Published unlisted
Apr 15, 2022
2 stars
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diameter = sectorSize* (zoneRings.length-1) * 3
Insert cell
sectorSize = 28
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trackSize = (diameter / 2) / (zoneRings.length+1) // (radius)/number_of_track_rings +1 = the number_of_track_rings + empty center track
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zoneRings = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 , 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3] // based on area in a circle
Insert cell
textRings = { // which rings have text
let last = []
let uniq = [... new Set(zoneRings)]
for (let i = 0; i < uniq.length; ++i) {
return last
Insert cell
zoneName = ['Hold', 'Assess', 'Trial', 'Adopt']
Insert cell
teTracks = {

let tracks = [];
for (let trackNumber = 0; trackNumber < zoneRings.length; trackNumber++) {

// this sector calator has to be a number diviable by 4. That divids the circle into 4 segments.
let s = roundDownToMultiple(calculateCircumference(trackSize * trackNumber + trackSize + (trackSize / 2)) / sectorSize,4)

let sColours = []
let sQuad=[]
for (let sec = 0; sec < s; ++sec) {
let quady = whatQuad(s, sec, trackNumber)
sColours.push(quady[0]) // the colour of the sector
sQuad.push(`quadrant${quady[1]}`) // which of the 4 quadrents is the sector in
track: trackNumber,
zone: zoneRings[trackNumber],
zoneRadiusInner: trackSize * trackNumber + trackSize,
zoneRadiusOuter: trackSize * trackNumber + (trackSize * 2),
sectors: d3.range(s).fill(1),
xy: [],
sectorColour: sColours, // the colour of the sector
sectorsQuadrant: sQuad // what quadrent are the sectors in

// this might be wrong as i have a gutter track for text
tracks.sectorsInZone = d3.range(4).fill(0) // the number of sectors in each zone of a quadrant (d)=> {

// fix text rings

for (let txtring = 0; txtring < textRings.length; ++txtring) {
let t = tracks[textRings[txtring]]

let cg = t.sectorColour.length/4
let nc = [t.sectorColour[0],t.sectorColour[cg],t.sectorColour[cg*2],t.sectorColour[cg*3]]
t.sectorColour = nc
t.sectorsQuadrant = ['quadrant0','quadrant1','quadrant2','quadrant3']

return tracks

Insert cell
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colours = ['#E15554', '#FFD400', '#64F58D', '#8D80AD']
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function whatQuad (sectors, sector, zone) {
let QuadColour = d3.scaleQuantize()
.domain([0, sectors])

let QuadRingColour = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain([0, 4.5])
.range([QuadColour(sector), "black"]); // domain is 4 as we dont want it to be black

return [QuadRingColour(zoneRings[zone]), colours.indexOf(QuadColour(sector))] // returns colour and zone of sector
Insert cell
draw_radar = {

let strokeSize = 0.5;

const svgRadar = d3.create("svg")
.attr("viewBox", [0, 0, diameter, diameter])
.style('background', '#fff')
.attr('id', 'radarSVG')

const pie = d3.pie().value(d => d);

// draw the tracks[]
for (let trackNumber = 0; trackNumber < teTracks.length; trackNumber++) {

const pieGroup = svgRadar.append('g')
.attr('transform', `translate(${diameter / 2},${diameter / 2})`) // center this might be better in parent element
.attr('id', `track_${trackNumber}`);

const arc = d3.arc()
.innerRadius(teTracks[trackNumber].zoneRadiusInner) // inner radius of donut
.outerRadius(teTracks[trackNumber].zoneRadiusOuter) // outer radius of donut
const g = pieGroup.selectAll('.arc')
.data(() => {
let flippy = pie(teTracks[trackNumber].sectors)
if(textRings.includes(trackNumber)) {
let temp = flippy[1].startAngle // should use destructuring here
flippy[1].startAngle = flippy[1].endAngle
flippy[1].endAngle = temp

temp = flippy[2].startAngle
flippy[2].startAngle = flippy[2].endAngle
flippy[2].endAngle = temp
return flippy

