Aug 21, 2023
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//Test score aggregate data from Ohio Dept. of Ed.
perform = FileAttachment("21-22_Achievement_Building.xlsx").xlsx()
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achievement = aq.from(perform.sheet("Performance_Index", { headers: true, range: "A1:T" }))
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/* Geocoded building data for all schools in CMSD, downloaded from Ohio Dept. of Ed., filtered and geocoded. Building names edited slightly to match attendance data from CMSD. */
buildings = aq.from(cuyahogaschoolbuildings_geocodio_28dcf9ec4dd1972c5)
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// This is the attendance data for a single day in November 2022, obtained by Paul.
sy2023StudentZipCodeCountsBySchool20221101 = FileAttachment("SY 2023 student zip code counts by school 2022-11-01.xlsx").xlsx()
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attendance = aq.from(sy2023StudentZipCodeCountsBySchool20221101.sheet(0, { headers: true, range: "A1:C" }))
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// Joining building location data with performance measures from the Ohio Department of Education.
schools = achievement.join_left(buildings, ["Building IRN", "IRN"])
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// Joining CMSD's zip code data with performance and building location data.
mash = attendance.join_left(schools, ["SCHOOL", "ORGANIZATION NAME"])
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/* Generating a column that says "same" if the child lives in the same zip code as their school, and "different" if they don't. */
mash2 = mash
samezip: aq.escape((d) => (d.ZIP == d.Zip ? "Same" : "Different"))
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// Calculating the total number of kids in and outside the school's zip code for each school.
localstudents = mash2
// .filter((d) => d.SCHOOL != "Cleveland Metro Remote School")
.select("SCHOOL", "Building IRN", "SCHOOL TYPE", "Achievement Component Star Rating", "STUDENTS", "samezip")
.groupby("SCHOOL", "samezip")
total: (row) => aq.op.sum(row.STUDENTS)
.groupby("SCHOOL", "Building IRN", "SCHOOL TYPE", "Achievement Component Star Rating")
.pivot("samezip", "total")
local: (row) => row.Same * 100 /(row.Different + row.Same)
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// Calculating the total number of kids attending schools in their own zip code.
localstudents2 = mash2
// .filter((d) => d.SCHOOL == "Cleveland Metro Remote School HS")
total: (row) => aq.op.sum(row.STUDENTS)
.select("samezip", "total")
pct: (row) => * 100/(22001+11969)
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// This calculates the number and percentage of elementary school students
elemstudents = mash2
.filter((d) => d["SCHOOL TYPE"] == "Elementary School")
total: (row) => aq.op.sum(row.STUDENTS)
.select("samezip", "total").dedupe()
pct: (row) => * 100/(13514+9601)
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// This calculates the percentage inside and outside the zip code for high schools.
highstudents = mash2
.filter((d) => d["SCHOOL TYPE"] == "High School")
total: (row) => aq.op.sum(row.STUDENTS)
.select("samezip", "total").dedupe()
pct: (row) => * 100/(8019+2300)
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/* This breaks out calculates by both school type/level and achievement star rating assigned by the Ohio Dept of Ed. */
achievestudents = mash2
// Taking out the virtual high school.
.filter((d) => d.SCHOOL != "Cleveland Metro Remote School HS")

// .filter((d) => d.SCHOOL == "Cleveland Early College High School")
.select("SCHOOL", "Building IRN", "SCHOOL TYPE", "Achievement Component Star Rating", "STUDENTS", "samezip")
.groupby("SCHOOL TYPE", "Achievement Component Star Rating", "samezip")
total: (row) => aq.op.sum(row.STUDENTS)
.groupby("SCHOOL TYPE", "Achievement Component Star Rating")
.pivot("samezip", "total")
local: (row) => row.Same * 100 /(row.Different + row.Same)
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ziptotals = attendance
total: (row) => aq.op.sum(row.STUDENTS)
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import { aq, op } from "@uwdata/arquero"
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