Jun 23, 2020
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rpcUrl = "" // Ensure this matches your local RPC url
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maker = {
testchainFound; // wait for the testchain
return Maker.create('http', {
plugins: [daiMcd.McdPlugin],
provider: {
url: rpcUrl,
type: 'HTTP'
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currentBlock = Generators.observe(next => {
maker.service('web3').onNewBlock(block => {
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(await maker.getToken(daiMcd.ETH).balance()).toString()
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(await maker.getToken(daiMcd.BAT).balance()).toString()
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(await maker.getToken(daiMcd.USDC).balance()).toString()
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TestAccountProvider = (await require(""))
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viewof addWalletBtn = {
async function addWallet() {
await maker.service('accounts').addAccount(randomPhrase(), {
type: 'privateKey',
key: TestAccountProvider.nextAccount().key // grab the next private key from the te
return html`<button onclick=${() => addWallet()}>add a wallet</>`;
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(addWalletBtn, table(maker.listAccounts(), { pageSize: 5 })) // rerun on btn click
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viewof walletSelector = (addWalletBtn,
html`<select onchange=${event => maker.useAccount(}>
({ name }) =>
html`<option value=${name} selected=${maker.currentAccount()
.name === name}>${name}</>`
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currentAccount = Generators.observe(next => {
maker.on('accounts/CHANGE', ({ payload }) => {
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html`<button onclick=${() => {
const tx = maker
.transfer("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", 0.5); // send 0.5 MKR to the zero address
}}>Send MKR`
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function track(txObject) {
maker.service('transactionManager').listen(txObject, {
pending: tx => {
mutable sendMkrTxState = { status: "pending", hash: tx.hash };
mined: tx => {
mutable sendMkrTxState = { status: "mined", hash: tx.hash };
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md`Before that, though, let's see what vault types are available to dai.js by default. \n \n
**Vault Types**
type => `* ${type.ilk}
* Debt Ceiling: ${type.debtCeiling}
* Liquidation Ratio: ${type.liquidationRatio}
* Collateral Price ${type.price} \n`
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// maker.service('mcd:cdpManager').openLockAndDraw("ETH-A", daiMcd.ETH(2), 100)
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Insert cell

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