// add class names to define quadrant and zone.
.attr('class', (d, idx) => `${teTracks[trackNumber].sectorsQuadrant[idx]} ${zoneName[teTracks[trackNumber].zone]}`)
.attr('id', (d, idx) => { // add an id to each sector so we can address it.
teTracks[trackNumber].xy.push(arc.centroid(d)) // >>> "hacky mc hack face", way to get the center point of each sector
return `sector${idx}_${trackNumber}`
.attr('d', arc) // svg d attribute defines a path to be drawn.
.attr('id', (d, idx) => `path${idx}_${trackNumber}`)
.style('fill', (d, sector) => teTracks[trackNumber].sectorColour[sector])
// .style('stroke', (d, sector) => teTracks[trackNumber].sectorColour[sector]) // invisable sectors
.style('stroke', '#2F0080') // visable sectors
.style('stroke-width', strokeSize);


// make arcs to add "zoneName[]" text.
// textRings[] array containing the track numbers to add the text too
// sector0_5 the group to append the text too Sector number _ track number
// path0_5 p sector numbr _ track

for (let txtTrack = 0; txtTrack < textRings.length; ++txtTrack) {
for (let q = 0; q < 4; ++q) {`#sector${q}_${textRings[txtTrack]}`)
.attr('font-size',sectorSize )
.attr('dy', () => (q==1||q==2)? -sectorSize*0.33: sectorSize)
.style("fill", "#FFF")
.style("stroke", "#000")
.attr("xlink:href", `#path${q}_${textRings[txtTrack]}`)
.text(zoneName[q]); // will fix text used later


return svgRadar.node()
Insert cell
Insert cell
function calculateCircumference(radius) { return 2 * Math.PI * radius; }
Insert cell
function roundDownToMultiple(number, multiple) { return number - (number % multiple); }
Insert cell
Insert cell
GoogleSheet = await d3.csv("")
Insert cell
// GoogleSheet.columns
Insert cell
// InputSanitizer = function () {
// var relaxedOptions = {
// allowedTags: ['b', 'i', 'em', 'strong', 'a', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'li', 'ul',
// 'br', 'p', 'u'],
// allowedAttributes: {
// a: ['href']
// }
// }

// var restrictedOptions = {
// allowedTags: [],
// allowedAttributes: {},
// textFilter: function (text) {
// return text.replace(/&amp;/, '&')
// }
// }

// function trimWhiteSpaces (blip) {
// var processedBlip = {}
// _.forOwn(blip, function (value, key) {
// processedBlip[key.trim()] = value.trim()
// })
// return processedBlip
// }

// var self = {}
// self.sanitize = function (rawBlip) {
// var blip = trimWhiteSpaces(rawBlip)
// blip.description = sanitizeHtml(blip.description, relaxedOptions)
// = sanitizeHtml(, restrictedOptions)
// blip.isNew = sanitizeHtml(blip.isNew, restrictedOptions)
// blip.ring = sanitizeHtml(blip.ring, restrictedOptions)
// blip.quadrant = sanitizeHtml(blip.quadrant, restrictedOptions)

// return blip
// }

// self.sanitizeForProtectedSheet = function (rawBlip, header) {
// var blip = trimWhiteSpaces(rawBlip)

// const descriptionIndex = header.indexOf('description')
// const nameIndex = header.indexOf('name')
// const isNewIndex = header.indexOf('isNew')
// const quadrantIndex = header.indexOf('quadrant')
// const ringIndex = header.indexOf('ring')

// const description = descriptionIndex === -1 ? '' : blip[descriptionIndex]
// const name = nameIndex === -1 ? '' : blip[nameIndex]
// const isNew = isNewIndex === -1 ? '' : blip[isNewIndex]
// const ring = ringIndex === -1 ? '' : blip[ringIndex]
// const quadrant = quadrantIndex === -1 ? '' : blip[quadrantIndex]

// blip.description = sanitizeHtml(description, relaxedOptions)
// = sanitizeHtml(name, restrictedOptions)
// blip.isNew = sanitizeHtml(isNew, restrictedOptions)
// blip.ring = sanitizeHtml(ring, restrictedOptions)
// blip.quadrant = sanitizeHtml(quadrant, restrictedOptions)

// return blip
// }

// return self
// }
Insert cell
// blips =, new InputSanitizer().sanitize)
Insert cell
// sanitizeHtml = require('')
Insert cell
// Inputs.table(blips)
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell

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