Dec 19, 2023
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styles = htl.svg`<style>
@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Space+Grotesk:wght@300;400;700&display=swap');
text {
font-family: "Space Grotesk" !important;
font-size: 12px !important;
font-weight: 400 !important;
color: #636363 !important;
span {
font-family: "Space Grotesk" !important;
font-weight:700 !important;
color: #636363;
h3 {
font-family: "Space Grotesk" !important;
font-size: 14px !important;
font-weight: 400 !important;
font-family: "Space Grotesk" !important;
font-size: 16px !important;
font-weight: 700 !important;
.cum {
color: #24cde6;
.dist {
color: #1f4788;
.dist-week {
color: #7b63ff;
.pace {
color: #ce00a0;
.hr {
color: lime;
figure {
margin-bottom: 20px;
label {
font-family: "Space Grotesk" !important;
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xAxis = Plot.axisX({ticks: "month", tickSize: 16, tickPadding: -11, tickFormat: " %b", textAnchor: "start", stroke:"#636363", strokeWidth:1, strokeOpacity:0.2})
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// time of day?
// does time of day have an affect
// color the dot based on if morning, afternnon, night
// note i did not have a plan for any run other than distance
title: "Pace over time against time of day",
subtitle: "Does time of day have an impact on running performance?",
style: {
fontFamily: "system-ui",
fontSize: "15px",
overflow: "visible"
color: {
type: "categorical",
domain: ["morning", "afternoon", "night", "late_night"],
range: ["yellow", "orange", "blue", "black"],
marks: [
Plot.dot(strava, {x: "x_date", y: "x_min/mi", fill: (data) => {

const colors = {
morning: 'yellow',
afternoon: 'orange',
night: 'blue',
late_night: 'black',

const timeRanges = {
morning: { start: '06:00:00', end: '12:00:00' },
afternoon: { start: '12:00:00', end: '18:00:00' },
night: { start: '18:00:00', end: '00:00:00' },
late_night: { start: '00:00:00', end: '06:00:00' },

const startDate = new Date(`1970-01-01T${data.start_date.split(" ")[1]}`);
const color = Object.keys(timeRanges).find((timeRange) => {
const { start, end } = timeRanges[timeRange];
const startTime = new Date(`1970-01-01T${start}`);
const endTime = timeRange == "night" ? new Date(`1970-01-02T${end}`) : new Date(`1970-01-01T${end}`);
return startDate >= startTime && startDate < endTime;
return colors[color];

d3.groups(addTimeOfDayProp(strava), (d) => d.timeOfDay).map(([s]) =>
Plot.density(addTimeOfDayProp(strava), {
x: "x_date",
y: "x_min/mi",
weight: (d) => d.timeOfDay === s ? 1 : -1,
fill: () => {
const colors = {
morning: 'yellow',
afternoon: 'orange',
night: 'blue',
late_night: 'black',
return colors[s]},
fillOpacity: 0.2,
thresholds: [0.01]
Plot.lineY(strava, Plot.windowY(8, {x: "x_date", y: "x_min/mi", stroke: "red", curve:'basis'})),
Plot.linearRegressionY(strava, {x: "x_date", y: "x_min/mi"})

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// time of day?
// does time of day have an affect
// color the dot based on if morning, afternnon, night
// note i did not have a plan for any run other than distance

// i should just do the thresholds by seconds instead of using complicated date stuff
title: "Pace over time against time of day",
subtitle: "Does time of day have an impact on running performance?",
color: {
type: "categorical",
domain: ["morning", "afternoon", "night", "late_night"],
range: ["yellow", "orange", "blue", "black"],
marks: [
Plot.dot(addTimeOfDayInMSProp(strava), {x: "startTime", y: "x_min/mi", fill: (data) => {
const colors = {
morning: 'yellow',
afternoon: 'orange',
night: 'blue',
late_night: 'black',

const timeRanges = {
morning: { start: '09:00:00', end: '15:00:00' },
afternoon: { start: '15:00:00', end: '21:00:00' },
night: { start: '21:00:00', end: '03:00:00' },
late_night: { start: '03:00:00', end: '09:00:00' },

const startDate = new Date(`1970-01-01T${data.start_date.split(" ")[1]}`);
const color = Object.keys(timeRanges).find((timeRange) => {
const { start, end } = timeRanges[timeRange];
const startTime = new Date(`1970-01-01T${start}`);
const endTime = timeRange == "night" ? new Date(`1970-01-02T${end}`) : new Date(`1970-01-01T${end}`);
return startDate >= startTime && startDate < endTime;

return colors[color];

