
This three-part hands-on tutorial is based on the techniques and concepts put forth in the Analyzing Time Series Data articles. Each part guides you through implementing essential data visualization techniques for time series analysis.

The live workshop was recorded and can be viewed on YouTube and is embedded above. The workshop ran 2 hours, the first 20 minutes provide an introduction to the concepts, then each hands-on part has a 30 minute session.

To learn about future live events, please join our Observable Meetup group.

Part 1: The Basics

Based on the article What caused this? An analysis adventure.

Workshop notebook

Based on the article Discovering Date Patterns.

Workshop notebook

Based on the article Correlation over Time.

Workshop notebook.


We will be fielding questions from the chat during the live workshop.

Please fill out this brief post-workshop survey to help us design more and better workshops in the future!

More in the Analyzing Time Series Data collection: