Sep 24, 2019
1 fork
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md`The data set that we have chosen is the atomic bombs that has ever been dropped. This data set contains tests as well as bombs used in warfare. This dataset was found on Github and it was created by Thomas Mock. Considering that this dataset contains information that was accurately collected during nuclear testing, `
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d3 = require('d3@5')
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atomicBombs = d3.csv("", function(d) {
return {
date : +d.date_long,
year : +d.year,
id : +d.id_no,
country :,
name :,
type : d.type,
latitude : +d.latitude,
longitude : +d.longitude,
yield : ((+d.yield_lower) + (+d.yield_upper)) /2
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md`1) This finds the maximum and minimum of the yield of he atomic bombs`
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maxYield=d3.max(atomicBombs, d => d.yield)
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minYield=d3.min(atomicBombs, d => d.yield)
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md`3) Average a set of values `
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yieldMedian = d3.median(atomicBombs, d => d.yield)
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yieldMean = d3.mean(atomicBombs, d => d.yield)
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md` Considering that the Median and the Mean are different, the data is skewed. Furthermore, considering that the mean is greater than the median, the data is positively skewed.`
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md`6) Histogram `
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import {vl} from '@vega/vega-lite-api'
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