Mar 6
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from ingreso_ganado
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with data_2023 as (
select year_contributivo, estado_civil,
credito_trabajo, credito_trabajo_planillas, credito_trabajo_promedio
from estado_civil

data_before as (
select year_contributivo, estado_civil,
sum(credito_trabajo_casados) + sum(credito_trabajo_individual) as credito_trabajo,
sum(credito_trabajo_casados_planillas) + sum(credito_trabajo_individual_planillas) as credito_trabajo_planillas,
credito_trabajo / credito_trabajo_planillas as credito_trabajo_promedio
from eitc_t6_estado_sexo_2019_2022
group by all

from data_2023
union all by name
from data_before

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with data_2023 as (
select year_contributivo, sexo,
sum(credito_trabajo) as credito_trabajo, sum(credito_trabajo_planillas) as credito_trabajo_planillas,
sum(credito_trabajo) / sum(credito_trabajo_planillas) as credito_trabajo_promedio
from estado_civil_sexo
where sexo != 'Otros'
group by all

data_before as (
select year_contributivo, sexo,
sum(credito_trabajo_casados) + sum(credito_trabajo_individual) as credito_trabajo,
sum(credito_trabajo_casados_planillas) + sum(credito_trabajo_individual_planillas) as credito_trabajo_planillas,
credito_trabajo / credito_trabajo_planillas as credito_trabajo_promedio
from eitc_t6_estado_sexo_2019_2022
where sexo != 'No marcó o otro'
group by all

from data_2023
union all by name
from data_before
Insert cell
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Insert cell
with data_2023 as (
select year_contributivo, sexo, estado_civil,
credito_trabajo, credito_trabajo_planillas, credito_trabajo_promedio,
ingreso_ganado, ingreso_ganado_planillas, ingreso_ganado_promedio,
from estado_civil_sexo
where sexo != 'Otros'
data_before as (
select year_contributivo, sexo, estado_civil,
credito_trabajo_casados + credito_trabajo_individual as credito_trabajo,
credito_trabajo_casados_planillas + credito_trabajo_individual_planillas as credito_trabajo_planillas,
credito_trabajo / credito_trabajo_planillas as credito_trabajo_promedio,

ingreso_ganado_casados + ingreso_ganado_individual as ingreso_ganado,
ingreso_ganado_casados_planillas + ingreso_ganado_individual_planillas as ingreso_ganado_planillas,
ingreso_ganado / ingreso_ganado_planillas as ingreso_ganado_promedio,
from eitc_t6_estado_sexo_2019_2022
where sexo != 'No marcó o otro'
-- group by all

from data_2023
union all by name
from data_before
Insert cell
year_contributivo, sexo, estado_civil,
ingreso_ganado_casados + ingreso_ganado_individual as ingreso_ganado,
ingreso_ganado_casados_planillas + ingreso_ganado_individual_planillas as ingreso_ganado_planillas,
ingreso_ganado / ingreso_ganado_planillas as ingreso_ganado_promedio,
from eitc_t6_estado_sexo_2019_2022
Insert cell
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Insert cell
from estado_civil_sexo
select sexo, estado_civil, sum(credito_trabajo_planillas) as credito_trabajo_planillas
group by all
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Insert cell
with initial as (
select * replace (regexp_extract(edad_table.edad, '\d+')::INT as edad)
from edad as edad_table

is_joven_aggregates as (
select edad <= 26 as is_joven,
sum(credito_trabajo_planillas) as credito_trabajo_planillas,
sum(credito_trabajo) as credito_trabajo,
sum(credito_trabajo) / sum(credito_trabajo_planillas) as credito_trabajo_promedio,
sum(ingreso_ganado) / sum(ingreso_ganado_planillas) as ingreso_ganado_promedio,
from initial
group by all

