {title: "park visits"},

scale: {
size: {
condition: {
selection: "area",
value: 20,
value: 5
color: {
condition: {
selection: "area",
value: "green",
value: "lightgray"

title: "Relationship of Park Visits to Number of Parks",

width: 300,
height: 280,
transform: [
{filter: {field: "year", lte: range[1]}},
{filter: {field: "year", gte: range[0]}},
selection: {
area: { type: "interval" }
mark: { type: "circle", clip: true },
encoding: {
y: {
field: "parkVisits",
type: "quantitative",
axis: {title: "park visits"},

scale: {
x: {
field: "numberOfParks",
type: "quantitative",
scale: {
size: {
condition: {
selection: "area",
value: 20,
value: 5
color: {
condition: {
selection: "area",
value: "green",
value: "lightgray"

title: "Percentage of Visitors for Each Park Type",

width: 300,
height: 280,
transform: [
{filter: {field: "year", lte: range[1]}},
{filter: {field: "year", gte: range[0]}},
selection: {
area: { type: "interval" }
mark: { type: "area", clip: true },
encoding: {
x: {field: "year", type: "quantitative"},
y: {field: "percentPerTypePerYear", type: "quantitative", aggregate:"mean", scale: {domain: [0,100]},
axis: {title: "percentage"}},
color: {field: "parkType", type: "nominal"}
title: "Relationship of Park Visits to the Year",

width: 300,
height: 280,
transform: [
{filter: {field: "year", lte: range[1]}},
{filter: {field: "year", gte: range[0]}},
mark: {
type: "line"

encoding: {

x: {
field: "year",
type: "quantitative"
y: {
field: "parkVisits",
type: "quantitative",
aggregate: "sum",
axis: {title: "park visits"},

color: {
field: "parkType",
type: "nominal"


title: "Relationship of Mean Park Visits to Gas Prices",

width: 300,
height: 280,
transform: [
{filter: {field: "year", lte: range[1]}},
{filter: {field: "year", gte: range[0]}},
mark: {
type: "line"

encoding: {

x: {
field: "year",
type: "quantitative"
y: {
field: "perTypePerYearRatioWithVisitor",
type: "quantitative",
axis: {title: "mean park visits"},

aggregate: "mean"
color: {
field: "parkType",
type: "nominal"

Insert cell
viewof ParksLocation = {

let container = DOM.element('div', {
style: `width:${width/1.6}px;height:${width/3}px`

yield container;
let unionCentroidFiltered = data.unionCentroid.features.filter(d => {
return > range[0] && < range[1];

let map =[153.2527, -123.1207], 5).fitBounds(L.geoJson(unionCentroidFiltered).getBounds());
let osmLayer = L.tileLayer('https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '&copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'

L.geoJSON(unionCentroidFiltered, {
pointToLayer(geoJsonPoint, latlng) {
let type =;
let iconURL = "";
return L.marker(latlng, {
icon: L.icon({
iconUrl: iconURL+type+".png",
iconSize: [14, 20],
// iconAnchor: [22, 94],
// popupAnchor: [-3, -76],
// shadowUrl: 'my-icon-shadow.png',
// shadowSize: [68, 95],
// shadowAnchor: [22, 94]
.on("click", event => {
let popup = new L.Popup();
let filteredData = data.unionByYear.filter(entry => entry.parkName ==;
width: 200,
height: 200,
data: {
values: filteredData
title: {
fontSize: 10
mark: "line",
transform: [
{filter: {field: "year", lte: range[1]}},
{filter: {field: "year", gte: range[0]}},

encoding: {

x: {
field: "year",
type: "quantitative",
scale: {domain: [range[0], range[1]]}

y: {
field: "parkVisits",
type: "quantitative",
aggregate: "sum"


}).then(chart => {
Insert cell
const button = html`<button>Fullscreen`;
button.onclick = () => button.parentElement.nextElementSibling.requestFullscreen();
return button;
Insert cell
.flex-container {
display: flex;
background-color: DodgerBlue;
.flex-container-first {
background-color: #f1f1f1;
font-size: 30px;
flex-basis: 60rem;
.flex-container-second {
background-color: #f1f1f1;
font-size: 30px;
flex-basis: 60rem;
.flex-box {
width: 100%;
<div class="flex-container">
<div class="flex-container-first">
<div name="a" class="flex-box">${viewof Graphs}</div>
<div class="flex-container-second">
<div name="b" class="flex-box">${viewof ParksLocation}</div>
<div name="c" class="flex-box">${viewof Population}</div>
<div name="d" class="flex-box">${viewof range}</div>

Insert cell
L = require('leaflet@1.2.0')
Insert cell
V = require("@observablehq/vega-lite@0.2")
Insert cell
import {rangeSlider} from '@mootari/range-slider'
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html`<link href='${resolve('leaflet@1.2.0/dist/leaflet.css')}' rel='stylesheet' />`
Insert cell
data: {
values: data.unionByYear

columns: 2,
hconcat: [


transform: [{
filter: {
field: "year",
lte: range[1]
filter: {
field: "year",
gte: range[0]
selection: {
area: {
type: "interval"
mark: {
type: "circle",
clip: true
encoding: {
x: {
field: "gasPrice",
type: "quantitative",
y: {
field: "parkVisits",
type: "quantitative",
aggregate: "average"
size: {
condition: {
selection: "area",
value: 20,
value: 5
color: {
condition: {
selection: "area",
value: "green",
value: "lightgray"

Insert cell
Insert cell

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