Apr 28, 2023
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fishing = [{river: "San Juan", species: "rainbow", lengthInches: 18.2},
{river: "San Juan", species: "brown", lengthInches: 14.1},
{river: "San Juan", species: "brown", lengthInches: 21.5},
{river: "Rio Grande", species: "brown", lengthInches: 9.0},
{river: "Rio Grande", species: "brown", lengthInches: 12.5},
{river: "Rio Grande", species: "cutthroat", lengthInches: 10.6},
{river: "Rio Grande", species: "brown", lengthInches: 14.5},
{river: "Rio Chama", species: "rainbow", lengthInches: 8.5},
{river: "Rio Chama", species: "rainbow", lengthInches: 11.5}]
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//Group the data by species, then get an array of objects for rainbow trout.

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// Use Array.filter to get a subset only for rainbow trout in fishing:

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// Find the mean trout length by river:

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// Get just the mean trout size for the San Juan River:

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// Load the us_imports.csv file (attached in this notebook):
us_imports = FileAttachment("us_imports.csv").csv({typed: true})
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// Return an array of all values in the 'value' property of us_imports, log transformed

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// Create a new array, usLogValue, containing all existing properties and ADDING the log transformed value as a property named logValue:

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marks: [
{ x: "sum" },
x: "value",
y: "Sector",
sort: { y: "x", reverse: true }
x: { tickFormat: ".1s" },
width: 900
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import { showMe } from "@observablehq/show-me"
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import { addTooltips } from "@mkfreeman/plot-tooltip"
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