select *,
credito_trabajo_planillas / sum(credito_trabajo_planillas) over () as credito_trabajo_planillas_pct,
credito_trabajo / sum(credito_trabajo) over () as credito_trabajo_pct,
from is_joven_aggregates
Insert cell
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Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
select regexp_extract(edad_table.edad, '\d+')::INT as edad, credito_trabajo_promedio, credito_trabajo,
credito_trabajo_planillas, ingreso_ganado_planillas, ingreso_ajustado_planillas,
ingreso_ajustado, ingreso_ajustado_promedio,
ingreso_ganado, ingreso_ganado_promedio,
credito_trabajo / ingreso_ganado as credito_trabajo_pct_by_ingreso_ganado,
credito_trabajo / ingreso_ajustado as credito_trabajo_pct_by_ingreso_ajustado,
ct_cantidad_dependientes / credito_trabajo_planillas as ct_cantidad_dependientes_promedio,
credito_trabajo_planillas - ct_cantidad_dependientes_planillas as credito_trabajo_planillas_sin_dependientes,
credito_trabajo_planillas_sin_dependientes / credito_trabajo_planillas as credito_trabajo_planillas_sin_dependientes_pct,
1 - credito_trabajo_planillas_sin_dependientes_pct as credito_trabajo_planillas_con_dependientes_pct
from edad as edad_table
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with initial as (
regexp_extract(ct_categoria_dependientes, '\d+').regexp_replace('^$', '0')::INT as ct_categoria_dependientes_num,
sum(credito_trabajo) / sum(credito_trabajo_planillas) as credito_trabajo_promedio,
sum(credito_trabajo_planillas) as credito_trabajo_planillas,
sum(credito_trabajo) as credito_trabajo,
from dependientes
group by ct_categoria_dependientes_num

select *,
credito_trabajo_planillas / sum(credito_trabajo_planillas) over () as credito_trabajo_planillas_pct_by_num_deps
from initial
Insert cell
with initial as (
regexp_extract(ct_categoria_dependientes, '\d+').regexp_replace('^$', '0')::INT as ct_categoria_dependientes_num,
sum(credito_trabajo) / sum(credito_trabajo_planillas) as credito_trabajo_promedio,
sum(credito_trabajo_planillas) as credito_trabajo_planillas,
from dependientes
group by estado_civil, ct_categoria_dependientes_num

select *,
credito_trabajo_planillas / sum(credito_trabajo_planillas) over () as credito_trabajo_planillas_pct_by_num_deps
from initial
order by estado_civil desc, ct_categoria_dependientes_num
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with initial as (
regexp_extract(ct_categoria_dependientes, '\d+').regexp_replace('^$', '0')::INT as ct_categoria_dependientes_num,
sum(credito_trabajo) / sum(credito_trabajo_planillas) as credito_trabajo_promedio,
sum(credito_trabajo_planillas) as credito_trabajo_planillas
from dependientes_sexo
where sexo != 'Otros'
group by sexo, ct_categoria_dependientes_num
order by sexo, ct_categoria_dependientes_num

select *,
credito_trabajo_planillas / sum(credito_trabajo_planillas) over (partition by sexo) as credito_trabajo_planillas_pct_by_sexo
from initial
Insert cell
with initial as (
regexp_extract(ct_categoria_dependientes, '\d+').regexp_replace('^$', '0')::INT as ct_categoria_dependientes_num,
sum(credito_trabajo) / sum(credito_trabajo_planillas) as credito_trabajo_promedio,
sum(ct_cantidad_dependientes) as ct_cantidad_dependientes,
-- sum(ct_cantidad_dependientes_planillas) as ct_cantidad_dependientes_planillas, -- NO usar porque usa 0 planillas para 0 deps
sum(credito_trabajo) as credito_trabajo,
sum(credito_trabajo_planillas) as credito_trabajo_planillas
from dependientes_sexo
where sexo != 'Otros'
group by sexo, ct_categoria_dependientes_num
order by sexo, ct_categoria_dependientes_num

absolute_aggregates as (
select sexo, ct_categoria_dependientes_num > 0 as ct_has_dependientes,
sum(ct_cantidad_dependientes) as ct_cantidad_dependientes,
sum(credito_trabajo) as credito_trabajo,
sum(credito_trabajo_planillas) as credito_trabajo_planillas,
sum(credito_trabajo) / sum(credito_trabajo_planillas) as credito_trabajo_promedio,
sum(ct_cantidad_dependientes) / sum(credito_trabajo_planillas) as ct_cantidad_dependientes_promedio
from initial
group by all

select *,
credito_trabajo_planillas / sum(credito_trabajo_planillas) over (partition by sexo) as credito_trabajo_planillas_pct_by_sexo,
from absolute_aggregates
order by sexo, ct_has_dependientes
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select ocupacion, credito_trabajo_promedio, credito_trabajo, credito_trabajo_planillas, ingreso_ganado_promedio
from ocupacion
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Insert cell
select categoria_ingreso, credito_trabajo_promedio, credito_trabajo, credito_trabajo_planillas, ingreso_ganado_promedio
from fuente_ingreso
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Insert cell
data_by_municipio_with_geojson.features.filter(d => === undefined).map(d => Object({'en_geojson':, 'en_hacienda':}))
Insert cell
Insert cell
municipios_label_hack = Object({
'Quebradillas': '\nQuebradillas',
'Camuy': '\nCamuy',
'Guaynabo': '\nGuaynabo',
'Canóvanas': '\nCanóvanas',
Insert cell
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Insert cell
data_by_municipio_with_geojson = add_data_to_geojson(
['municipio', 'municipio'],
Insert cell
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with initial as (
select escala_ingreso_ganado,
regexp_extract(escala_ingreso_ganado, '(\d+) <= x < (\d+)', 1)::INT as escala_ingreso_ganado_limite_inferior,
regexp_extract(escala_ingreso_ganado, '(\d+) <= x < (\d+)', 2)::INT as escala_ingreso_ganado_limite_superior,
credito_trabajo, credito_trabajo_planillas, credito_trabajo_promedio, ingreso_ganado, ingreso_ganado_planillas,
from ingreso_ganado

select sum(credito_trabajo_planillas), sum(credito_trabajo), sum(credito_trabajo) / sum(credito_trabajo_planillas),
sum(ingreso_ganado) / sum(ingreso_ganado_planillas)
from initial
where escala_ingreso_ganado_limite_inferior >= 29_000
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-- datos_by_estado_civil_ingreso_ganado_pivot_by_sexo
with edited_ingreso_ganado_sexo as (
select * replace (
escala_ingreso_ganado.replace('45500 ó más', '45000 <= x < Infinity') as escala_ingreso_ganado
from ingreso_ganado_sexo
where sexo != 'Otros' -- No hay escala de ingreso disponible para 'Otros'

escalas_processed as (
select sexo, escala_ingreso_ganado,
regexp_extract(escala_ingreso_ganado, '(\d+) <= x < (\d+)?', 1)::INT as escala_ingreso_ganado_limite_inferior,
regexp_extract(escala_ingreso_ganado, '(\d+) <= x < (\d+)?', 2).nullif('')::INT as escala_ingreso_ganado_limite_superior,
credito_trabajo_promedio_individual, credito_trabajo_individual_planillas,
credito_trabajo_promedio_casados, credito_trabajo_casados_planillas,
from edited_ingreso_ganado_sexo

estado_civil_unpivot as (
unpivot escalas_processed
ON (credito_trabajo_promedio_individual, credito_trabajo_individual_planillas) AS "Contribuyente Individual",
(credito_trabajo_promedio_casados, credito_trabajo_casados_planillas) AS "Casado"
NAME estado_civil
VALUE credito_trabajo_promedio, credito_trabajo_planillas

estado_civil_filtered as (
-- Filter out escalas que caen fuera del programa (e.g. estado individual es ingreso < 44,500)
from estado_civil_unpivot
where not ((estado_civil = 'Contribuyente Individual') and (escala_ingreso_ganado_limite_inferior >= 44500)) -- Limite Individual es 44,147

sexo_pivot as (
pivot (from estado_civil_filtered select * replace (sexo.lower() as sexo))
on sexo IN ('femenino', 'masculino') -- Need the IN clause con mi current version del Observable client.
-- See para arreglarlo
using sum(credito_trabajo_promedio) as credito_trabajo_promedio, sum(credito_trabajo_planillas) as credito_trabajo_planillas
group by escala_ingreso_ganado, escala_ingreso_ganado_limite_inferior, escala_ingreso_ganado_limite_superior, estado_civil
sexo_pct_windows as (
select *,
femenino_credito_trabajo_planillas / sum(femenino_credito_trabajo_planillas) over (partition by estado_civil) as femenino_credito_trabajo_planillas_pct_by_estado,
masculino_credito_trabajo_planillas / sum(masculino_credito_trabajo_planillas) over (partition by estado_civil) as masculino_credito_trabajo_planillas_pct_by_estado,
femenino_credito_trabajo_planillas_pct_by_estado - masculino_credito_trabajo_planillas_pct_by_estado as sexo_diferencia_credito_trabajo_planillas_pct_by_estado,
femenino_credito_trabajo_promedio - masculino_credito_trabajo_promedio as sexo_diferencia_credito_trabajo_promedio,
from sexo_pivot

select *,
sum(sexo_diferencia_credito_trabajo_planillas_pct_by_estado) over (partition by estado_civil order by escala_ingreso_ganado_limite_inferior ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as cumu_sexo_diferencia_credito_trabajo_planillas_pct_by_estado
from sexo_pct_windows
order by estado_civil, escala_ingreso_ganado_limite_inferior

-- NOTE: El tope de las escalas para Casados de hombre son mayores a las escalas disponibles para mujeres
-- Una solucion es merge them pero preferiby usando arquero luego cuando necesario
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with data as (
regexp_extract(ct_categoria_dependientes, '\d+').regexp_replace('^$', '0')::INT as ct_categoria_dependientes_num,
sum(credito_trabajo) / sum(credito_trabajo_planillas) as credito_trabajo_promedio,
sum(ingreso_ganado) / sum(ingreso_ganado_planillas) as ingreso_ganado_promedio
from dependientes
group by ct_categoria_dependientes_num

unpivot data
on credito_trabajo_promedio, ingreso_ganado_promedio
name variable_name value cantidad
order by ct_categoria_dependientes_num, variable_name desc
Insert cell
describe dependientes
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participacion_laboral = {
let data = await FileAttachment("tasa_participacion_laboral@1.csv").csv({typed: true})
data = aq.from(data).derive({
rate: d => d.rate /100
return data
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// let thevariable = variables_metadata.filter(d => (d.dato === dato_input) & (d.promedio_o_total === 'promedio'))[0];
let thevariable = {variable: 'outflow_per_capita'}
let thedata = federal_outflows.filter(d => d.outflow_per_capita < 0)
thedata = aq.from(thedata)
'outflow_per_capita': d => d.outflow_per_capita*-1
'below_pr': d => d.outflow_per_capita > 10300,
// .orderby('outflow_per_capita')
let eitc_promedio = aq.from(thedata)
'outflow_per_capita': op.mean('outflow_per_capita')

let state_labels = {
'District of Columbia': 'District of\nColumbia',
let theplot = Plot.plot({
marginLeft: 160,
// marginRight: 70,
marginBottom: 50,
// marginTop: 30,
// width: 1000,
height: 700,
// x: {percent: true,},
marks: [
fontFamily: 'jaf-bernino-sans',
fontVariant: 'tabular-nums',
tickSize: 0,
fontSize: 16,
tickFormat: '$,.0s',
label: 'Deficits in Net Federal Expenditures per Capita',
reverse: true,
label: null,
fontFamily: 'jaf-bernino-sans',
tickSize: 0,
fontSize: 16,
// rotate: -90,
// reverse: true,
// tickSpacing: .3,
// tickPadding: 30,
textAnchor: 'end', lineAnchor: 'middle',
// tickFormat: d => state_labels[d] ?? d,
Plot.barX(thedata, {
x: thevariable.variable,
y: 'state',
fill: d => d.state === 'Puerto Rico' ? EA_COLORES_MAP['INDIGO'] : (
d.below_pr ? chroma(EA_COLORES_MAP['GREEN']).alpha(0.35).hex() : '#cdd1ec'
// opacity: d => d['País'] === 'Puerto Rico (2023'
sort: {y: "x", reverse: true},
// Plot.ruleX([credito_promedio]),
// Plot.text(thedata, {
// filter: d => d[thevariable.variable] < 0,
// fontFamily: 'jaf-bernino-sans',
// fontVariant: 'tabular-nums',
// fontWeight: 'bold',
// fontSize: 14.5,
// y: thevariable.variable,
// x: 'state',
// fill: d => d.state === 'Puerto Rico' ? 'black' : 'black',
// text: d => d3.format('$,.0f')(d[thevariable.variable]),
// // dx: -5,
// // textAnchor: 'end',
// sort: {x: "y", reverse: true}}),
Plot.text(thedata, {
filter: d => d[thevariable.variable] >= 30000,
fontFamily: 'jaf-bernino-sans',
fontVariant: 'tabular-nums',
fontWeight: 'bold',
fontSize: 14.5,
x: thevariable.variable,
// rotate: -90,
y: 'state',
fill: d => d.state === 'Puerto Rico' ? 'black' : 'black',
text: d => d3.format('$,.0f')(d[thevariable.variable]),
dx: -5,
textAnchor: 'end',
// dy: 8,
// sort: {y: "x", reverse: false},
Plot.text(thedata, {
filter: d => d[thevariable.variable] < 30000,
fontFamily: 'jaf-bernino-sans',
fontVariant: 'tabular-nums',
fontWeight: 'bold',
fontSize: 14.5,
x: thevariable.variable,
// rotate: -90,
y: 'state',
fill: d => d.state === 'Puerto Rico' ? 'black' : 'black',
text: d => d3.format('$,.0f')(d[thevariable.variable]),
dx: 5,
stroke: 'white', strokeWidth: 6,
textAnchor: 'start',
// dy: -8,
// sort: {y: "x", reverse: false},
Plot.text([0], {
x: eitc_promedio,
dx: 5,
// dy: -8,
y: d => 'Idaho',
text: d => `Average\n${d3.format('$,.0f')(eitc_promedio)}`,
textAnchor: 'start',
lineAnchor: 'bottom',
fontFamily: 'jaf-bernino-sans',
fontWeight: 'bold',
fontSize: 13,
// console.log('ugh', theplot)
add_estilos(theplot, 'somebar')

