Jul 21, 2024
Insert cell
Insert cell
# a b@ c #
Insert cell
DIRS = [
[0, 1], // right
[1, 0], // down
[-1, 0], // left
[0, -1], // up
Insert cell
function move([i, j], [di, dj]) {
return [i + di, j + dj];
Insert cell
on = ([i, j], [i2, j2]) => i == i2 && j == j2
Insert cell
function findItems(origin) {
let visited = {};
let queue = [[origin, null]];
let items = [];
const isOrigin = (p) => on(p, origin);
const char = ([i, j]) => MAP[i][j];
const isWall = (p) => char(p) == "#";
const isItem = (p) => char(p) >= "a" && char(p) <= "z";
function assemblePath(dest) {
let p = dest;
const res = [p];
while ((p = visited[p])) {
if (isOrigin(p)) break;
return res.reverse();
while (queue.length) {
let [current, parent] = queue.shift();
visited[current] = parent;
if (isItem(current)) {
let path = assemblePath(current);
items.push([char(current), current, path.length])
for (let dir of DIRS) {
let next = move(current, dir);
if (isWall(next)) continue;
if (visited[next]) continue;
queue.push([next, current]);
return items;
Insert cell
findItems([1, 5])
Insert cell
function findObjectsW(origin) {
let visited = {};
let queue = [[origin, null]];
let objects = [];
const isOrigin = (p) => on(p, origin);
const char = ([i, j]) => MAP[i][j];
const isWall = (p) => char(p) == "#";
const isObject = (p) => char(p) >= "a" && char(p) <= "z";
function assemblePath(dest) {
let p = dest;
const res = [p];
while ((p = visited[p])) {
if (isOrigin(p)) break;
return res.reverse();
while (queue.length) {
let [current, parent] = queue.shift();
visited[current] = parent;
if (isObject(current)) {
let path = assemblePath(current);
objects.push([char(current), current, path.length])
for (let dir of DIRS) {
let next = move(current, dir);
if (isWall(next)) continue;
if (visited[next]) continue;
queue.push([next, current]);
return objects;
Insert cell
Insert cell
findObjectsW([1, 4])
Insert cell
function findItemsN(origin, collected) {
let visited = {};
let queue = [[origin, null]];
let items = [];
const isOrigin = (p) => on(p, origin);
const char = ([i, j]) => MAP[i][j];
const isWall = (p) => char(p) == "#";
const isItem = (p) => {
const c = char(p)
return c >= "a" && c <= "z" && !collected.includes(c)
function assemblePath(dest) {
let p = dest;
const res = [p];
while ((p = visited[p])) {
if (isOrigin(p)) break;
return res.reverse();
while (queue.length) {
let [current, parent] = queue.shift();
visited[current] = parent;
if (isItem(current)) {
let path = assemblePath(current);
items.push([char(current), current, path.length])
for (let dir of DIRS) {
let next = move(current, dir);
if (isWall(next)) continue;
if (visited[next]) continue;
queue.push([next, current]);
return items;
Insert cell
findItemsN([1, 4], 'b')
Insert cell
findItemsN([1, 2], 'ba')
Insert cell
findItemsN([1, 7], 'bac')
Insert cell
Insert cell
findItemsN([1, 5], '')
Insert cell
findItemsN([1, 7], 'c')
Insert cell
findItemsN([1, 4], 'cb')
Insert cell
findItemsN([1, 2], 'cba')
Insert cell
function findItemsM(map, origin, collected) {
let visited = {};
let queue = [[origin, null]];
let objects = [];
const isOrigin = (p) => on(p, origin);
const char = ([i, j]) => map[i][j];
const isWall = (p) => char(p) == "#";
const isItem = (p) => {
const c = char(p)
return c >= "a" && c <= "z" && !collected.includes(c)
function assemblePath(dest) {
let p = dest;
const res = [p];
while ((p = visited[p])) {
if (isOrigin(p)) break;
return res.reverse();
while (queue.length) {
let [current, parent] = queue.shift();
visited[current] = parent;
if (isItem(current)) {
let path = assemblePath(current);
objects.push([char(current), current, path.length])
for (let dir of DIRS) {
let next = move(current, dir);
if (isWall(next)) continue;
if (visited[next]) continue;
queue.push([next, current]);
return objects;
Insert cell
function findMinRoute(map, origin) {
let minCollected, minDist = Infinity
function visit(current, distance, collected) {
const items = findItemsM(map, current, collected)
if (items.length == 0) {
if (distance < minDist) {
minDist = distance
minCollected = collected
for (let [name, pos, steps] of items) {
visit(pos, distance + steps, collected + name)
visit(origin, 0, '')
return [minDist, minCollected]

Insert cell
findMinRoute(MAP, [1, 5])
Insert cell
MAP2 = `
# a @ d #
### ##############
# e b c #
Insert cell
findMinRoute(MAP2, [1, 5])
Insert cell
MAP3 = `
# @a b d#
### # # ## ### ########
#h# # # ## ### ######e#
# #g#f## c# #
.slice(1, -1);
Insert cell
findMinRoute(MAP3, [1, 5])
Insert cell
Insert cell
function findMinRouteR(map, origin) {
function minDistance(collected, current) {
const items = findItemsM(map, current, collected)
if (items.length == 0) return 0
let distances = []
for (let [item, itemPos, itemSteps] of items) {
distances.push(itemSteps + minDistance(collected + item, itemPos))
return Math.min(...distances)
return minDistance('', origin)
Insert cell
findMinRouteR(MAP, [1, 5])
Insert cell
findMinRouteR(MAP2, [1, 5])
Insert cell
findMinRouteR(MAP3, [1, 5])
Insert cell
function key(str) {
return str.slice(0, -1).split('').sort().join('') + str[str.length - 1]
Insert cell
function findMinRouteM(map, start) {
const m = {}
function minDistance(collected, current) {
const items = findItemsM(map, current, collected)
if (items.length == 0) return 0
const k = key(collected)
if (k in m) return m[k]
let distances = []
for (let [item, itemPos, itemDist] of items) {
distances.push(itemDist +
minDistance(collected + item, itemPos)
m[k] = Math.min(...distances)
return m[k]
return minDistance('', start)
Insert cell
findMinRouteM(MAP, [1, 5])
Insert cell
findMinRouteM(MAP2, [1, 5])
Insert cell
findMinRouteM(MAP3, [1, 5])
Insert cell
MAP4 = `
#i. ..c...e.. .p#
#j. ..b...f.. .o#
#k. ..a...g.. .n#
#l. ..d...h.. .m#
Insert cell
findMinRouteM(MAP4, [4, 8])
Insert cell

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