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Envisioning California's Hydroclimate and its Environmental Effects</text>
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<tspan x="990" dy="1.2em">Understanding trends in California's winter hydroclimate is crucial for policy decisions, ecosystem health, and inhabitants’ well-being. This visualization stems out of research</tspan>
<tspan x="990" dy="1.2em">conducted with Dr. Antonio Mamalakis of the School of Data Science, which seeks to predict the state’s winter precipitation totals by utilizing Deep Learning techniques. We hope</tspan>
<tspan x="990" dy="1.2em">that our research improves upon existing literature on the topic, which divides California into three regions (North, Central, and South) and attempts to predict average monthly</tspan>
<tspan x="990" dy="1.2em">precipitation during the rainy season (November - March) using global sea surface temperatures from the summer months (April - October), which also roughly corresponds to</tspan>
<tspan x="990" dy="1.2em">California’s fire season. By combining precipitation data with data on California wildfires, we can see how patterns of rainfall in the state impact the devastating yearly cycle of fires.</tspan>
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<tspan x="2000" dy="1.2em">Precipitation data was collected from Climate Earth System Model 2 and is measured in millimeters per day each month on a grid of geographic</tspan>
<tspan x="2000" dy="1.2em">coordinates across the state. For this visualization the data is aggregated to show the total amount of rain in millimeters each month. Wildfire</tspan>
<tspan x="2000" dy="1.2em">data was collected from Kaggle and measures the total number of acres burned by a given fire, measured at that fire's start date. A 5-month</tspan>
<tspan x="2000" dy="1.2em">moving average of acres burned was calculated in order to give a more accurate picture of wildfire progression throughout the fire season.</tspan>
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<div id="region_controls">
Region: <button id="btn-north">North</button> <button id="btn-central">Central</button> <button id="btn-south">South</button>
<div id="start_date_controls">
Start Date: <input id="start_datepicker" name="start_date" type="date" value="2013-01-01" />
<div id="end_date_controls">
End Date: <input id="end_datepicker" name="end_date" type="date" value="2019-12-01" />
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