return theplot
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fuente_ingreso_newline_labels = Object({
'Empleado de empresa privada': 'Empleado de\nempresa privada',
'Empleado del gobierno federal': 'Empleado del\ngobierno federal',
'Empleado del gobierno': 'Empleado del\ngobierno local',
'Otro': 'Otra',
'Retirado / Pensionado': 'Retirado\no pensionado',
'Trabajo por cuenta propia': 'Trabajo por\ncuenta propia',
Insert cell
with data_2023 as (
select categoria_ingreso, year_contributivo,
credito_trabajo, credito_trabajo_planillas, credito_trabajo_promedio
from fuente_ingreso
data_before as (
('Empleado del Gobierno, municipios o Corporaciones Públicas', 'Empleado del gobierno'),
('Empleado de Empresa Privada', 'Empleado de empresa privada'),
('Trabajo por Cuenta Propia', 'Trabajo por cuenta propia'),
('Empleado del Gobierno Federal', 'Empleado del gobierno federal')
]))["Fuente de Mayor Ingreso"][1], "Fuente de Mayor Ingreso") as categoria_ingreso, year_contributivo,
credito_trabajo_casados + credito_trabajo_individual as credito_trabajo,
credito_trabajo_casados_planillas + credito_trabajo_individual_planillas as credito_trabajo_planillas,
credito_trabajo / credito_trabajo_planillas as credito_trabajo_promedio,
from eitc_t4_fuente_ingreso_2019_2022
where categoria_ingreso is not null

from data_2023
union all by name
from data_before
Insert cell
Insert cell
eitc_participation_rates = {
let data = await eitc_participation_rates_file.csv({typed: true})
data = aq.from(data)
// .derive({'latest_rate': d => d['Tax Year 2020']})
.rename({'Participation Rate by State': 'state'})
.fold(aq.not('state'), {'as': ['year', 'rate']})
// state: d =>,
year: d => +op.replace(d.year, 'Tax Year ', '')
data.forEach(d => {
d.state = convertToTitleCase(d.state)
d.state = state_replace[d.state] ?? d.state
d.rate = (+d.rate?.slice(0, -1))/100
data= [{
state: 'Puerto Rico',
year: 2021,
// rate: .872,
rate: 1.234,
return data
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dot_abbreviation_hack = Object({
'AK': 'AK ',
'CO': '\n\n\n CO',
'CT': ' CT',
'DC': '\n\n\n DC',
'IA': '\n\n\n IA',
'ID': '\n\n\n\n ID',
'IL': '\n IL',
'KS': '\nKS ',
// 'MA': ' MA',
'ME': ' ME',
'MD': ' MD',
'MO': 'MO ',
'MN': 'MN ',
'MT': '\n\n\n MT',
// 'NC': 'NC ',
'ND': '\n\n\n\n ND',
'NH': '\n\n\n\n NH',
'NJ': ' NJ',
// 'NM': 'NM ',
'OH': '\nOH ',
'RI': '\n\nRI ',
'SD': 'SD ',
'UT': '\n\n\n\n UT',
'VT': '\n\n\n\nVT',
'WY': '\n\n\nWY ',
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select state, total_eitc, claims, average_eitc, jurisdiction, amount, share
from eitc_returns_with_local
where scale = 'total' and jurisdiction = 'federal'