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title:html`<h2 class="pace">pace</h2>`,
subtitle: html`<h3>average pace per run, minutes per mile for runs less than 4 miles and greater than 3 miles</h3>`,
style: {
// grid:true,
// ticks: 5,
// type:"log",
x: {
label: "date"
marks: [
Plot.dot(strava, {filter:(e) => e.x_mi<4 && e.x_mi>3,
x: "x_date", y: "x_min/mi", fill: paceColor, fillOpacity:0.2, stroke: paceColor, strokeWidth:(e)=>isMarathon(e)?1.5:0.5}),
Plot.lineY(strava, Plot.windowY(8, {filter:(e) => e.x_mi<4 && e.x_mi>3,x: "x_date", y: "x_min/mi", stroke: "red", curve:'basis', strokeWidth:0.7, stroke: "gray"})),
Plot.linearRegressionY(strava, {filter:(e) => e.x_mi<4&& e.x_mi>3,x: "x_date", y: "x_min/mi", fill: "#ce00a0", stroke: "#ce00a0", strokeWidth:2.5}),
Plot.axisY({ tickSize: 0, interval:0.5, tickFormat:(e) => {return decimalToMinutes(e)}, stroke:"#636363", strokeWidth:1, strokeOpacity:0.2, grid:true, filter:(e)=>{
// filter out tick marks that are granular above 11 min
return (e>10 || e<8) && Math.floor(e) != e ? false : true;
Plot.gridY({interval: 0.5, filter:(e)=>{
// filter out tick marks that are granular above 11 min
return (e>10 || e<8) && Math.floor(e) != e ? false : true;
}}), xAxis, () => styles,
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paceColorCategorized =(e) => {
if(e.id== "10323401108"){
return "red"
if ( e.x_mi >= 3 && e.x_mi <4 && show5k) {
return "black"
// if (e.x_mi<4) {
// return "black"
// }
return "#ce00a0"
if (e.x_mi<3) {
return "blue"
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keep5k = (e) => e.x_mi >= 3 && e.x_mi <4 && show5k
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viewof show5k = Inputs.toggle({label: "show 5k improvement"})
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title:html`<h2 class="pace">pace</h2>`,
subtitle: html`<h3>average pace per run, minutes per mile</h3>`,
style: {
color: {
type: "categorical",
domain: ["3mi - 4mi"],
range: ["black"],
// grid:true,
// ticks: 5,
// type:"log",
x: {
label: "date"
marks: [
Plot.dot(strava, {x: "x_date", y: "x_min/mi", fill: paceColorCategorized, fillOpacity:0.2, stroke: paceColorCategorized, strokeWidth:(e)=>isMarathon(e)?1.5:0.5}),
Plot.lineY(strava, Plot.windowY(8, {x: "x_date", y: "x_min/mi", stroke: "red", curve:'basis', strokeWidth:0.7, stroke: "gray"})),
Plot.linearRegressionY(strava, {x: "x_date", y: "x_min/mi", fill: "#ce00a0", stroke: "#ce00a0", strokeWidth:2.5}),
Plot.linearRegressionY(strava, {filter: keep5k, x: "x_date", y: "x_min/mi", fill: paceColorCategorized, stroke: paceColorCategorized, strokeWidth:2.5}),
Plot.axisY({ tickSize: 0, interval:0.5, tickFormat:(e) => {return decimalToMinutes(e)}, stroke:"#636363", strokeWidth:1, strokeOpacity:0.2, grid:true, filter:(e)=>{
// filter out tick marks that are granular above 11 min
return (e>10 || e<8) && Math.floor(e) != e ? false : true;
Plot.gridY({interval: 0.5, filter:(e)=>{
// filter out tick marks that are granular above 11 min
return (e>10 || e<8) && Math.floor(e) != e ? false : true;
}}), xAxis, () => styles, Plot.text(strava, { filter: isMarathon,x: "x_date", y: "x_min/mi", dx : -46,dy:20, text: (d) => `half-marathon`, fill:"red", rotate:-25 }),
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title:html`<h2 class="hr">heart rate</h2>`,
subtitle: html`<h3>average heartrate per run, bpm</h3>`,
// ticks: 5,
// type:"log",
color: {
type: "categorical",
domain: ["zone 2", "zone 3", "zone 4",],
range: ["#46eee1", "#bdfe00", "#ff820a"],
x: {
label: "date",
domain:[strava[0].x_date, strava[strava.length-1].x_date]
marks: [
// Plot.legend({color: {type: "linear", legend:true}}),
// Plot.legend( {color: {
// type: "categorical",
// domain: ["zone 2", "zone 3", "zone 4",],
// range: ["#46eee1", "#bdfe00", "#ff820a"],

// stroke:0,
// legend:true
// }}),
Plot.dot(strava, {x: "x_date", y: "average_heartrate", z:null,fill: (e) =>isMarathon(e)?"red":"lime", fillOpacity:0.2, stroke: (e)=> isMarathon(e)?"red":"lime", strokeWidth:(e)=>isMarathon(e)?1.5:0.5}),
Plot.lineY(strava, Plot.windowY(9, {x: "x_date", y: "average_heartrate", curve:'basis', strokeWidth:0.7, stroke: "gray"})),
Plot.linearRegressionY(strava, {x: "x_date", y: "average_heartrate", fill: "lime", stroke: "lime", strokeWidth:2.5}),
Plot.text(strava, { filter: isMarathon,x: "x_date", y: "average_heartrate", dx : -46,dy:-20, text: (d) => `half-marathon`, fill:"red", rotate:25 }),
Plot.rect([strava[0]], {
x1: strava[0].x_date, // or ([x1]) => x1
y1: 140, // or ([, y1]) => y1
x2: strava[strava.length-1].x_date, // or ([,, x2]) => x2
y2: 152, // or ([,,, y2]) => y2
}), Plot.rect([strava[0]], {
x1: strava[0].x_date, // or ([x1]) => x1
y1: 153, // or ([, y1]) => y1
x2: strava[strava.length-1].x_date, // or ([,, x2]) => x2
y2: 165, // or ([,,, y2]) => y2
}), Plot.rect([strava[0]], {
x1: strava[0].x_date, // or ([x1]) => x1
y1: 166, // or ([, y1]) => y1
x2: strava[strava.length-1].x_date, // or ([,, x2]) => x2
y2: 179, // or ([,,, y2]) => y2
}), ,xAxis, () => styles,
// Plot.rectX(strava,{y1: 140, y2: 156, x: strava[strava.length-1].x_date, fill:"green"}),

// Plot.areaY(strava, {x:"x_date", y:"average_heartrate"})
// Plot.areaX(strava,{y:{domain:[140,150]}, x1:new Date("2023-09-01"), x2: new Date("2023-09-01"), fill:"blue", fillOpacity:1})

// Plot.areaX(strava, {x: "100%", y: "average_heartrate", fillOpacity: 0.3}),
Insert cell

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