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let aq_eitc_local = aq.from(eitc_local_governments)

return aq.from(eitc_returns)
.join_left(aq_eitc_local, 'state')
// .filter(d => d.percentage_of_federal_credit !== undefined)
.impute({ percentage_of_federal_credit: () => 0 })
'total_eitc': 'total_eitc_federal',
'average_eitc': 'average_eitc_federal',
'total_eitc_local': d => (d.total_eitc_federal * d.percentage_of_federal_credit),
'average_eitc_local': d => (d.total_eitc_federal * d.percentage_of_federal_credit)/,
'total_eitc': d => d.total_eitc_federal + d.total_eitc_local,
'average_eitc': d => d.average_eitc_federal + d.average_eitc_local
.fold(aq.not('state', 'claims', 'year', 'percentage_of_federal_credit', 'refundable', 'total_eitc', 'average_eitc'), {as: ['eitc_var', 'amount']})
'scale': d => op.split(d.eitc_var, '_')[0],
'jurisdiction': d => op.split(d.eitc_var, '_')[2],
'share': d => d.amount / (d.scale === 'total' ? d.total_eitc : d.average_eitc),
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
irs_collections = {
let data = await irs_collections_file.csv({typed: true})
// collections estan en thousands y las llevamos a ones
data = aq.from(data)
collections: d => d.collections*1000
return data
Insert cell
federal_outflows = aq.from(poverty_table)
.select('state', 'total_population')
'outflow': d => d.collections - d.obligations, // outflow means FROM the state TO los federales
'outflow_per_capita': d => d.outflow / d.total_population,
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
figcaption {
max-width: 100%;
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
fonts_css_content = await fetch(fonts_link).then(r => r.text())
Insert cell
fonts_css = htl.html`
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
import {municipios_geojson} from "22dc6182207c44c8"
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
duckdb = import(
Insert cell
bundle = {
const bundles = duckdb.getJsDelivrBundles()
if (duckdb_bundle === 'Auto') {
return duckdb.selectBundle(bundles)
} else {
const bun = bundles[duckdb_bundle]
bun['pthreadWorker'] = null;
return bun;
// return bundles['mvp']
Insert cell
async function makeDB() {
const logger = new duckdb.ConsoleLogger();
const worker = await duckdb.createWorker(bundle.mainWorker);
const db = new duckdb.AsyncDuckDB(logger, worker);
await db.instantiate(bundle.mainModule);
return db
Insert cell
db_instance = {
// Initialize database
const db = await makeDB()

// Insert files directly into tables
// await insertFile(db, 'penguins_file', penguins_file);
// await insertFile(db, 'eitc_t4_fuente_ingreso_2019_2022_file', eitc_t4_fuente_ingreso_2019_2022_file)
await insertFile(db, 'eitc_t6_estado_sexo_2019_2022_file', eitc_t6_estado_sexo_2019_2022_file)

// Alternatively, register file into the db's filesystem
const db_buffer = await eitc_2023_db_file.arrayBuffer();
await db.registerFileBuffer(
'eitc_2023_database.db', // Choose filename to use inside db
new Uint8Array(db_buffer)

const t4_buffer = await eitc_t4_fuente_ingreso_2019_2022_file.arrayBuffer();
await db.registerFileBuffer(
'eitc_t4_fuente_ingreso_2019_2022.csv', // Choose filename to use inside db
new Uint8Array(t4_buffer)
return db
Insert cell
client = {
const client_class = (duckdb_client === 'Compatibility') ? DuckDBClientCompat : DuckDBClient;
const c = new client_class(db_instance);

// Attach external db
await c.query(`attach if not exists 'eitc_2023_database.db'`)
// await c.query(`use eitc_2023_database`)

// Create views in main db for convenience
// For some reason el 'use eitc_2023_database' statement is not working
// pero this workaround is good enough
const tables_in_db = (await c.query(`
select name
from (show all tables)
where database = 'eitc_2023_database'
`)).map(d =>

for (let table_name of tables_in_db) {
await c.query(`
create or replace view ${table_name} as (
from eitc_2023_database.${table_name}

await c.query(`
create or replace table eitc_t4_fuente_ingreso_2019_2022_file as (
from 'eitc_t4_fuente_ingreso_2019_2022.csv'

await process_old_table(c, 'eitc_t4_fuente_ingreso_2019_2022_file', 'eitc_t4_fuente_ingreso_2019_2022')
await process_old_table(c, 'eitc_t6_estado_sexo_2019_2022_file', 'eitc_t6_estado_sexo_2019_2022')

// Create tables here
// await c.query(`
// create or replace table penguins as (
// from penguins_file
// )
// `)
// await c.query(`
// create or replace table iris as (
// from 'iris.csv' -- Filename used as first arg to db.registerFileBuffer
// )
// `)
return c;
Insert cell
async function process_old_table(client, input_table, output_table) {
// client
// const input_table = 'eitc_t6_estado_sexo_2019_2022_file'
// const output_table = 'eitc_t6_estado_sexo_2019_2022'

// const rename_mapper = Object({
// 'Estado Civil': 'estado_civil',
// 'Sexo Contribuyente': 'sexo',
// 'Año contributivo': 'year_contributivo',
// 'Casados - Total Ingreso bruto ganado para la determinación del EITC': 'ingreso_ganado_casados',
// 'Planillas Casados - Total Ingreso bruto ganado para la determinación del EITC': 'ingreso_ganado_casados_planillas',
// })
let rename_mapper = structuredClone(planillas_column_label_to_name)
rename_mapper = {...rename_mapper, ...{
'Sexo Contribuyente': 'sexo',

const input_columns = (await client.query(`describe ${input_table}`)).map(d => d.column_name)
const renameable_columns = input_columns.filter(d => d in rename_mapper)

let rename_query = ''
if (renameable_columns.length > 0) {
rename_query = 'select\n'
for (let col of input_columns) {
rename_query += `\t"${col}"${renameable_columns.includes(col) ? ' as '+rename_mapper[col] : ''},\n`
rename_query += `from ${input_table}`

let final_query = `
create or replace table ${output_table} as (
with renamed as (

from renamed

await client.query(final_query)
return final_query
Insert cell
describe eitc_t6_estado_sexo_2019_2022
Insert cell
describe estado_civil_sexo
Insert cell
Insert cell
class DuckDBClientCompat extends DuckDBClient {
async queryStream(query, params) {
const connection = await this._db.connect();
let reader, batch;
try {
if (params?.length > 0) {
const statement = await connection.prepare(query);
reader = await statement.send(...params);
} else {
reader = await connection.send(query);
batch = await;
if (batch.done) throw new Error("missing first batch");
} catch (error) {
await connection.close();
throw error;

// Mosaic utility: convert Arrow value to Javascript value
const converters = {}
batch.value.schema.fields.forEach(d => {
console.log('Type for ',, d.type)
converters[] = convertArrowValue(d.type)
return {
schema: getArrowTableSchema(batch.value),
async *readRows() {
try {
while (!batch.done) {
let batch_array = batch.value.toArray();

// Convert all values to Javascript version
let object_array = []
for (let i = 0; i < batch_array.length; i++) {
const d_proxy = batch_array[i];
const d_obj = {}
for (let k of Object.keys(converters)) {
d_obj[k] = converters[k](d_proxy[k])
yield object_array;
batch = await;
} finally {
await connection.close();
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
getArrowTableSchema = observable_stdlib.getArrowTableSchema
Insert cell
convertArrowValue = mosaic_core.convertArrowValue
Insert cell
observable_stdlib = await import('');
Insert cell
mosaic_core = await import('');
Insert cell
Insert cell
penguins_file = FileAttachment("penguins.csv")
Insert cell
iris_file = FileAttachment("iris.csv")
Insert cell
eitc_2023_db_file = FileAttachment("eitc_2023@1.db")
Insert cell
planillas_2023_metadata_file = FileAttachment("planillas_2023_metadata.xlsx")
Insert cell
eitc_returns_2023_file = FileAttachment("eitc_returns_2023.csv")
Insert cell
state_abbreviations_file = FileAttachment("states_abbreviations.csv")
Insert cell
poverty_income_file = FileAttachment("PovertyIncome-ACS-5y-2023.xlsx")
Insert cell
usaspending_obligations_file = FileAttachment("usaspending_obligations_scrape_Y2023_at_2025_02_10.csv")
Insert cell
irs_collections_file = FileAttachment("irs_gross_collections_2023.csv")
Insert cell
eitc_participation_rates_file = FileAttachment("eitc_participation_rates@1.csv")
Insert cell
Insert cell
eitc_t4_fuente_ingreso_2019_2022_file = FileAttachment("eitc_t4_fuente_ingreso_2019_2022.csv")
Insert cell
eitc_t6_estado_sexo_2019_2022_file = FileAttachment("eitc_t6_estado_sexo_2019_2022.parquet")
Insert cell

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